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Setup 1.30 Discussion

eGPU Enthusiast

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  • 4 weeks later...


Good evening dear friends of the Forum.

I have some doubts and problems and accuracy of help.

 I have the following notebook

HP Envy 17 - 17t-j100
With a following configuration
Core i7 - 4700m
16gb ram
hd grapics 4600
GT740M Nvidea

I wanted to know how I do and what would be the best egpu model to use, if I need the softwear, the DIY eGPU 1.3 and if I can buy it for the mercado livre softwear.

Thank you
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Excuse me:
Remembering that I bought a model of the cheapest PCE164P-N03 version, but I installed it on the Pci card of the secondary note. but the video card in all tests did not recognize in the notebook, and the same always called before the notebook, never connected after the power of the note, always before, also tested on the pci of the wi-fi card anyway so it was still possible to call before.

Kind regards.
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  • 4 weeks later...
Unknown intel chipset found. Update R:\core\intel.txt including version with your chipset info, run ichip clear to clear variables then run ichip to confirm your chipset is found.

Please help me.I can not download intel.zip

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  • 1 month later...

Edit: Received the email with the software ;)


Has anyone bought the software lately? Do you know how to get in touch with the developer? I made the purchase but received no email. I tried to contact via email and Facebook, but I haven't had any feedback so far.

Edited by MatheusKS
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  • Founder
On 3/1/2018 at 7:30 PM, MatheusKS said:

Edit: Received the email with the software ;)


Has anyone bought the software lately? Do you know how to get in touch with the developer? I made the purchase but received no email. I tried to contact via email and Facebook, but I haven't had any feedback so far.


We're no longer affiliated with him so can't help you there. 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 3/2/2018 at 3:30 AM, MatheusKS said:

Edit: Received the email with the software ;)


Has anyone bought the software lately? Do you know how to get in touch with the developer? I made the purchase but received no email. I tried to contact via email and Facebook, but I haven't had any feedback so far.

If you have bought from developer it MUST BE 1.35 , he does not do 1.30 ;)

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  • 4 weeks later...
On ‎24‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 11:51 PM, eGPU Enthusiast said:


Try this see if work? intel.zip

Hello, Would you mind reuploading the intel.zip file to another location?  It seems to be inaccessible for me. I have the same problem: "[ichip] Unknown intel chipset found. Update R:\core\intel.txt..."

I have the processor Intel i7 -7500u 2,70ghz... someone solve this problem?

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  • 1 month later...

Hello Everyone


I used to play games with my egpu setup 2 years ago no problem. After a while I sold my graphic card (Gtx 970). 

Nowadays I am trying to setup the system again. All setup is same it is just a Gtx 770 instead of Gtx 970. 

I can disable my dGpu with the setup. My laptop sees my eGpu, installed the driver. But When I try to play a game laptop is trying to use iGpu

instead of Egpu why could that be. 

Deleted and reinstalled driver few times.

Could it be a power supply problem Fans of the msi gtx 770 are working all the time.



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  • 3 weeks later...
On 28/9/2016 at 10:54 PM, Tech Inferno Fan said:

As for your ACPI BIOS error, suggest you test if this is because of your DSDT override OR due to your BIOS seeing your eGPU on boot and configuring an unstable system. For the latter, can use delay switches on your eGPU adapter to hide the eGPU from the bios during a cold boot: https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/forums/topic/8947-mpcieec-egpu-troubleshooting-steps/



Hi, I can not access the link above .. I have that problem and I can not solve it with the DIY 1.35 I wait for your help. Thank you!

Edited by deksube
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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...

I Have a macmini from 2013 and started to play some games with it in windows 7 ultimate.

The performance on the onboard graphics is really not the best to play games so i thought i will get a EGpu to help with som boost.

I bought a MSI GTX 760 ITX card (because it have a mini display port and i have an cinema display). And also a VIdock overdrive 4++ to have an enclosure. With the hardware i don´t have any problems the graphics card starts and run just fine. I also have a sonet pro adaptor. I have bought a copy of the program DIY e-GPU. And hopefully got it to work with an usb. At least i got it to boot on the screen.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi guys... I need help with code 12 on win 7-64bit


PackardBell easynote TS-11 HR

i5 2450m

6gb DDR3

intel HD 3000

Gt 630m


Also I have unlocked bios I tried almost everything but cant come to a conclusion..shpuld I go for DIY eGPU Setup 1.35 ?

Im open to all suggestions



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  • 7 months later...

Hi everyone, I'd like to request assistance in installing the Setup 1.3 by ******.


So I'm basically stuck in creating a bootable USB. Following the instructions as stated in the guide, I've matched all of the settings of the RMprepUSB where you choose Freeloader Bootable and others. RMPrepUSB does complete the setup of creating a bootable drive however if fails in copying the files to the boot drive itself every single time.


Did anyone experience this?


I'm using a Toshiba L50 - B

with an 8 GB USB



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  • 2 years later...

Please help me.


Unknown intel chipset found. Update R:\core\intel.txt including version with your chipset info, run ichip clear to clear variables then run ichip to confirm your chipset is found.
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