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How does your desktop look like


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Here is the image of mine. Using rainmeter steam wheel, think I got it off of deviant art. I have a dual monitor setup but they are different sizes which is why it looks weird. I purchased displayfusion and am using that to display different background images on the fly for both monitors. It also duplicates the task bar so when I use my main monitor for my ps3, I can still just use the secondary monitor to browse while i'm waiting to respawn.


Desktop.jpg </spoiler>

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Mine's pretty messy as of now. Classic Shell and that's about it

Doing everything from 3d design to music production, but I'm planning on going back to this as a gaming laptop so probably end up with everything changed around.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

i switch between having just the games and tools on my desktop with then again putting them all in a folder and attaching this folder in the taskbar a s a new icontray.

at the moment it looks like this on my aw14, while the 666 is not yet done...must install more games ^^



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Wow, that is impressive. I used to use Windowblinds years ago, but I don't remember it being anywhere this powerful. Must give it a try.

My desktop is very minimal. I have 3 monitors, and I use Display Fusion to randomly cycle my wallpapers (a different wallpaper on each monitor), which are all screenshots from games. It's kind of a hobby-within-a-hobby: When I play games, I'm also constantly on the lookout for a great 'photo op' to add to the wallpaper rotation. Apart from the wallpapers, I have little else on the desktop (I use hotkeys, macros, and Win-key searching to get to most things)

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Hey guys. Just curious how your desktop looks like ;)

So let's start :) That's mine at the moment. Not finished yet. The globe should indicate the locations I'm connected to but doesn't work as it should :confuse:


fullscreen: http://jahnsinn.no-ip.org/desktop.jpg

DUDE! is there anyway you can extract that and send it my way. That looks kick a$$.

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The resolution would be a bit excessive for the forum....

7160 x 1880

So here is an external link lol


I change wallpapers often. Actually I'l probably change them again tomorrow.

Desktop icons off (although the Desktop folder is empty anyways)


I don't see my desktop much anyways, so I don't care to have rainmeter or the like.

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Well, my desktop is pretty simple:


The wallpaper with filename "初音ミク.jpg" is a workaround to a strange bug on Windows (if Chrome is the first application to show non-ASCII characters, all the other applications will not show any of them; so if you put a file with non-ASCII on your desktop the Explorer will be the first application to show them always and the bug will not be triggered). I don't know if they fixed this on Windows 8.1 (this happened on both Windows 7 and 8), maybe I should try to delete it.

Well, and the "nice" text about SecureBoot is thanks to the new way Windows 8.1 manages SecureBoot. F#!"$ Microsoft!

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Well, my desktop is pretty simple:


The wallpaper with filename "初音ミク.jpg" is a workaround to a strange bug on Windows (if Chrome is the first application to show non-ASCII characters, all the other applications will not show any of them; so if you put a file with non-ASCII on your desktop the Explorer will be the first application to show them always and the bug will not be triggered). I don't know if they fixed this on Windows 8.1 (this happened on both Windows 7 and 8), maybe I should try to delete it.

Well, and the "nice" text about SecureBoot is thanks to the new way Windows 8.1 manages SecureBoot. F#!"$ Microsoft!

I used to have that Hatsune Miku wallpaper as one of mine too!

That's a rather annoying sounding bug.

I have my system locale set to Japan, but I'm running Win7 Enterprise. I don't know about Win8 / 8.1. Perhaps that will help? I have a lot of applications that use non-ASCII characters and I luckily haven't had any boxes instead.

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  • 2 months later...

Jahnsinn wins 2013's best desktop award :haha: I mean I've never seen a more futuristic and advanced desktop before. I know of windowblinds or whatever its called, but he has taken it into another level. Good work dude!

Btw, does it affect your system speed? does it take time to load all that at windows start-up?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Here's my setup, well, one of many (Win 7 on one of my laptop):


Nothing too special... but from the desktop icons, you can see that I'm not a techo-muggle... half of the fun stuff is for my college classes (I'm a Junior Studying EET), half for modding stuff (android phone, laptop BIOS, etc.).

I'd post my other setups but they're either virtually the same (win 7 on my two desktops) or doesn't show much about the setup (Arch linux w/ gnome 3 on my laptops).

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