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GT683DX CPU update


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Isn't the 3612qm soldered and ivy bridge? Both are no-no's for your notebook. Look for a sandy bridge quad i7-2xx0QM.

Also, last I've heard, upgrading a Sandy Bridge notebook to Ivy Bridge doesn't work. It works the opposite though, Ivy to Sandy.

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I wrote a message to the user who changed the processor. He replied that:

- had a motherboard that supports Ivy Processors and Sandy Bridge

- basic bios from Clevo

- Clevo laptop model is W370et

- all his works after updating drivers.

Doubts may arise:

- the motherboard supports processors Ivy? Sandy work for sure. I would not be sure, but you have to ask MSI.

- does the bios detect the CPU? Maybe unlocked bios can work with Ivy. Rather normal bios will not work, in my opinion.

- It all depends on the costs involved. You can always try...

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I'm sorry but I have no editing options. As above mate - search processors Sandy Bridge.

For my part, I would recommend i7 2670 - fast (like i7 920), the best value and performance, and energy efficient. I have the same and it works.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So far, you cannot overclock any non-XTU, non-XM cpu laptop without jumping through hoops (and I mean massive hoops). You can OC the CPU by 3-4% through the BCLK, so don't expect anything more than 100-120mhz.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I'm using a 2960xm in my gt683dx and I have to limit it to 3ghz for daily gaming rather than OCing it, otherwise the temps jump through the roof. (If I don't limit the cpu to 3-3.2ghz, I reach 100 degrees in about 15 minutes in bf3). At max 3ghx I get max 92degrees for cpu in 3-4h of gw2.

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@myxcon, I'm rocking a 2920XM (the ES has higher turbo bins for whatever reason) running at 3.2Ghz w/ BCLK overclocked. I'll hit 100*C in games as well, but I've noticed that it happens mostly when I play on hard wood surfaces. Wood just absorbs all the heat and makes it toasty as hell. If you can prop up the notebook to give it a couple of inches of airflow, see if that helps.

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@Xonar I'm using it on a CM pad, don't know the exact model. With or without the fans turned on (coolerpad fans) there is a VERY small time difference, when the cpu will hit 100*C. I play only Bf3 and GW2 and in both of them if I do not limit the cpu to 3ghz (max 91-92*C) it will throttle every couple of minutes. Guess there is no much I can do to cool it down even further.

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@Xonar I'm using it on a CM pad, don't know the exact model. With or without the fans turned on (coolerpad fans) there is a VERY small time difference, when the cpu will hit 100*C. I play only Bf3 and GW2 and in both of them if I do not limit the cpu to 3ghz (max 91-92*C) it will throttle every couple of minutes. Guess there is no much I can do to cool it down even further.

Do you have your power limits unlocked and I'm assuming you are using TS? If so, limit the CPU to x31 or x30 multiplier and see if the 100-200mhz downclock makes a difference.

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I'm using your unlocked bios with optimized defaults, no settings modified. I use TS with multi @30 and eist+c1e (ir whatever it's spelled) ticked and that's it. Max 91-92 during heavy gaming without the cooler boost.

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Tapatalk 2

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looks like you have temp problem even on default clock :/

try to drill holes undder the fan - in that bottom acces panel

also usying laptop on flat panel/desk still blocks air

forgetting about polishing your heatsink with 3000+ grid

Personally use gt660 with 920xm es with max possible multipler 25x but without HT - and with drilled holes I can play in GTA4 on flat desk but much better is to make bigger "room" under the laptop.

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