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Thinkpad x390 Yoga white list removal problem


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Hello everyone!


I have a problem with a Lenovo Thinkpad x390 Yoga type 20NN. I would like to disable the famous white list to integrate a wwan PCI LTE card.

I made a backup of my bios and tried to understand or act to modify it but without success. I read a lot of bios from the manufacturer, even those that authorize my card to recover the VID, PID SUBID.


With all kinds of software (UEFITool, HxD, Binary Ninja, ...), I think I have located or acted, but no change seems to work. I always get the same message "1802: Unauthorized network card ..."


After more understanding, it seems that the area where I should act would still be protected by the bootguard. A hash problem... I need more info about this. Some topics that I have read on the web suggest that it is over if my problem is possibly due to the bootguard.


I attach a link to my original bios dump for those who have a solution and ME info in attachement.



So my machine is:

Thinkpad x390 Yoga

Product number: 20NN002MFR

Serial number: R90XL5YJ

Bios number: N2LETA0W 2.00


There you go


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