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Do pros use laptop for gaming?



I am trying to play CS:GO competitively. However, I find it hard to improve my aim on my 15" Laptop. Am I making excuses? Are there any successful pros playing on laptops? Thank you for your time.

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From what i know, pros use for CS GO, high HZ-low latency monitors, usualy they play on high performance desktops/laptops that can easly maintain over more than 120 fps, combined with a 1ms response time monitor they can reak havok among usual players and pro's alike, because theyr eyes are already used with high fps and reaction time also increases.


PS: A 15.6" laptop is ok for casual play, but nothing more. Also it all reduces to skill in the end, cuz some people do not have high reaction time (thats a fact).


Hope it helped.

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On 05.04.2018 at 8:41 PM, Bowser said:

Many thanks! Guess it's time to invest in a gaming monitor. Do you know if its worth it to spend the extra $$$ for Gsync? Or is 144hz 1ms monitor pretty similar?

Gsync actualy adds input lag, so.... probably not

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7 hours ago, Bowser said:

I had no idea Gsync adds input lag. Guess I should just save the cash. Thanks!

You can see more here,(https://www.blurbusters.com/gsync/gsync101-input-lag-tests-and-settings/3/) they did the tests. I also have Gsync, but i do not care of the iput lag coz i am more of a single player games man myself.

Edited by runix18
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I think a couple do but there's really no beating a great desktop set-up. It's more customizeable and it's easier to switch out parts (like a monitor) in case you're looking to upgrade.

Maybe try investing in desktops little by little instead?

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Cailley06 said it.

 I have an old beat-up 2011 rig. 3930k OC, 32gb, 2-390x, 1000w PSU. PURE space heater. When/IF crossfire WORKS, 1440p is golden. Know what I'm saying? IF. That's at 60-75Hz. Capped at 60. A lappy/notebook with that kind of @$$, why bother? Really? Means mofo has more money than brains. IMO.



Soz. I apologize for talking st00pid. I am old head at this, forgot more about PC than most mofo CAN learn. A lappy to nut-kick a desktop? Yeah, it happens... like a 1,200 HP hotrod. 3 seconds out of gate damn thing junked. Sho Nuff.




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I can't imagine relying on a laptop for that. I like having a good size monitor, with a 144Hz refresh rate. I know there are laptops with 144Hz, but you're paying a crapload for it and still dealing with a screen that is likely 15.6" unless you really shell out the cash for a gaming laptop with a 17" screen.

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