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NVIDIA GTX 700 series - modified VBIOS


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I just played Borderlands 2 for about 15 mins. The lowest I saw it go was to 1045MHz then once and a while it will go up a bit then drop back down. I noticed it go all the way up to my set overclock speed once things got a bit crazy in game then drop back down once GPU usage dropped below 50%. I am going to post my hardware monitor file log so you can have a look if you need any more info please let me know.

Thank You Once Again :)


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I don't know, you're the second one telling me that everything above 1.5V will still max out at 1.5V... As the evbot sets the voltage directly per hardware bus the vbios shouldn't have any influence. Either it's a limitation in the evbot firmware, or it's a bug. Or a bug elsewhere...

It has been said that 1.80V or even more should be possible with the evbot, though I haven't seen any official specs confirming this. I'm not sure... maybe it would be best to contact EVGA, maybe the can give some insight here. I don't have a Classified 780 to test it myself so I can't really say anything for sure.

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I just played Borderlands 2 for about 15 mins. The lowest I saw it go was to 1045MHz then once and a while it will go up a bit then drop back down. I noticed it go all the way up to my set overclock speed once things got a bit crazy in game then drop back down once GPU usage dropped below 50%. I am going to post my hardware monitor file log so you can have a look if you need any more info please let me know.

Thank You Once Again :)

Ok, I see. It just clocks down to the default 3d clock when the GPU usage is low (35% and similar). Apparently the driver simply ignores the applied overclock, don't ask me why, that seems to be one more of Nvidia's mysterious decision, just like only allowing overclocking in 13MHz steps...

I don't think there's anything that can be done here. Then again, 1045MHz is still more than sufficient when the GPU usage is so low... but I don't like it either. The card should run at what it is set, only it seems that Nvidia doesn't agree here, else they would never have started with that boost crap.

- - - Updated - - -

Thx, I was trying with the stock LN2 bios at about -30C as I had only about 1 liter left, will try again when I fill the dewar and get colder...

That sure sounds like fun! :D Well, let me know if you find out more about this, I think it's very weird... no point in artificially limiting a special overclocking card..

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Does that happen if you change the "power management" setting in the Nvidia driver game profile from "adaptive" to "performance"?

Yes it still happens with it set to performance...

It really sucks as my framerates drop to about 60fps for a few sec with my clocks at 1045MHz... I game on a 120hz monitor and even with vsync on my framerate drops to below 100fps. This is by far the dumbest thing I have seen NVIDIA do. Why can't I just play at my max clocks settings. I am going try one last thing that will hopefully fix this issue which is enable Percision X K-Boost setting and see if my clock stay. Will report back soon.

P.S. @svl7 Are you sure there is not a bug in this bios as I think I remember my old 780 SC ACX using your "EVGA 780 - SC ACX - - 'OC edition v00" and it not downclocking while playing borderlands 2 a few weeks ago ?

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Well I just tryed the K-Boost setting and that seemed to fix my issue completely. No more downclocking. :Banane07: Now it is my understanding that K-Boost disables the cards boost and runs at max clocks all the time. I think I remember using svl7 first SC ACX bios and not having any type of downclock what so ever in any games... I also remember modding a 680 bios with the Kepler bios tweaker myself and completely disabling boost and that seemed to do the trick it would downclock to 2d clock and then stay at max 3d clock speeds in games. Any chance you can please take a look at the classified bios when you have some free time svl7 and see if there is something wrong with it ?

Thank You Once Again

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It looks like NVIDIA changed the RAM. I have two reference cards with a new BIOS Name ( 80.10.3A.00.82)

the RAM now only goes between +300 and +400 and the SLV7 BIOS dont work anymore and i got blank screen or Desktop freeze

@SLV7: kannst du mir bitte helfen ? Ich bräuchte dringend ein Mod BIOS wo mit den neuen Karten funktioniert.

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Any chance you can please take a look at the classified bios when you have some free time svl7 and see if there is something wrong with it ?

Can do but just now I don't see what could be wrong, the new mod is not based on the old one after all. Maybe I'm missing something.

But as mentioned before, it's not like your card throttles or anything, only the applied overclock gets removed, that's why I say it might be down to driver, or also overclock utility.

It looks like NVIDIA changed the RAM. I have two reference cards with a new BIOS Name ( 80.10.3A.00.82)

the RAM now only goes between +300 and +400 and the SLV7 BIOS dont work anymore and i got blank screen or Desktop freeze

There's a SC ACX vbios mod in the first post which is based on the new version, and the classified vbios there should solve this problem as well.

Is it possible to edit a modified BIOS safely ? I would like to change the frequency of the Classy bios, with Kepler Bios Editor

Most likely no.

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first of all: Thank you very much for your hard effort! Please keep it up. :)

Unfortunately, I can't download any of the GTX 780 attachments. Is that a known bug or do I just have to achieve a minimum post count or something else?

Greetings from Germany,


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Ah, thanks! I knew that registering and just clicking the activation link won't be enough. :D "Wer lesen kann, ist klar im Vorteil", you know. :chuncky:

I'll try to contribute some of my experience before using your BIOS'es for an article.

Greetings to Switzerland,


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Hello svl7!

Into the topic of the BIOS MOD for Titan, a user have requested a modified BIOS that enables you to do undervolt even at idle.

If you decide to do one, please would you like to do one too for the GTX780? I like the idea!

Thank you for your effort!

PS. now I have downloaded the OC edition v03, I want to test it!

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Ah yeah... I think I need to add some more information to the first post when I get the chance... The newer vbios (3A) will work perfectly fine on the "older" cards as well.

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Whats the deal with this "3A" Bios? Is there an issue with the (SC) Cards? I checked my old classified bios and it says: "80.10.3A.01.80"

But i have no trouble with the sc v03 bios. (Custom Classified bios still not tested)

Apparently the latest batch of cards are using Elpida memory modules, instead of the Samsung ones that got used initially. Vbios versions 80.10.3A.00.xx introduces support for those new memory modules. The Elpida memory is not supported in the earlier vbios versions, that's most likely why 780s from recent batches are having serious issues with the older vbios versions ( /

I say it again, you can safely use the "3A" version on any card, including those from the first batches. The only thing that is not advisable is to use a "36" or "37" vbios on a card that got delivered with a "3A" version, it will only result in crashes and stability issues.

having issue clocking the mem... +350 is flaky thru Heaven... 1359x1650... need to try your bios!

The modified vbios most likely won't make a noticeable difference when it comes to the memory frequency.

However it seems that cards which have the Elpida memory modules on the board can't overclock the memory as high as the cards that use Samsung modules, at least that's what it seems so far from looking reports from different users. (Thanks @ eagle*23* for pointing this out).

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Apparently the latest batch of cards are using Elpida memory modules, instead of the Samsung ones that got used initially. Vbios versions 80.10.3A.00.xx introduces support for those new memory modules. The Elpida memory is not supported in the earlier vbios versions, that's most likely why 780s from recent batches are having serious issues with the older vbios versions ( /

I say it again, you can safely use the "3A" version on any card, including those from the first batches. The only thing that is not advisable is to use a "36" or "37" vbios on a card that got delivered with a "3A" version, it will only result in crashes and stability issues.

The modified vbios most likely won't make a noticeable difference when it comes to the memory frequency.

However it seems that cards which have the Elpida memory modules on the board can't overclock the memory as high as the cards that use Samsung modules, at least that's what it seems so far from looking reports from different users. (Thanks @ eagle*23* for pointing this out).

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Hey guys I here you all talking about GTX 780 and GTX 770 bios mods but can I get some love with my GTX 760? I know with some good voltage I could get 1400-1500mhz from it. My model is the GV-N760OC-2GD. If you could modify this BIOS to allow more voltage and possibly disable boost 2.0 I would appreciate that very much.

I successfully had my Lenovo Y580 BIOS unlocked and my little GTX 660m is chugging at 1260mhz so thanks for that :)

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Okay, never flashed a bios here but I seem to have a decent 780 but I am hitting the power limits, was sent here. I have the new revision. (80.10.3A.00.80) so I need to download a different bios right? Its a 780 ACX SC. What are the steps in updating your bios? Safety wise is it pretty safe? If all I am doing is increasing the power usage and using the 1.212mv my card should not degrade much right? Power usage you say it will hit up to 350w, it won't ever hit this unlesss I have a mega OC right? It won't have any power spikes or anything? Only uses what it needs?

Clocks are stock, card idles normally at 2d voltage. So this means it downclocks normally if I am not playing a game? I notice you remvoed GPU boost, this means when I set an OC it will run that OC when in a 3d game no matter what?

What potentially dangerous thigns should I keep an eye out for, ie clocks running maxed when browsing the web.

Thanks alot

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