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Customer Complaints

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What's your company's process in handing customer complaints? Do you have an investigation team that helps in identifying the root cause and coming up with a solution to address the concerns? We're planning to add an additional department for all our customer issues coz the volume of complaints are getting higher now and our sales and marketing team is already exhausted handling all types of client inquiries. But before we finally decide for a new department, we also want to consider other possible procedures that other companies are practicing. So please feel free to drop your suggestions or whatever related inputs you want to add. Thanks.

Edited by Cailley06
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In my previous company, we even had a team we called QA Champions. These are members of different teams for example, 1 from HR, 1 from accounting, 1 from ops, 1 from production, 1 from sale ... etc. and once a month they conduct QA checks. So, aside from our QA team, we also had informal QA marshals. These marshals make recommendations based on what they observe.


Anyway, I was told that there is now a complaint handling software. Not exactly what I had in mind, but its a start. If we are able to monitor complaints logged and make sure to see them through, that is a lot of good for the business. 

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