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[G75VW] - modified BIOS & VBIOS for higher overclocking


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  • Bios Modder
1 hour ago, tomy22 said:

First off great website just a little too late to the party .

I too have the same problem i can not download the bios  same message as the other guys

I hope this is still active as i think the unlock bios will fix my problem my CPU is stuck at 1.2ghz locked multiplier at 12x

can only unlock with throttle stop. power gear 4 does not change the CPU so i hope some one can send me the files or let me know if it is still active.

Thank you for your time




Just read "User Account Promotion Rules":  https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/announcement/4-user-account-promotion-rules-read-before-post

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19 minutes ago, Klem said:

Thank you for your fast reply

                               I have read it already when i became a member thank you anyway

                               I was asking if the bios download is still active because it was 6 years ago


                    i have read other peoples post and they have posted more than five post and are not able to access the bios.

                   if its still available and bobby has not taken it down ,then i will wait until i have the required access

  Thank you



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  • 4 months later...

that bios look great, i will try to download it and apply to my g75 when i will be able to download stuff from here, i'm trying to do different stuff for revive my laptop, since 2 month look's like my grafic card is death, and to find a new 1 in 2019 look relly difficut, and any way to expensive for a 7 years old notebook, so also be able to disable the video card and use integrated 1 maybe will be good, at least for can continue to use this pc instead of disassembly and sell the component.


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  • 3 months later...
On 06/11/2018 at 19:34, mucski said:

Fiz o download, mas o overclock não funciona na minha GPU (GTX670M)




Todos os outros recursos funcionam como anunciado ...


Alguém pode me ajudar a fazer o overclock do meu também?



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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

This is what I have been looking for, hopefully this helps me get the most out of the parts I replaced in this machine. Looks like it's worked great for everyone here as well. Overclocking wasn't really why I needed this, but I may just look into it seeing as it'll be an option. Thanks so much for this. Oh and to anyone not able to download, you need to make posts to get promoted before you can. Just a heads up.

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  • 2 months later...
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

The instruction says "Make sure that your current BIOS version is the same as the one you want to flash". 

My current version is 218. 


I tried to update it with standard tool "asustek easy flash utility",

but then I hit update  - it freezes with no progress bar.


also I tried winflash from windows 10 and 7 - it freezes right after I hit the run button.


Is there any other way to update it? 


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On 06.12.2012 at 02:34, svl7 said:

Asus G75VW - модифицированный BIOS / VBIOS

Вот модифицированный BIOS для Asus G75VW. Это включает некоторые дополнительные параметры и настройки в настройке BIOS.

Он также содержит настроенную VBIOS для 660m.

Подробная информация о версии:



  • mod02 'GHZ edition' - 660 м 3D тактов при 1000 МГц ядре - 670 м @ 7 15/1650 (только в версии для разгона)
  • дополнительные меню BIOS


Фото самых интересных настроек BIOS (спасибо @ bobby7):






  • Загрузите BIOS, который хотите прошить, а также программу для прошивки (Win64). Поместите измененный BIOS (и включенные файлы) в ту же папку, что и программа для прошивки
  • Убедитесь, что ваша текущая версия BIOS совпадает с той, которую вы хотите прошить. Затем создайте резервную копию BIOS, запустив файл backup.bat.
  • Загрузите ' G75VW-BiosFixer.zip , поместите его в ту же папку, что и флеш-память, и запустите. Следуйте инструкциям на экране, он запросит у вас только что созданную резервную копию BIOS, а также измененный файл BIOS, который вы уже загрузили.
  • Если инструмент не выдает сообщение об ошибке, прошейте созданный файл, выполнив включенный файл flash.bat.
  • Дождитесь окончания перепрошивки, если все в порядке, можете перезагрузиться.


ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. После прошивки рекомендуется загрузить настройки BIOS по умолчанию. Также я очень рекомендую прошить официальную версию перед применением модифицированного BIOS, как указано в инструкции.

>>> Вот моя ссылка для пожертвования , если вам нравятся мои моды, не стесняйтесь покупать мне пиво ;)<<<

Как всегда с такими модами, используйте на свой страх и риск.

Программа, которую я предоставляю здесь (BiosFixer), не имеет абсолютно никаких гарантий в той степени, в которой это разрешено действующим законодательством.



Asus G75VW - BIOS v223 - [разблокировано] [версия для разгона] .zip


Asus G75VW - BIOS v223 - [разблокирован] .zip

Здравствуйте, к кого есть все эти файлы ? можете прислать мне на почту ? заранее спасибо [email protected] 

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  • 4 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys I'm trying to go over 1050mhz on my GTX 660m here, any advice where to start? I can't download the modded bios yet due I've to do some quality post so I'm doing some testing's trying to volt mod my memories they have been good so far over 3000mhz barrier but I'm still stuck with max boost clock locked.

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Hi guy's some one have the files of the bios? Because i can't download, i want to setup on my asus g75vw to try the overclock and play some new games

Edited by Goku4n
To agree the model of my asus
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  • Bios Modder
2 hours ago, Goku4n said:

Some one can help me with the files please

Can any one send me the files for setup on my g75vw

Can help me?

Please i need your help


You can find all files on the first page of this thread.

If you for some reason can't download files, then just read "User Account Promotion Rules":  https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/announcement/4-user-account-promotion-rules-read-before-post

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/6/2021 at 1:42 PM, Klem said:


You can find all files on the first page of this thread.

If you for some reason can't download files, then just read "User Account Promotion Rules":  https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/announcement/4-user-account-promotion-rules-read-before-post

Hi, then i have to pay the membership for download, thanks

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  • 11 months later...
  • Bios Modder
15 hours ago, innkeeper said:

'G75VW-BiosFixer.zip seems to no longer be downloadable ... can anyone post it por post a link to it, 



Now I checked all links on the first page of this topic, all links are working.

If you for some reason can't download files, then just read "User Account Promotion Rules":  https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/announcement/4-user-account-promotion-rules-read-before-post

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