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Noob need help Bricked bios? alienware M18XR2


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Hi all. Total noob here. I just traded for a M18xR2 alienware laptop and I tried to boot a bios following
a guide from http://techinferno.com/haven/threads/4/


I beleive i used the G74VW GTX660M bios Version 1 not knowing if it was the exact match I needed and said
yes like a jackwagon through all of the warnings. My system rebooted to what I believe was a secondary
GPU intel something or another which was not half as fast as the GeForce GTX 660M.


So a bit frusterated I did a little digging and found a guide to do a blind flash at
htt://www.techinferno.com/  under the thread how to recover from a bad flash Alienware M18XR2. 

I went to Dells website and downloaded the original A03 bios M18R2A03WIN.exe and added the file to 7zip
and found the file called QBR10EC.fd and renamed it o M18R2.hdr then placed the file on a 2.0 usb stick
formatted fat32 (did not check the DOS box while formatting). I took out the battery put usb into esata
port pressed end then plugged in power released end then she started to beep like the guide said it
would. I counted around 140 beeps then just a black screen and ever onece in a while the fans would rev
up a bit. I let it go all night like that and was still like that in the morning. Now I try to press the
power button and nothing happens... So I am stumped and would love 
some advice please before adding another brick in the wall !

modbios (1024x576).jpg

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  • 9 months later...

You might have luck on eBay perhaps. It’s probably cheaper to buy a spi programmer with a chip clip tho. This will also keep you from having to try and desolder/solder the bios chip.

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