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Help! May have bricked my gt683dx


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I made a really sloppy mistake.. I modified a gt663r bios for a friend and accidently left it on my usb pendrive.

I had a batch file named flash.bat(for the modded gt663r one) and I put my bios file and afudos and my batch file which I always use (flassh.bat)for my system on the pen drive.

So I was thinking of selling my sýstem to buy a gt60 so I figured I reflash it to the unmoded BIOS when I accidently in DOS wrote flash instead of flaash.. Now my system wont boot, I've tried the backup routine posted by @Xonar but with no success..

The pendrive doesn't even light up.

Any suggestion would be much appreciated :)

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This is quite serious problem.

AFAIK you can replace the BIOS chip with a new one. But this process needs some professional tools and professional people.

Is there any workshop around you capable of doing this (CMIIW this process is called reball)

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I ordered a new chip but I will try again, it seems like the boot block isnt messed up because when I insert a dvd it starts reading it. So I'm gonna pull out the RAM, ssd and hdd and keyboard to make it search for boot block fix which is the BIOS on a dvd.

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AFAIK -- the recovery methods don't always work because they rely on the bootblock not being corrupted. If your flash went through and rewrote the bootblock then this is typically the end result.

Yeah I fear the bootblock is f**ked up, I will never ever flash BIOS after a few beers again ;D

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Update: Ordered a new motherboard and recieved it today, installed everything very carefull but when booting I get no display..

Pulled out the gpu and cpu and memory chips, harddrives etc, and reinstalled cpu and gpu and tried to boot without RAM, then one RAM stick and then both

but still no luck.

Could the BIOS be the problem? Should I try to blind-flash to the latest version?

This truly sucks, I payed 300 dollars for the new mobo :P

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Do you get any beeps when the computer tries to boot up? They (usually) serve as a code to what's wrong, e.g. there will be something like 1 short, 2 long beeps if your RAM is faulty. Also try hooking up an external monitor. I usually figure out easily if something is off with the display because you can sort of see the computer booting (the hard drive LED starts blinking and other LEDs come up as well as the boot goes on).

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No beeps at all =/ also tried an external monitor, both hdmi and monitor cable. My guess is the mobo is DOA.

Edit: I've taken it apart once more and cleaned all connections and reassembled it but no success. When I press combos like fn+f3 the touch pad lights up like it's supposed to. I'm trying to blind flash but the usb never lights up.

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  • 1 month later...
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I sent the motherboard back to the seller as he instructed me to, he told me to declair it to 10$ and it never showed up and he refused me a refund... Never buy laptop parts from super-laptop-parts.com they will rip you off.

Anyway, I bought a new motherboard from ebay and it arrived today, I've just put it together and when I try to boot I get a black display.

But the hdd light shows up blinking a few times, could this be a error code?

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Damn - that sucks that the place burned you like that, is there more than one person or a telephone #? must be some way to turn up the heat on them for something like that. On another note - how long does it take you to relace a mobo in the laptop? as for the led - what is the model number, or any other identifying markings that you can see... I will try to get you some info to troubleshoot with

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Yeah I've threatend them with me contacting paypal and sending them our email conversation but he did'nt even reply..

It takes about five minutes to replace all the cables and screws. The led that blinks is the one on the touchpad.

When I pull out harddrives, cd-drive and only insert the usb pen drive and boot while pressing CTRL+HOME the usb drive led starts blinking.

I guess it starts looking for a file on it and I've put BIOS files on it named AMIBIOS.ROM amibios.rom AMIBOOT.ROM amiboot.rom 16F21MS.10Z and so on but nothing works.

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