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MSI G-Series Unlocked BIOS


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well i downloaded the BIOS for the gx60 and it did not go as well as i had hoped, used the usb drive with the windows 98files on to boot to dos..that worked ok...types in update.bat, and the BIOS starts to flash, but when it had finished it just shut off and now it does not start. it turns on but there is no screen, fan work's and the cpu is still getting warm but thats it.

how do i recover the BIOS in this thing.

IF you insert a USB flash drive on boot it looks like its trying to read it but it just does the same thing over and over again constant flashing.

( this is with the AMIBOOT.ROM on it by the way.) ( and second CTRL + HOME keys dont seem to do anything.)

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well i downloaded the BIOS for the gx60 and it did not go as well as i had hoped, used the usb drive with the windows 98files on to boot to dos..that worked ok...types in update.bat, and the BIOS starts to flash, but when it had finished it just shut off and now it does not start. it turns on but there is no screen, fan work's and the cpu is still getting warm but thats it.

how do i recover the BIOS in this thing.

IF you insert a USB flash drive on boot it looks like its trying to read it but it just does the same thing over and over again constant flashing.

( this is with the AMIBOOT.ROM on it by the way.) ( and second CTRL + HOME keys dont seem to do anything.)


Just renaming a correct BIOS file to AMIBOOT.ROM is NOT suficcient, almost every OEM (any notebook manufacturer) will use their own naming for Recovery flash BIOS file...

For your GX60, i think a correct rename of original BIOS file is:



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Just renaming a correct BIOS file to AMIBOOT.ROM is NOT suficcient, almost every OEM (any notebook manufacturer) will use their own naming for Recovery flash BIOS file...

For your GX60, i think a correct rename of original BIOS file is:



am i right by holding ctrl + home when i turn the system on? or is there something else i need to know???

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by quick looking into GX60 BootBlock code It's same as here:


just download the correct BIOS version for your GX60:

- for Win8 preinstalled version:

http://www.msi.com/service/download/bios-19987.html or http://www.msi.com/service/download/bios-19988.html

and in this case rename E16FKAMS.508 (or E16FKAMS.708 for RAID model) to E16FKAMS.ROM

- for non Win8:

http://www.msi.com/service/download/bios-19387.html or http://www.msi.com/service/download/bios-19386.html

and in this case rename E16FKAMS.105 (or E16FKAMS.305 for RAID model) to E16FKAMS.ROM


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Hi folks, great thread! I have been having throttling issues with my MSI 16f3 barebone, (i7-3630qm, gtx 680m) and I'd very much like to try an unlocked bios / new EC to solve this. I have read through the thread diligently, but could not get a definite answer regarding what to use with my machine. I have read the disclaimer on MSI's site saying the retail MSI bios versions are incompatible with the whitebook versions, so I'm a little shy on what to use.

What EC / bios do you recommend? Could one of the bios/OC deities help me out?

Thanks in advance!

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you know its funny cos mine was the same before i bricked it. cant get past 2.7\GHZ.

so its the last time im buying an AMD laptop.

HOWEVER if you were to disable 2 cores in msconfig and reboot you'll find both cores at 3.2ghz odd.

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I have msi gx60 and i have A10 4600m cpu

I use AMD PSCheck and i have max turbo 2.7ghz :/ why not 3.2ghz ?

PScheck does not properly disable P-states, which breaks the 3.2GHz pb0 when used.

The only way I found to set P-states properly was by manually editing the PCI config registers with BAR-edit. Set F0D24F3xDC bits 9 and 10 to 0. This will disable P-states slower than pb1 and you can get PScheck to do it (although it offers other wrong approaches). However just doing this will break pb0 since pb0 requires 2 cores to be in C6, but the cores are set to enter C6 from a P-state that is now disabled, so C6 and thus pb0 are now broken. So we need to set pb1 as the state that cores can enter C6. Pscheck does not do this. You need to set F0D24F3xA8 bits 31 and 30 to 0. If you also set F0D24F3xDC bit 8 to 0 to try to force 3.2GHz only, the system will crash. The above will limit the system to 2.7 and 3.2 GHz. 3.2GHz at all times will require a BIOS mod to disable the boost lock bit.


F0D24F3xA8 bits 31 and 30 to 0

F0D24F3xDC bits 9 and 10 to 0

Another issue I found with the trinity system that I played around with is it will downlock the northbridge when the IGP is under load. Isn't that the exact scenario where you do NOT want to downclock the northbridge? To correct this do the following while the IGP is idle:

1. F0D0F0xB8 to 0x0001F5F8

2. F0D0F0xBC bits 0->7 to 0

The above will get you 1-2% more IGP performance due to the northbridge running at 1600MHz instead of 1300MHz. Note that running AMD overdrive will revert this setting, making you have to do it again. Overdrive will also occasionally cause a system freeze when being started with the northbridge forced to 1600, but never if overdrive is already running. I never found any instability besides that for 1600MHz. I think overdrive is just coded terribly. I would use HWinfo64 instead because just starting it would not change a bunch of settings on me, and it did not crash the system.

I can't remember if you can undervolt with PScheck. If you can't just say so I can I can you how to do that too. I know it can't undervolt the IGP/northbridge, but that hardly made a temperature impact when I did it through bar-edit. CPU undervolting was huge though.

About disabling cores with msconfig. When I tried that I found that it disabled an entire node instead of 1 core off each node, meaning that you lost half the cache and most importantly an FPU. Otherwise it might be worth doing for more performance in some cases.

I never managed to fix the stuttering I was getting with the above and more. The stuttering on trinity is awful at least on the toshiba I was messing around with. I would pick an HD4000 over it any day despite what benchmarks say.

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If i use msconfig and disable 2 cores Yes i have 3.2ghzBut system and all process is unstability and i must return to 2.7ghzI dont buy this shitty next time :/
yes i don't blame you . AMD are still behind on cpu's anyways so I'm going to stick with intel. gaming was slow as hell on my gx60 anyways with the cpu stick at 2.7ghz,. do yourself a favour and sell it..BUT I WILL SAY AMD GPU'S ARE MUCH BETTER THEN THERE CPU'S
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Xonar, thanks for your time and modify the bios :) Great job.

Would be possible to unlock the bios for GT683 (10U version)?.I know that the higher versions (10Z, 30Z) do not work nicely when I upgrade Windows 8 (SLIC...) - I experienced it personally (black screen in bios):(

It is planned in the near future exchange i7-28XXQM and GT675M - bios mods come in handy:)

Thanks for your help and best regards.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Xonar and everybody, i've upgraded my gx660 laptop with 7970m but it seems not to work correctly.

Flashing the unlocked bios at page 1 (MSI16F1unlocked) could someway increase stability? do i need to set manually any particular option for pci ex or similar? thx for your replies...

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Guys -- sorry for disappearing for a while (I'm still alive). I apologize for the absolutely shitty communication I've had with the T|I community and my superiors.

I actually do log in every now and then to check PMs, threads, etc, but I just haven't been able to find time for my hobbies (gaming, moding, etc). I've moved into a new place, bought a new car, work part-time, changed my major (taking 18 credit hours this semester), transferred to a different university and now I have finals coming up as well as multiple certification exams! The amount of paperwork, bureaucracy, personal meetings and "settling in" I've had to deal with in the past 2-3 months has taken its toll on my extra-circulars. Trust me, I have not abandoned you, rather, I've reorganized my priorities.

Spamming me with PMs "Will donate for mod!" won't change the fact that I'm just too busy. As always, I don't require donations; I do my best to service this great community for free. But, I have to find time first! :)

P.S. I've also reformatted to Windows 8. That's a whole new learning experience as well. /wink

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Hi xonar, I have a question which is bugging me, I am currently running on your custom MS-1762 Bios, and I have realised that it actually give me an option to boot with UEFI. Is this option actually valid for windows 8 UEFI boot installation? Or is it just a hidden feature that doesn't acutally enhance user experience except for making mbr partitons unbootable?

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Hi xonar, I have a question which is bugging me, I am currently running on your custom MS-1762 Bios, and I have realised that it actually give me an option to boot with UEFI. Is this option actually valid for windows 8 UEFI boot installation? Or is it just a hidden feature that doesn't acutally enhance user experience except for making mbr partitons unbootable?

Forget about it, it works but at the same time it doesn't work, I am able to install and boot under GPT partition but it doesn't have the UEFI interface, basically just a boot method enabling 128 partitions in one volume, will revert back to mbr boot for now..... until there is a version with proper interface

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Hi all, i install the xonar bios in my MSI 780R but after this i have a lot of a blue screen. The configuration is defalt in all options.

I dont have raid0 anymore, i install de SSD and set ACHI in bios, its correct? Any ideas?

Regards fron Brazil.

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Heyho again. Now I am a prowd owner of a GX60 Hitman edition and also wanted to test another memory (as the A10-5750m supports 1866-memory and only 1600 is installed, which is a difference for the iGPU..) and maybe other overclocking or undervolting-options.

Here's the newest BIOS for this notebook:


If you find some time, i'd love to test this BIOS unlocked and maybe some others too ;) (or maybe someone wants to test a 5750m-APU on a GX 4600m. This BIOS should support it :))

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