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Prema Mod BIOS GPU OC Edition for MSI GE-Series


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While helping myself with OCing unlocked CPU (I7 3720QM ES QBC1) I made super unlocked BIOS for everybody with this laptop (MSI GE70). It is made in smart way of unlocking. Usual users can see additional settings which they may need and they are less dangerous. I am not saying they are safe because some of them look suspicious to me anyway like UEFI Boot enable/disable which is strange to see on a non-Windows 8 BIOS.

But I also made available ALL unlocked settings at all in BIOS is 1 separate menu for extreme users who should know what they are doing and many of those settings are both unknown for usual users and dangerous.

Considering the fact I was doing it for myself I used Prema's bios as I didn't want to loose ability of dGPU OCing. Therefore I will not post it on other forums (even on NBR) with Prema's vBIOS unlock.

I assume it would be better for everybody to put it on T|I Forum, here in this post for example, instead of creating another Unlocked BIOS (for settings) without your vbios mod, am I right?

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THX, but I may make a "clean" unlocked version for GE if I find the time. All my mods only contain the working and usefull settings, there are too many useless and dangourous options and I don't have time to deal with all the problems that come with publishing that...hope you understand ;)

EDIT: ENJOY your system! :)

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Sure. My deal was to offer.

BTW RAM settings are hied in the locked main menu so the only way to unlock them is to unlock the submenu with all those dangerous settings.

Good luck in unlocking W8 GPU vbios if you are still working on it and on overvolting if you find time. I will always be grateful for your mod.

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yaeh, we can flash Win8 and also the 2 extra vBIOS (Win8 version has 2 normal and two with an extra signature) are modded, but original unmodded second GT650M vBIOS is broken and doesn't use higher 3D clocks/voltage (THX @ MSI)...after that is fixed it will be back... ;)

EDIT: It's not broken, we replaced it and the problem was still there, which means MSI is doing this on purpose (preventing any OC and even regular Turbo Boost), so will have to edit the MXM ACPI table...may take some time.

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so if my video card crashes, thats my limit right? :) that "clean" unlocked bios seems interesting. XD although i broke my acer coz of a bios option that it shouldnt have had. I thought when i flashed it and it appeared, it was supported. guess i didnt do enough reading. More power to you @Prema and @james-d. I'd help coding and testing if i could, but i couldnt afford buying another of these babies and i dont have the know how. I really couldnt risk a brick. :| but premas vbios mod made wonders. so yeah, you guys got my support. XD

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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi Prema, thanks for this. You stated on the OP that you removed the links for the Win8 BIOS, are the zip's attached 7 or 8?

Just wondering because my ge70 is windows 8 :)

Thanks :)

The zips are for Win7.


We got a new Win8 beta version from MSI's FTP today which has the Turbo Boost bug fixed... stay tuned for the Win8 mod version...

EDIT 2: DONE! :)

With regular Win8 vBIOS unlocked:


With Win7 vBIOS unlocked and ported to Win8 BIOS:


EDIT 3: I have ported the acpi fixes to GE70, need a tester. Please PM me.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am a GE60 users I try to update my BIOS E16GAIMS.513.

Process is smooth, but I met a big trouble.

I tried to boot after shutdown.

But there is nothing I can do, it doesn't work.

The only can see only the top of the power supply indicator.

I can't normal use it.

Now what should I do?

Is this an untested version?

Because of my operation is legitimate.

I hope that my problem can be solved.

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I am a GE60 users I try to update my BIOS E16GAIMS.513.

Process is smooth, but I met a big trouble.

I tried to boot after shutdown.

But there is nothing I can do, it doesn't work.

The only can see only the top of the power supply indicator.

I can't normal use it.

Now what should I do?

Is this an untested version?

Because of my operation is legitimate.

I hope that my problem can be solved.

From the OP:


From the readme:


1. IMPORTANT >>> Flash stock E16GAIMS.514 BIOS first!!!

2. Boot into pure DOS & run step1.bat, step2.bat, step3.bat

Both stock and mod are attached in OP.

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Hi Prema, I would like to ask you something.

You know on the MSI site, they still show the previous BIOS version. 514 is still not available.

How did you lay your hands on the version?

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Hi Prema, I would like to ask you something.

You know on the MSI site, they still show the previous BIOS version. 514 is still not available.

How did you lay your hands on the version?

We got it internally from the MSI tech department. The old 513 has broken Turbo Boost in MXM ACPI table...

I am still looking for a GE70 Win8 tester...PM me. ;)

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We got it internally from the MSI tech department. The old 513 has broken Turbo Boost in MXM ACPI table...

I am still looking for a GE70 Win8 tester...PM me. ;)

So that 514 version is the one they are installing at their customer support centers?

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So that 514 version is the one they are installing at their customer support centers?

They made it as per our request. I don't know what they do or plan to do with it apart from that.

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Hi Prema!

Thanks for you're work. I've been looking quite a while for a vbios mod for my machine. But I still have one little question left =). I bought my ge60 0NC with win 7 installed and the current bios version is E16Gaims.106. Later I installed win 8 on the same machine but kept the E16Gaims.106 bios. Which mod do I have to use? ;)ge60_e16gaims.10f_oc.zip I suppose?

Thx a lot.

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Hi Prema!

Thanks for you're work. I've been looking quite a while for a vbios mod for my machine. But I still have one little question left =). I bought my ge60 0NC with win 7 installed and the current bios version is E16Gaims.106. Later I installed win 8 on the same machine but kept the E16Gaims.106 bios. Which mod do I have to use? ;)ge60_e16gaims.10f_oc.zip I suppose?

Thx a lot.

yep, correct! ;)

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Hi Prema !

I sent you a private message to notify you that I was available as a tester. I have a GE70 with a W8 bios.

I am out of station, will get back to you when I am back... ;)

EDIT: GE70 version is ready soon...

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After some time playing I am now hunger for more:D

Like overvolting BIOS and disabling Nvidia Boost technology because of higher and more constant overclocking without it. Any plans on it?:)

completely solidary)if it is of course possible)there is an opinion, that to increase overclocking is not enough voltage)

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