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[REQ] Y580 vBios Monitor Whitelist


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Probably an issue with the acpi, or your new screen really only supports two brightness levels... that's also possible. If you get the exactly the same screen model as previously you won't have issues.

No idea what could be done about this.

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could the cable also be an issue? i read this: Y580 40 pin LVDS dual channel LCD Cable - Lenovo Community

so say for example, i have a dual channel monitor and cable, then switched to a lower end one with single channel. would that have caused this?

long story for what happened: sent my laptop back to lenovo for RMA, they replaced the screen (which they shouldn't have) from 1920x1080 to 1366x768. after it got back to me, it was already only producing 2 brightness levels. i opened the baby up (auto void warranty, since i don't want to send it back to those idiots), and checked that the cable is in tact properly. how do i know if the cable is dual channel or not? if so, how can i tell if the monitor is also dual channel?

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