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NVIDIA GTX 700 series - modified VBIOS


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Hi. I have flashed my 2 MSI GTX780 with the Nvidia GTX 780 - - 'OC edition v00' Bios, no problem there but when

the cards a3re idle they downclock themself to Core/324 Mem/324 and Volt/0.875 but when i stress test them in for

example Kombustor i get the clocks and volts that i have set in OC. Is it suppose to do that? Or have i done something wrong?

- - - Updated - - -

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@pharma, Did you under-clock the memory or is that stock? I wonder how high can GPU go. I'd love to see 1.3 on Titan though. :torn:

Stock memory on 780 Classifieds is 6008 and I overclocked to 7718. As far as how high depends on benchmark, cooling and "GPU" lottery, though eVGA does pick these GPU's to achieve very high frequencies.

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Stock memory on 780 Classifieds is 6008 and I overclocked to 7718. As far as how high depends on benchmark, cooling and "GPU" lottery, though eVGA does pick these GPU's to achieve very high frequencies.

That is a very nice memory overclock, I can only get mine up to 7000 in benchmarks and game stable is only like 6150. Darn my luck.

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The hardware design of the reference card and classified are definitely different, so assume that this will also apply to the bios

Yeah, true, but interestingly the board ID in the vbios is the same as used in the reference card, so I say the classified vbios will work on reference cards as well, but there's no point in doing so, it still won't be possible to go above 1.21V with the reference card.

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Yeah, true, but interestingly the board ID in the vbios is the same as used in the reference card, so I say the classified vbios will work on reference cards as well, but there's no point in doing so, it still won't be possible to go above 1.21V with the reference card.

That makes sense .... my concern would be the increased Power Target in PrecisionX and whether damage can occur with Extreme benching on non-classified cards. :59:

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Increasing the power target doesn't mean your card will draw more power. If you have a reference card running at 1.21V and set the power target to 800W it will draw exactly the same amount of power as a reference card with the power target set to 400W...

The reference design can handle the power draw of 1.21V, setting the power target sky high won't make a difference when it comes to performance nor will it cause any damage, even with an open power limit the draw is limited by the voltage.

Only if you do a mod on the board to circumvent the voltage limit you will be able to damage the card.

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So is the classified OC edition bios better than the normal TI bios?

In terms of how well it enables a card to overclock, its doubtful, but you could always flash one and then the other and compare.

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Hi guys,

I have a problem with Far Cry 3. I had the problem with the stock bios and I have always the same problem with VBIOS 3A (I got a 780 ACX SC). Indeed, as soos as I remove the MSAA, the GPU run between 800-900 mhz.

I put the VBIOS for delete the GPU boost, but in Far Cry 3, I don't understand why my card is not at 1202 mhz constant (it is my max gpu clock).

Could anybody help me on this case??

Thank you in advance.

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Hi guys,

I have a problem with Far Cry 3. I had the problem with the stock bios and I have always the same problem with VBIOS 3A (I got a 780 ACX SC). Indeed, as soos as I remove the MSAA, the GPU run between 800-900 mhz.

I put the VBIOS for delete the GPU boost, but in Far Cry 3, I don't understand why my card is not at 1202 mhz constant (it is my max gpu clock).

Could anybody help me on this case??

Thank you in advance.

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In terms of how well it enables a card to overclock, its doubtful, but you could always flash one and then the other and compare.

I think in his case it might help since he has a Classified. Svl7 increased the Power target to 130%, not to mention anything else in the bios specific to the Classified hardware.

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In terms of how well it enables a card to overclock, its doubtful, but you could always flash one and then the other and compare.

As pharma said, I have a Classy and I hope the modified bios helps with my current issue. Either way, I would rather be running with a custom Classified bios instead of a custom normal 780 bios.

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Hi guys,

I have a problem with Far Cry 3. I had the problem with the stock bios and I have always the same problem with VBIOS 3A (I got a 780 ACX SC). Indeed, as soos as I remove the MSAA, the GPU run between 800-900 mhz.

I put the VBIOS for delete the GPU boost, but in Far Cry 3, I don't understand why my card is not at 1202 mhz constant (it is my max gpu clock).

Could anybody help me on this case??

Thank you in advance.

Make sure your running the game in fullscreen resolution mode and not windowed resolution mode, that sometimes effects how the card wants to clock.

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Hi svl7! I just wanted to thank you for these modded bios files! Since you released the evga sc acx v03, i tested with a couple of benchmarks the max overclock of my cards (got my highest 3dmark11 score so far with 2 classifieds @1.31GHz.. Just the temperature is stopping me right now, i really need waterblocks :D). And now i discovered that you have released a classified bios and i'll give it a try! I hope i can get a little bit higher in the future with this bios! :)

Keep up the good work! Thank you!

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@slv7 thank you for the classified bios I installed them on my 2 new 780 classifieds and have been working. I only have one little problem is there anyway to disable the card from downclocking in less intensive games. For example while playing in borderlands 2 my cards will most of the time downclock themselves to a lower clock speed till the GPU usage goes up then they will speed up to my set overclock speed. I know this is a GTX 600 and 700 feature as NVIDIA has stated that they downclock themselves in less intensive games and older games. I would like to know if this feature could be removed so my GPU stays at my set overclock speed and never downclock themselves ? I am currently using your new 780 classified bios.

Thank You

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