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Alienware 17 problem with gtx 870m

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Hello to everyone.

So i got the aw 17 without gpu installed ,on the label of the laptop the configuration says that it came with 880m.  I had a gtx 870m spare and installed it on the laptop.

First think is that it cant not accept the drivers so i had to use modded ones that i found an i got a success install. 


After successfull driver install i m getting error 43 in device manager all time, i tried many different drivers but the result is the same.

Tried all the possible compinations but with no luck.

Thinks i tried

Vbios flashing

3 different operating system 

5 different modded drivers

resiting gpu

power clean the laptop

reflashing a16 bios 

Got the chance to try the card on another aw17 with gtx770m but the result was the same, error 43 in device manager.

Sone infos for the card.The card came from a fully working clevo p375sm  without any issues with the gpu.

Am I missing something?

If anyone could help me couse im desperate.

Edited by stathisgtr
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There are a lot of under the table dealing between laptop manufactures, Nvidia, and Microsoft. I have run into these same issues and have found the best solution is to run Linux. There is literally no way they can enforce those mafia error codes in Arch or Manjaro Linux. I am running a 780m GTX 4 GB card with literally nothing but the modded 12b bios. I bucked Windows back to Billy Boy's little tight anus, I suggest trying the same. If you want to game try running Stream's Proton plus Lutris. It should work will and work well with that card. It a Microsoft, Dell, Nvidia closed source nightmare you are facing. It better to go AMD on Linux but you can get it working with Nvidia on Linux.  Not a hardware crisis. I had to install straight Arch on my 17 R3 so it might turn out you have to as well. May need to look up some Linux Arch install tutorals i.e https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8nxP_wREuc . This kid is good at it!

I run Overwatch via Lutris with the Proton layer just fine. So...

Hope this helps.

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