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Problems with intel igp and nvidia 660m gtx

Jabin Wade

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So long story short, the 560m that was originally in my R3 suddenly died, warranty expired last month so support was no bueno. I ordered a 660m GTX off of ebay since that was half the cost of sending it in to dell and having them repair it.

The card installed fine, except for the fact that if I have the intel HD 3000 enabled, the computer will not boot. It starts the red bar on the alienware head, and just stops when it hits the end. Cannot enter the bios or the F12 diagnostics, I do have the most recent A12 bios flashed.

In order for it to boot, I have to

A: Yank the nvidia and play on integrated, or B: Disable the IGP

Any ideas on what I can do to get the optimus setting working again? I prefer being able to switch between the two when I need to save power/battery life.

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