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Overclocking K3000M on Dell M6700 is not possible?

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I use Dell M6700, 2GB K3000M graphics card.
I see the overclock is hopeless.
Computer M6700, Windows 10.
I installed the Msi afterburner, but could not unlock the voltage.
I flash vbios as per instructions:


I open the CMD to the desktop (the folder containing rom and nvflash)
nvflash --protectoff
nvflash k3000m.rom
K3000m rom i downloaded here:
I heard a beep when using the nvflash --protectoff command
 and another beep when using nvflash k3000m.rom
However after doing all that. I installed the afterburner msi, everything is the same. I have edited the MSG afterburder CFG file by making changes like:

Format = 2
CoreVoltageBoost =
PowerLimit =
ThermalLimit =
ThermalPrioritize =
CoreClkBoost =
MemClkBoost =
VDDC_Generic_Detection = 1



All have no effect.

Edited by natasha123
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I disable graphic card in driver manager. and 

I try open NVFlash_Certs_Bypassed_v5.287_x64  with admin and every thing okay. cmd said : restart to take effect. 

But when i restart , nothing changed. @@


Again i try to make usb boot by rufus and bot.  But with freedos, said : cannot open this program in DOS. 

I spend more than 30 hours on it. but cannot overclock Unlock voltage and more than +135 mhz . 

Edited by natasha123
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  • 5 months later...


You *might* be able to put it in a desktop and flash the BIOS with an MXM to PCIe adapter, but Dell locks their stuff down pretty hard.

They didn't used to. The Inspiron 8000 came out and the GPU was removable, first one ever as far I know. I was part of that little side project, we were flashing the BIOS, upgrading the card to the Geforce 2 Go from the later model 8000s, then the Geforce 4 Go (Geforce 4 400MX or something), the Radeon 9000, etc...

Dell initially just kind of let it happen but they started getting pretty irritated with the 8xxx forum being filled with video upgrade discussions rather than normal tech support questions.

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  • 2 weeks later...

To reply to the original post, about a year ago I overclocked my brother in laws m6700 with the K3000m by modifying the vbios with kepler vbios tweaker.  It overclocks really well.

But now I am a little rusty on how to work the vbios tweaker and I am trying to brush up on it because I'd like to overclock a maxwell card (M4000M) with the Maxwell vbios tweaker.

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