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  • Bios Modder
5 hours ago, Einfuhlung said:

Ahh, thanks, but if I wanted to change throttling settings, would I need to unlock the bios?

If you, in any case, like to have unlocked bios, no problem, check your PM.

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  • Bios Modder
On 03.04.2018 at 9:09 PM, Boichi said:


I have sent on your pm my application to remove whitelist also.

for all that have not yet bought wifi card i have read somewhere that alledgedly 7260.HMWWB.R card it is not whitelisted but i can not confirm that...

if someone can test this card and post result might save someone a headache....



Your mod bios done. Check your PM box.

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  • 1 month later...
  • Bios Modder
19 minutes ago, Mr Cherry said:

Hi Klem,
can you help me please?
I would like to install a dualband wlan card.
The created bios is then easy to install?
I have no experience with bios update.

Thank you very much

my results:


Ok. Check PM.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Dear Klem,

can you mod my bios, because i would like to change my wifi card to an ac one, and can you write what else I can do with it?  I got a Z510.
But my problem is, i cant make a backup with your tool, it say's it cant find the path, so I make backup with universal bios backup toolkit 2.0

I hope its okay. Here is the link:


thank you for everything

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  • Bios Modder
37 minutes ago, kajtika said:

Dear Klem,

can you mod my bios, because i would like to change my wifi card to an ac one, and can you write what else I can do with it?  I got a Z510.
But my problem is, i cant make a backup with your tool, it say's it cant find the path, so I make backup with universal bios backup toolkit 2.0

I hope its okay. Here is the link:


thank you for everything


Ok. Check your PM box.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Klem,


For some wierd reason my z710 doesnt use turbo boost at all, running at 2,4mhz all the time, with only 60-70 degrees on my cores, since its an older laptop im not afraid to overclock it a bit, also i dont have control over my fans at all, like this whole laptop is a disaster... 


I wonder, would your bios update fix theese issues?


Thanks a lot in advance!



Edited by Mannyshu
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  • Bios Modder
39 minutes ago, Mannyshu said:

Hello Klem,


For some wierd reason my z710 doesnt use turbo boost at all, running at 2,4gz all the time, with only 60-70 degrees on my cores, since its an older laptop im not afraid to overclock it a bit, also i dont have control over my fans at all, like this whole laptop is a disaster... 


I wonder, would your bios update fix theese issues?


Thanks a lot in advance!




Download and run benchmark the RealTemp - XS Bench, and check what the multiplier that an CPU is capable. 

Also, you can try using ThrottleStop utility.  I think that this utility can help your Intel CPU running at its full Intel rated speed, including Turbo Boost.

Edited by Klem
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  • Bios Modder
13 minutes ago, Mannyshu said:


Well, try just run ThrottleStop utility, and then run benchmark "RealTemp - XS Bench" again.

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  • Bios Modder
12 minutes ago, Mannyshu said:


maximum performance :D  'maximum'

  • Balanced: Balanced automatically increases your CPU’s speed when your computer needs it, and reduces it when it isn’t necessary. This is the default setting, and it should be fine most of the time.
  • Power Saver: Power Saver attempts to save power by reducing the CPU’s speed all the time and lowering screen brightness, among other similar settings.
  • High Performance: High Performance mode doesn’t lower your CPU’s speed when it isn’t being used, running it at higher speeds most of the time. It also increases screen brightness. Other components, such as your Wi-Fi or disk drive, may also not go into power-saving modes

May be High Performance?

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12 minutes ago, Klem said:
  • Balanced: Balanced automatically increases your CPU’s speed when your computer needs it, and reduces it when it isn’t necessary. This is the default setting, and it should be fine most of the time.
  • Power Saver: Power Saver attempts to save power by reducing the CPU’s speed all the time and lowering screen brightness, among other similar settings.
  • High Performance: High Performance mode doesn’t lower your CPU’s speed when it isn’t being used, running it at higher speeds most of the time. It also increases screen brightness. Other components, such as your Wi-Fi or disk drive, may also not go into power-saving modes

May be High Performance?


I find it wierd too, it might be translation thing.. I can send you a screenshot, tho its in czech.. anyways im quite sure my 'maximum performance' = high performance

12 minutes ago, Mannyshu said:


I find it wierd too, it might be translation thing.. I can send you a screenshot, tho its in czech.. anyways im quite sure my 'maximum performance' = high performance


i double checked and cpus in this mode run on 100% both with battery only or pluged in

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  • Bios Modder
40 minutes ago, Mannyshu said:


I find it wierd too, it might be translation thing.. I can send you a screenshot, tho its in czech.. anyways im quite sure my 'maximum performance' = high performance


i double checked and cpus in this mode run on 100% both with battery only or pluged in

Well, check PM.

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1 hour ago, Klem said:

Well, check PM.


Works perfectly, thanks a lot! Stable at 3,18 ghz, instead of 2,4 before, i did some quick testing in cinebench, from original 470cb i jumped to 612cb, thats roughly 30% performance increase :) just a note for other z710s: i dont have laptop keyboard so the air flow is much better.


thanks a lot

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  • Klem changed the title to Lenovo Z710, Z510, U510, U410 unlocked BIOS menu / wlan whitelist mod / vbios mod

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