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You need these for trouble free gaming


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Download OpenAl from here:


The installer supports both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows.

Download Flash Player and Shockwave Player from here:


Download Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (X86)


Download Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 (X64)

Download details: Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64)

Download Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package (x86)

Download details: Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package (x86)

Download Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package (x64)

Download details: Microsoft .NET Framework Version 2.0 Redistributable Package (x64)

Download DirectX End-User Runtime

Download details: DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer

It is important to only download from the distributors websites for your own safety

(the above links were posted on a Wendy's Forum but because you need to be approved for membership linking to the thread is out of the question so I re-posted it here thanks to "Gerdina")

Nvidia Phys-X


Physx on Ati w/ Nvidia Card

How To: Run PhysX in Windows 7 with ATi Cards - Overclock.net - Overclocking.net

the above url was deemed a virus by MSE! you've been warned! Check the following post!

Ageia Physx

AGEIA PhysX Driver 2.4.0 download from Guru3D.com

Info on Phys-X

PhysX - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Edited by mw86
added virus warning!
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So the 1.04ff PhysX mod is like NVIDIA PhysX on an ATI card?

from what I gather, the mod is to enable ATI and Nvidia GPUs in one system... and then sets the Nvidia GPU as the card that will calculate PhysX. If you install the latest physx version on your Ati based R2 you can then launch PhysX games properly... but may not be able to use physx unless the game enables it differently.

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from what I gather, the mod is to enable ATI and Nvidia GPUs in one system... and then sets the Nvidia GPU as the card that will calculate PhysX. If you install the latest physx version on your Ati based R2 you can then launch PhysX games properly... but may not be able to use physx unless the game enables it differently.

Guys I have an update on the aforementioned... "So the 1.04ff PhysX mod is like NVIDIA PhysX on an ATI card?" - bifnewman it may be a virus or a flase positive but i can't be sure cheack out this screen shot.



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  • 2 years later...

FYI Download OpenAl from here: http://connect.creativelabs.com/deve...20Windows.aspx is no longer valid link. Creative seems to have packed it in, and only has a Asia server with relic items and only a couple new product offerings. No sign of this software is anywhere nearby the link (redirects back to asia.creative.com or 404).

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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys!

Not really necessary but I know there are some people that reinstall their machines a lot. There is a sweet utility called gamesave manager that scans your disk and finds any installed games and extracts the gamesave into a directory you specify (I have mine saved to a google drive). There is also yumi which is a multiboot program that allows multiple iso's to be imaged onto a flash drive (I have Windows7/8, Ubuntu, and UBCD5 on mine). The last one I would like to share is ninite which is a multiple applications installer that will install the latest version of all the apps you specify automatically without user interaction. In case you were wondering, I work IT and plenty of people ask me to mess with their machines all of the time. I'm not here to solicit all the software and they are all virus free, I promise.


GameSave Manager



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