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Best Voice Chat For Gaming

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Hey guys another topic from me...... 


Best Voice Chat For Gamers.


A friend and I have just stumbled across a nice little program called DISCORD....


Now for clans i can see this being really helpful, We can start our own voice server give it a nice pic and get a clan chat happening you can Evan create invites that expire or dont expire... its great im still new to the program, but from my experience its so straight forward and works great you can evan get the app on your phone to stay in touch whilst your not gaming and your friends are.


Alot of gamers are turning to this nice piece of software so i hear....


Now here is a direct link : https://discordapp.com/


Get into it guys have a go see what you think and i want to hear all about it. :)


If anyone knows what language its written in and The pros and cons of not just DISCORD but all gaming chat software get creative and reply to this topic i think it will be a good one !!!


Cheers guys !!!! have fun and Game on !!!!!!!!!!!!!



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Hey guys Some More Features Ive learned On DISCORD....!!!!! (:


When your voice server is up and running for your clan etc...  The discord app on your phone shows  

What ever friends you have on there and if they have started a co-op game it tells you when the game is up and ready... Awesome i know...


You can Evan call them in your voice channel from your phone, This is good for Bluetooth heads sets such as Mine witch is a Turtle Beach XP510 the Swiss army knife of all headsets,


I can have the the game sound running through my WiFi receiver wich is different from Bluetooth... For those of you that do not know..... Then the Bluetooth side of it,....I just link my headsets Bluetooth up to my phone and bang!!!!!! I can use that as my chat and hear my chat to whom ever is on our voice server... Witch will be the clan calling notifys you of calls as well.. to your phone.


Unreal loving every second of discord for my gaming needs.  This is also a good work around if you have an older headset that doesn't mix with the PC as well as consoles...


Thought id add this in and anything else i learn will be coming,


Seriously guys give discord a go you wont be disappointing  

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Discord has replaced most other forms of communication while gaming, for me. It's also a great way to find and get involved with communities and like-minded people for many applications other than gaming. It's intuitive and powerful, combines many of the strengths of other options of the past into one seamless, simple. and efficient interface, and the developers seem to be very in-touch with their user community. It has everything you'd need out of something like it, and more - all for free.


Other programs along these lines that I've used in the past include Mumble, Ventrilo, and TeamSpeak.

TeamSpeak and Ventrilo have been around forever, and are very widely used and familiar to most. Works pretty well out-of-the-box, with some tweaking here and there.

Mumble is newer - designed with low latency, great quality, and security in mind. Some have trouble setting it up, initially, but all that takes is a little reading and some patience. It also includes a great built-in overlay - better, in my opinion, than the separately-installed TeamSpeak overlay "OverWolf", If not for Discord, Mumble would be my top pick, for sure.

Skype can work too, but it's worse in pretty much every aspect that matters, in comparison to anything else.


Each has its strengths and weaknesses, but, in the end, if you're like me, the main factor in choosing any client over the others will be the people you intend to talk with and which client they use. c:

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There's actually so many mods and extra things you can do with discord, it allows you to run a radio bot that plays music strictly in a channel along with other bots that can keep track of game progress like fortnite stats! Pm me if you want more details or want to join a server that has these things ^-^ 

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