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Prema Mod BIOS GPU OC Edition for MSI GE-Series


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  • Bios Modder
Thank you Prema for this mod!

Currently i'm at 1085mHz on core (660M 100% stable) memory not Overclocked. I want try more....

If you want more, PM me.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Started using your vbios on my GTX660m, +250 (1085mhz with 1200mhz boost) on core and +350 on memory.

I got a score of 6842 on Sky Diver (3DMARK) and played borderlands for an hour with ambient occlusion, physics low and got 45-50 fps. Without overclocking ambient occlusion caused fps to drop to 30-35.

Gpu temp : 61°C average (gpu repasted with AS5, bottom opened and new cooler)

I tried core clock +300, but drivers crashed right away on Sky Diver, probably need to overvolt.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I was wondering if there is a "CPU" mod avalable in the future ? and for those worrying about overheating on these machines.. well... you are modding your bois anyways so why not mod the cooling system a little.. etc with gluing additional copper fins on the heat pipes with thermal epoxy.. ;)

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  • 4 months later...



I know you're expertice is with clevo/sager laptops and some MSI GE nb's, but is it possible if you can check other motherboard's bioses like my GT60 (16f3)?

I want to find out if you can check the gpu's notebook compatibility , if it can read the following mxm gpu's, xt support, , updated Orom and unlock other options for overclocking etc if possible:

– XTU Support:

- GTX7xxM, GTX8xxM, GTX9xxM support

if possible, can you add/unlock gpu's that can support it? Thanks

Although I dont know how to link yet the file of the bios here but if you have an email I can send it to you.. Thanks sir

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  • 4 months later...

I extract 660m bios from E1756IMS.514 via mmtool. It normally read by KeplerBiosTweaker. In the "Table boost" frequencies above 915 crossed out, but you can make a "fix invalid clocks".

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  • 2 weeks later...


Sorry for bumping an old post.

I was thinking of giving a second life to my MSI GE60 with the GTX660m instead of buying a newer laptop.

As such, I'm going to buy an mSata SSD and will clean the inside of the laptop, add thermal paste etc...

Then I was thinking of reinstalling a brand new version of windows and my question is the following : should I flash the modded bios then install the SSD and new windows or instead go for installing the SSD, migrating/reinstalling windows and only then going for bios flashing.

Any clues ?



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Then I was thinking of reinstalling a brand new version of windows and my question is the following : should I flash the modded bios then install the SSD and new windows or instead go for installing the SSD, migrating/reinstalling windows and only then going for bios flashing.

Doesn't matter.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 5 weeks later...
  • Bios Modder
Hello, could you tell me please, bios version is the most stable for msi ge70 0nd?

What's the bios version in yours laptop now?

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Hello I have MSI GE60 0nc with BIOS E16GAIMS.106. Now I must to use VT-X but I can't find the menu in BIOS . I want to update BIOS but I can't update beacuse it doesn't menu for update. How did I should do?

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  • Bios Modder
There is 514 official without unlock in my laptop & i would like to flash unlocked one.

Just flash ge70_e1756ims.514_win8_oc.zip. from the first page of this thread. It is very stable bios.

Bios from the msi ge70 2od dont compatible with your laptop. This laptop have different platform.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Bios Modder
Flash.bat flashed successfully but I do not have any new options in the BIOS.

What do I do next?

GE70 0ND win7

New options in the bios? For what? In this mod bios shouldn't be any new options. In this bios removed NVIDIA lock +135, for overclock GPU more.

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  • 1 month later...
Hello. I have msi ge 70 0nd. I want to flash BIOS MOD. I have already installed .514 bios from official msi site. What I have to do next? Thank you.

Just grab the Mod and follow the included instructions (come bundled in the form of a 'readme' file)


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