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[BIOS/vBIOS - MODS] Prema Mod™ & Stock


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Forget about fans...for some its too noisy for others too slow, either they kick in too late or are on all the time, also people complain about that idle temps are too high, that's when they don't kick in constantly...impossible...LOL :D

I was thinking maybe having the very minor change of the GPU fan going full speed at 88C instead of 90C. This would prevent the GPU from throttling due to temperature, while having hardly any impact on how hard the fan runs.

And the fans on too much thing might be due to the GPU fan never turning off bug. Now that the SM series is out, it looks like it will never get fixed. Unless maybe an SM EC can be run on EM?

I also never understood why people care about idle temps. Idle temps mean nothing in regards to cooling capability.

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Forget about fans...for some its too noisy for others too slow, either they kick in too late or are on all the time, also people complain about that idle temps are too high, that's when they don't kick in constantly...impossible...LOL :D

Hum.. alright! for me the fans is to slow to kick when need! and in idle i really don't understand... idle, it's possible to temp rise up so fast? :nightmare:

Is the bios responsable to control the fan cpu and gpu speeds? it's possible to in future to set the values?

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I was thinking maybe having the very minor change of the GPU fan going full speed at 88C instead of 90C. This would prevent the GPU from throttling due to temperature, while having hardly any impact on how hard the fan runs.

And the fans on too much thing might be due to the GPU fan never turning off bug. Now that the SM series is out, it looks like it will never get fixed. Unless maybe an SM EC can be run on EM?

I also never understood why people care about idle temps. Idle temps mean nothing in regards to cooling capability.

yeah, i was thinking about this, maybe the fan could kick in a little earlier than 90c, that would be great if possible,

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My cpu after bios update is running a little hotter, maybe that's because the Longer CPU Turbo Timer feature? i try to see is my cpu goes no turbo and appears that not happens... how this Longer CPU working?

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I am supporting about 15 Notebook Models atm...its not that they simply all kick on high at 90c...each one uses a table of 13-15 values for temperature, another 15 for voltage, another 15 for fanspeed and all that twice for the models with two fans, so since that would be like a month full time to do all the diff work and at the end people will still want something else, sorry that won't happen... :52_002:

My cpu after bios update is running a little hotter, maybe that's because the Longer CPU Turbo Timer feature? i try to see is my cpu goes no turbo and appears that not happens... how this Longer CPU working?

A normal BIOS doesn't use much of Turbo at all, just a couple of seconds and then throttle, so yeah temps go up because it uses Turbo for longer at a time, that's normal.

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A normal BIOS doesn't use much of Turbo at all, just a couple of seconds and then throttle, so yeah temps go up because it uses Turbo for longer at a time, that's normal.

I'm monitoring my cpu and i never saw the cpu on non turbo anymore, how long turbo modo in your is working? 120s?

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So cpu works in turbo mode (max speeds) all time?

As long as it stays below Long therm TDP value or doesn't cross it for more than 120s.

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I have to say thanks Prema for the Recovery guide which saved my bricked 670mx after flashing the wrong bios.

Excuse my noobness but does your modded bios for the np9130 allow for overclocking the gpu? like forcing higher p-states?

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I have to say thanks Prema for the Recovery guide which saved my bricked 670mx after flashing the wrong bios.

Excuse my noobness but does your modded bios for the np9130 allow for overclocking the gpu? like forcing higher p-states?

That lies within the vbios which is seperate from the system bios on a mxm machine so its doesnt affect the oc ability of the gpu ...unless there are locks in the main bios that prohibits alteration of gpu clocks which i dont know if such a thing does exist or if it could exist

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Question: Does the Prema bios invalidate the warranty? Would there be an issue if I return the laptop for a warranty repair? Thanks

When seeing the different splash screen on startup, they probably would not honor the warranty. If you just flash back though prior to returning they'd never know. My mentality is if the mod itself didn't cause any damage, then there is no reason for the warranty not to be honored. If I do cause damage with a mod though, I don't try to RMA to repair what I caused for free. Most of my mods are pretty obvious anyway so I couldn't even if I wanted :)

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Sorry for this super newbie question. My PW570 is from factory ( is the one with 780M sli), where should I start?

first check your bios and ec version if they match the one that the mod uses and if it newer than the base the mod uses dont flash and upload the rom instead

if all is well then create a bootable dos usb and copy the appropriate files for your model and boot from it (i think you need you need to disable uefi boot)

then execute the appropriate .bat file for your system

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Hi guys.

this is my first post here, i've found my here via various forums. i've stumbled upon the prema bios mods. but i haven't done any major stuff for my computers for years.

i've recently got my grubby hands on a p370em laptop. and i'm interested in upgrading the bios to hopefully gain a little performance boost,and some extra features.

but i have some questions

1) i'm running 2x intel 520 series ssd in raid. will i lose this and have to reinstall the OS if u upgrade the bios?

2)my bios numbers are (bios 1.00.01 & EC 1.00.03) are these upgradable?

3 what kind of improvements will i see using primas bios for the 370em?

again. thanks to all who replies and see you all soon.

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just a quick update. i chanced my luck and updated. with both 1T and 2t bios. all went ok.. but for some strange reason my battlefield 3 game wont play.

I've had origin bomb on me twice requiring a reinstall. It doesn't work even under the T2 bios right?

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Sorry for this super newbie question. My PW570 is from factory ( is the one with 780M sli), where should I start?

Use P570WM Prema Mod v2 (v1 has no 780M support)


Prema : I did install you bios :

First of all : update.bat didn't work for me, so i updated throught : Step1.bat = which reboot my computer until desktop. Then I rebooted and flash Step2.bat . Then I updated X.bat ...

Everything is fine, but is it the natural way to do it ?

Otherwise : GREAT JOB : Keep doing it !

Just follow the readme ;) :

HOW-TO: - Connect your Power Supply, boot from USB, type "step1" and hit "Enter".

(The system will auto-reboot.)

- Type "step2" hit "Enter" and follow on-screen instructions.

- Be Happy & Enjoy :)

Will update the OP with all Mods soon, had no sleep tonight...I am crashing now. :06:

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