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Ibuypower cz-17 Vbios for 675mx help


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I have noticed that my GPU clock is stock at the max default clock. I am trying to mod my bios file but no application can find settings for it.

If anyone has a suggestion on modding or a bios file for the 675mx 4gb that is enabled for overclocking let me know.

My computer is a ibuypower computer, so its a little different than the msi version. I am kinda down that there is little to no support on my computer hardware. :offended:

I have my bios uploaded, if anyone wants to see if they have any luck moding it. (right now i have it being OC to +135mghz core and +750mghz mem but its locked to default by bios)

also, i cannot download files from this forum... it would be so awesome if i could.. or have alternative file downloading options?


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  • 5 months later...
Hey how far are you able to get your 675mx to overclock? I currently have the same laptop and have been thinking about updating my vbios to overclock mine, either that or upgrading to the 680m

There is a very small difference between 675mx and 680m. Get a modded vbios and overclock, you can hit 1000mhz core on default voltage.

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