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Nvidia GTX Titan - modified VBIOS for more control and better overclocking


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If you have a high end water cooling loop and very good cooling on the vrms of the card then go for 1.3V 24/7.

If you are on air don't even think of using more than the "normal" 1.21V for daily use.

You can still do some benchmarks on air with 1.3V and LLC disabled but don't freak out if brick your card with that, just be careful.

Another thing to mention would be the power draw of the card, the power target on svl7's bios mods isn't enough for more than 1.25V with clock speeds over 1250mhz.

You have to use the engineering bios thats floating around the web (be careful, there are corrupt versions of this floating around too) or use skyn3ts bios mod that allows 440Watt PT.

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I do not understand one thing.

For what we need Water Cooling when even with XOC Bios (engineering) without Hardware Modification is not possible to reach temperature higher than 83C.

Even voltage increasing is stoopid.No effect.Always 1.212 V.

No hardware mod.Not fun.

Or am I stoopid and sensors in NVInspector,MSI shitburner.GPU-Z ... just lying.

PS.Anyway F** IT.Even on ULTRA DETAILS in newest Splinter Cell BlackList.still have MAXIMUM FPS :) <3 love this card.

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Afterburner should read correct voltage for the afterburner voltage "hack", you can give up to 1.319v (1300mv in afterburner).

You'll need a water cooler that cools the vrm section of the card otherwise you'll fry your vrms sooner or later, even if the gpu itself stays at 83° or lower if you use water cooling.

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Ah right, I'll see what I can do, might be a bit tricky since the fan stuff is different in the Titan vbios than in the 780 vbios.

Any updates on an Titan ACX Edition?

I played a bit with the reference bios. I think it should be enough to lower the fanspeed of v3 of your bios to 20%. That should make the fan curve behave less agressive, too.

i hope you find the time to do this, there is no way i'm going back to reference bios or any other bios with boost after using your bios for several months now.


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I've just download the v03 bios for my titan, but I'm afraid of a possible corrupted download.

Could you share some hashes ? like SHA-1, CRC32, md5 or whatever so I can checksum the bios before the flashing process ?

Also I'd like to thanks svl7 and all other for sharing these great bios mods.


edit : My hashes

md5 : da6e63c651c5812ba9c374fa89a31685

SHA1 : f7e140fc114be2f9d66c48e88bfe9c78c41b7819

SHA512 : 0507c3aa67c25a80ffe47b6d92bae9bfd963e504eae907ecba5c06c920bfca0eb1b65cfd1dba75c55ec7b487e9c03501aed638b9cff0d83b3baaa5675d8c5729

CRC32 : 59d1eb1c

Well, I've redownloaded the file and the hashes are the same, so it should be safe.

re edit : Oops I've just notice the md5 checksum on the first post!

anyway I've just flashed my card and it went well, but after a reboot I think the GPU weren't good, idling at 40°C while before I used to idle at 22-23°C with my fan curve. Pushing the fan to 100% didn't even help... well an other reboot and all were fine, 28°C with standard fan curve.

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I've played with the new bios and it went very well ! Awesome !

Thanks a lot svl7 !

Also, I prefer setting the power limit to 85%, I have a friend who fried his 780 with a custom bios at 114%.

I wonder how safe it is at 100% ? I did et it for firestrike @ 1228 and the power went up to 95%.

Because from what I understand 100% with svl7 bios should correspond to 140% with stock bios, (100%=350W while before it was 250 right ?)

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Hello everybody!!!

I flashed my Titan with the "GTX Titan - 80.10.2C.00.06 - 'OC edition v03.rom". NvidiaInspector shows that the flashing was successful. But my max. Power Target is still at 110% (I think it should be 150%). Can anyone help? Thanx!

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Hello everybody!!!

I flashed my Titan with the "GTX Titan - 80.10.2C.00.06 - 'OC edition v03.rom". NvidiaInspector shows that the flashing was successful. But my max. Power Target is still at 110% (I think it should be 150%). Can anyone help? Thanx!

You're fine, 100% already stands for 350 Watt.

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Just registered to say thank you svl7! After trying several vbios from other places, this is the only one where I have full control of the OC. I just wanted to also let you know that Asus recently released an updated VBIOS ( for their Titan that according to the change log, "Enhance compatibility with some 4K2K monitors". Would it be possible to have v4 based on that updated version?

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Hallo everyone!

I am new here. Just finished to flash v3 bios. A lot of thanks to svl7 for the BIOS. It works fine. At least this evening:36_002:

There are two questions.

1. can I adjast somehow name of wendor in GPU-z. I'va got EVGA now it is Asus. I just love EVGA brand.

2. When system is booting now I have some info regarding new bios. I think it a litle bit dely booting. Is it possible to turne it off.

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Great work. Being rid of Boost 2.0 makes me realise just how much I hated it. It sucked never getting the full potential of FPS at the start of a game because the card hadn't warmed up into boost mode yet. It sucked even more seeing the MHz plummet the moment the card reached 80 degrees, no matter what the temperature or power target I set.

I love my Titans now. For the record, my Fire Strike went from 13830 to 13982. I probably could have squeezed more out of it, but I'm not going for record benches but for a stable gaming setup.After I've had the chance to test in a few games, I'll most likely donate to show my gratitude.

Though I've noticed that with this vbios, my cards only go down to 875mhz and 1.150v in idle (they should go to ~350mhz right?). I don't have Corsair Link, and I turned off all the other running software I had (except EVGA PrecisionX, which I used to monitor the card), and that didn't make any difference: cards still idling at 875mhz and 1.150v. Any idea why?

....Also, spread the word about T|I, we welcome all newcomers here.
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I've noticed that with this vbios, my cards only go down to 875mhz and 1.150v in idle (they should go to ~350mhz right?). I don't have Corsair Link, and I turned off all the other running software I had (except EVGA PrecisionX, which I used to monitor the card), and that didn't make any difference: cards still idling at 875mhz and 1.150v. Any idea why?

Do you have a multi monitor setup?

It idles fine for me, but the driver switches to the highest performance profile very quickly when more than one monitor is used, no idea why Nvidia is doing this. That's the same with the stock vbios, but there it won't always go to the full voltage when it happens, due to boost.

In my opinion the behavior of the p-state switching is clearly not optimal, but I don't think I can fix it in the vbios, the driver only sees what kind of states are possible and then it uses them...

A possible fix that works very well according to my experience so far is using the multi display power saver feature of Nvidia Inspector (thanks @Woklbokl btw, I didn't know about this feature before :D), it allows you to set a GPU and VPU load limit and keeps your GPU at the lowest P-State until this limit is reached. Very neat and works fine.

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Thanks. Yes I do. Though, to clarify: the other 2 monitors aren't part of a Surround setup. They're strictly for Windows, and aren't plugged into either of my Titans, but are plugged into the iGPU of my motherboard. I assume that doesn't make a difference?

Where can I find that power saving option? I can't see it anywhere in Nvidia Inspector

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That won't make a difference. Right-click on "show overclocking".
Wow, so random. The person who made that program made some really bizarre UI choices. Cool, thanks.

EDIT: By the way, my Firestrike score is now 14061 (stock bios: 13830). And the Metro Last Light benchmark went from [44.54 average fps, 2.42 min] to [47.44 average fps, 8.53 min]. And so far, Metro LL seems smoother too, which is even more important. So glad to be rid of Boost!

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svl7 could you please do a modification to my custom bios you made me and up the gpu clocks to 1201Mhz and the voltage to 1212mV as Im on water now and it all seems stable at those speeds,I would of pm'd you but it seems it wont alloow me to do that now :(

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I'm using your bios for month now, i'm totaly satisfied with it and never want the old one back again (Great work!). Nevertheless i'm having two little issues i can't fix right now.

1st: I want to set my memory offset which i'm using in 3d mode on the P0 Profile as well on the P2 Profile to avoid clock changes and display "flashes" i've experienced with different vram clocks. I'm using NVIDIA-Inspector, but the starting task seems not to be able to set the P2 and P0 settings at the same time (?), i found no way to set this up without an other startup shortcut clock profil for P2. Am i the only one with display "flashes" with different vram clocks or problems with applying these settings on startup?

2nd: I want to use multi display power saver but if i try to check my GPU in the preferences (1x GTX Titan) my two monitors flash instantly black and flickering no way to solve this without pc restart. I have tested all other settings on my gpu for month and never had problems before. Interesting as well, if i'll use the stock bios this problem will not appear!

Thanks for your help!

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