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NVIDIA Kepler VBIOS mods - Overclocking Editions, modified clocks, voltage tweaks

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1, if you can, start GPU-Z and let us know what core clock, memory clock, and voltage you have set for your graphicscard,

also what is the temps you have in idle state and how fast does it go up to 90'C LINK to program

2, are you running with "turbo cooler boost! on? (the mode that puts the fan in max spin)

3 how is the temperature in the room you have the laptop, no hot radiator close by or blocked ventilationports on the laptop?

sorry bout the basic Q's but i dont know your knowledge level so just getting it out of the way, not offence meant :)

dont run the laptop if its 90'C it might get damaged, you might need to repaste the Gpu/Cpu if its running that hot even with the cooler boost mode on.

the reason your card is throtteling might be the high temps themself so i think we should adress the heatproblem you have first b4 messing with Bios/vbios and drivers

start with checking so fans are working, the ventilationports arent blocked or full of dust, if all that is okay i think you might nee to check/reapply thermal paste

EDIT: also if you bought it refurbished, was if from a store that as such must provide warranty? if so you might want to consider having them fixing the heatproblem to not void warranty or right to dissolve the purchase and get your money back

should it be a hardware problem causing... just a thought b4 you open it up since i dont know your legal rights and such were you bought it..

The BIOS flash fixed the detection problems and all that. I was running the latest version of afterburner and drivers. Everything is being detected and monitored correctly now. I have a feeling the reason why the first buyer of this laptop sent it back was because the BIOS was bugged on delivery. However, still hitting 90c when playing BF4 in about 3 minutes of gaming and it starts to throttle. Going to open her up and put on some Coollaboratory Liquid Ultra. Just ran out though, so it looks like I'm going to order some more on Ebay from Thailand since it seems to be the ONLY way in the universe to get some in Canada. Great stuff though! Thanks for your time and effort to try and help me though, but it seems the main issue is solved :) I was starting to regret getting a refurbished laptop.

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The BIOS flash fixed the detection problems and all that. I was running the latest version of afterburner and drivers. Everything is being detected and monitored correctly now. I have a feeling the reason why the first buyer of this laptop sent it back was because the BIOS was bugged on delivery. However, still hitting 90c when playing BF4 in about 3 minutes of gaming and it starts to throttle. Going to open her up and put on some Coollaboratory Liquid Ultra. Just ran out though, so it looks like I'm going to order some more on Ebay from Thailand since it seems to be the ONLY way in the universe to get some in Canada. Great stuff though! Thanks for your time and effort to try and help me though, but it seems the main issue is solved :) I was starting to regret getting a refurbished laptop.

im glad to hear you fixed the bios and only have the temp left to fix :D

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Hey, I have a GTX680M 4GB in a MSI GT70. For some reason, when I update to the latest drivers from Nvidia, MSI afterburner will not detect the GPU properly at all I can't change the core clock, but memory clock can be changed and MSI afterburner reports that the core clock sticks at 324MHz. However, using 302.75, MSI afterburner detects it better and I can do +135MHz on the core and +1000 on the mem. However, the GPU clock seems to be detected very strangely. Furmark reports that it constantly stays at 324MHz, MSI afterburner jumps everywhere between 324 and 771, and GPU-z stays at a steady 771MHz. I think it may be a BIOS related problem. Do you think flashing the BIOS would be a good idea? Should I update the drivers before doing so? Also, new here. Have to make 5 posts. Wanted to put out my problem to contribute and hopefully help others who may be experiencing similar issues. Any help is appreciated! :)

i'had the same problem as you but with a GTX 675MX. i solved it by using Nvidia Inspector NVIDIA Inspector Download version instead of MSI Afterburner.

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I need MSI GTX 670M 1.5GB VBIOS. My games crash at 0.900V. Guys what are you voltages?

EDIT: Sorry for duplicate post. I didn't know if the first one got uploaded. Anyway, please read the one below. I just want to have a working laptop. The GPU I use if from AW M15X, I don't know what model, might be R3. Anyway, Installed into mine MSI barebone laptop, flashed MSI VBIOS from here: http://www.techpowerup.com/vgabios/index.php?architecture=&manufacturer=&model=GTX+670M&interface=&memType=&memSize= (Flashed MSI's VBIOS)

Voltage is 0.900V in games or 3D so to speak. What are the stock clocks for this laptop and GPU and how to make GPU actually run normally? I hope this catches big names like svl7 :tears_of_joy:

Again, sorry for duplicate post, I had some post-right problems cause I'm new here.

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MS 16F32 here. Might be off topic, but is there any GTX 670M 1.5GB vBios? I have downloaded MSI's 3GB version with 620 mhz core clock, my voltage is 0.900Vin games - P3 stage. They crash right away along with nVidia error.

Tried Clevo vBios with 597 mhz core and 0.850V in P3 stage, games report blue squares. I somehow got it to 0.800V and thry ran fine.

Svl7, do you mind looking at my vBios and edit it or you post original vBios for GTX 670M 1.5GB?

Thanks in advance. I hope this doesn't sound rude cause I'm new here.

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I need MSI GTX 670M 1.5GB VBIOS. My games crash at 0.900V. Guys what are you voltages?

There's a VBIOS for that card on the first page of this thread, listed in the second post. It's this one:

MSI 670mx (1.5GB) - 80.04.5B.00.A5 'OCedition' rev00.zip

Is that what you need?

(I don't think you want to be flashing the 3GB version to your card, I think that would cause problems!)

EDIT: Don't flash the one I mentioned above, I hadn't read your post properly, you're after the 670M version, not the 670MX version. (Apologies!) This is a thread for Kepler VBIOS, so there's not one here for yours unfortunately.

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  • Bios Modder
There's a VBIOS for that card on the first page of this thread, listed in the second post. It's this one:

MSI 670mx (1.5GB) - 80.04.5B.00.A5 'OCedition' rev00.zip

Is that what you need?

(I don't think you want to be flashing the 3GB version to your card, I think that would cause problems!)

Him need vbios for 670M (Fermi), not for 670MX (Kepler).

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I don't know if it's already answered but, i've 2 questions about the vbios flashing proces. How can i make a backup of my current vbios to restore later and how can i flash the vbios files?

Sorry for being lazy, but i haven't found anything by googleing.

EDIT: Already found the answers, thanks for not flaming me and sorry for my bad english :)

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MS 16F32 with GTX 670M here. Posted threads on MSI section and other forums. Dont wanna be and sound rude. Im completely open and willing to share whatever you guys need.

I would like to solve my issue with GTX 670M, I do know its Fermi card, but like I said, if Im rude please tell me or guide me to Fermi thread (which I havent found). I hope this post gets seen by svl7 as I believe he could solve my issue really quickly. Thanks again! Cheers everyone!

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  • Bios Modder
MS 16F32 with GTX 670M here. Posted threads on MSI section and other forums. Dont wanna be and sound rude. Im completely open and willing to share whatever you guys need.

I would like to solve my issue with GTX 670M, I do know its Fermi card, but like I said, if Im rude please tell me or guide me to Fermi thread (which I havent found). I hope this post gets seen by svl7 as I believe he could solve my issue really quickly. Thanks again! Cheers everyone!

This is for you.

MSI GTX 670M 1536 MB BIOS.zip

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Im planning to put the Clevo 680M bios with 1050 voltage. The temps are not a problem as i have the laptop fully modded.

I get 950mhz core at stock voltage.

How much can i get aprox with the voltage??

Exactly 1019. 1032 will be unstable but probably benchable.

By the way you can't set 950MHz. Anything between 940 and 953 will round down to 940.

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Thank you Klem. I'm going to try it out in next 10 minutes. Hope my problem goes away. If I may ask, where did you get it?

EDIT: Flashed it, did not solve the problem. :( I still see blue squares when loading games and then they crash along with nVidia popup error. GPU tested with FurMark for like 30 seconds just to see if there are any artifacts, everything works great. Please, we could carry this thread to my private one that I created in MSI section because this thread is for Kepler mods and I don't want to disturb others. Although I still believe some slight voltage changes would solve this problem... svl7?

EDIT #2: I created 2 same threads... SHM... Sorry! LINKS:



EDIT #3: When I'm still here... Tried vBios Patcher RC1 and couldn't load any .rom file. Opened the program with Admin rights and nVidia GPU, still nothing.

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  • Bios Modder

No! These programs take the information from the video BIOS. And what video bios you flash - this information they will show you. You need to open the laptop and see how much memory chips on the video card.

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