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Directions for 980m upgrade on M18x R2

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Hello everyone, I've been lurking for some time around this forum, it always helped me with my m18x, but now since both of my 680m gpus fried, I purchased a 980m and tried to install it just to get the famous 8 beeps. I know I need to flash a Bios to get it to work, but I'm really a noob on those things, I rarely touched Bios stuff before, so I got a little scared of the amout of stuff I need to do just to get this GPU to work.

I know there's 2 versions of this Bios here, I dont know which one to get, the svl7 one or the Swick1981 one, but I can't download them with this account yet anyway, even if I donate to the creator. 

If possible, I would appreciate some directions, tutorials, whatever. My M18x R2 configs are below.

Windows 10.0.19041


Intel i7-3920XM CPU @ 2.90GHz, 2101 MHz Overclocked to 4.10 GHz

Bios Alienware A12, 13/09/2013

SM Bios ver 2.7


Legacy Mode

16GB Ram


Thanks in advance!

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  • Bios Modder
6 hours ago, Aoshi_x said:

I know there's 2 versions of this Bios here, I dont know which one to get, the svl7 one or the Swick1981 one, but I can't download them with this account yet anyway, even if I donate to the creator. 


In your case, you need this bios:  

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  • Bios Modder
1 hour ago, Aoshi_x said:

Thank you for clarifying, but it wont let me download it yet, should I make a donation first?

I think yes, this bios is not for free.

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Thank you! But do you think it would be safer/better if I get back to Windows 7? I want it to run smooth, and plan on getting a second 980m too, Swick1981 mentioned a guy named woodstackz that sells them, is he from this forum? Also, will I need a modded driver for the 980m or can i just download the latest from nvidia?

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