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Setup 1.30 Discussion

eGPU Enthusiast

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On 19/10/2016 at 5:17 AM, Tech Inferno Fan said:


Your startup.bat ais already set to replay the pci.bat from the last PCI compaction.  No changes are needed.


You're right the startup.bat works just fine when I select the automatic option from the menu. Cheers, Tech Inferno Fan.

I now have a fully working eGPU that's quick to setup. I just need to figure how to make it more portable now. 




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  • 3 weeks later...

so i have certain steps to make it detect my gtx 1080 but when i install the driver and have to restart it goes back to not detecting and it fucks everything up again... and i compacted all pci-e devices and my 2nd hdd wont detect so i might go back to win7 since there's so many issues with win10

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I have a few questions regarding the 1.30...and ...I am a noob atit but I kindly ask someone to have a little patience with me. 

I have purchased a 1050ti, and device manager sees it, however....windows refuses to use it, and use its drivers. but displays the eGPU working properly. (more on my stupid predicament here): 




I have followed all steps to get  1.30 to boot before windows, step by step, like nando wrote in the htm file.So i get there,and it works.

So at least that I did correctly. 



Trying to actually use my egpu:


I am following this guy's step by step he used on a g74sx (i have g75vw....very similar)  , and I am supposed to do this:




Steps to perform prior to installation of the eGPU.
A- Read this (http://forum.techinferno.com/diy-e-gpu-projects/2109-diy-egpu-experiences-%5Bversion-2-0%5D.html)and this (http://forum.techinferno.com/diy-e-gpu-projects/3539-guide-dsdt-override-simultaneous-igpu-dgpu-egpu.html)and this (http://forum.techinferno.com/diy-e-gpu-projects/7476-%5Bguide%5D-dsdt-override-fix-error-12-a.html#post102517). Also, watch some videos like this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktUw2VTFyX4), this (http://www.hwtools.net/Adapter/PE4L%20V2.1.htmlhttp://), and this (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=in2RYwjWFyA).
B- Buy the appropriate hardware and software.
C- Download and install a graphics driver Uninstaller program to remove old drivers.
D- Download the latest drivers for BOTH the laptop and new eGPU.
E- Download (http://forum.techinferno.com/diy-e-gpu-projects/3539-guide-dsdt-override-simultaneous-igpu-dgpu-egpu.html)and perform a DSDT override if required.
F- Install DIY eGPU Setup 1.30 from 'Tech Inferno Fan' if required.




And I get to letter E , this thread about DSDT override: 




I get to this:




  • Connect eGPU and go to Setup 1.x
  • Set your eGPU port to G2 (assuming your have an adapter that supports G2, and your computer as well - if not, then skip setting the port to G2)
  • dGPU off
  • 32-bitA compaction for iGPU eGPU
  • chainload to your OS








1.How do I know if my port for egpu is g2? 

2. even if i activate my eGPU, when i go to video cards list, it only shows my dGPU.

3. my dGPU when i try to  disable it.....hangs. Or it doesn nothing. Should I get any confirmation it's off? It just says "disabling..." and...does nothing...minutes on end.

4.after all the operations in 1.30....how do I boot to windows with them active?  (it's a really noob question, but it's the first time i hit myself with this problem.Sorry if I am a total n00b at it.

5.should there be a dsdt button in 1.30? it says dsdt=off in 1.30 



Sorry to be annoying and/or boring with my questions but, I really could use someone in the know-how to give me a few minutes of his/hertime. I am clueless. 




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I have just started and trying to get DIY egpu working. I am using GE60 2pf apach pro
currently, i am stuck on position where whenever i try to do any kind of chainload with any option, it will cause 0xc000000e error whenever i try to load windows 10 or 1.30 ,with or without any kind of other modification such as diabling Dgpu.
for my egpu, psu: 700W ModXstream-pro
gpu: gtx 460 as test model (planning to get eVGA FTW 1060 3gb if it works)
my computer specs are listed on my DxDiag screen.
i have followed all the steps that the setup guide provided by using image in administrator mode. I have noticed that I got no PCI BUS so I deleted section with PCI express inside devcon text file. 
I have 3 hard drives, 2 ssd and 1 hdd. my windows is installed in DISK 2. all of 3 parts are MBR.
If any more information is needed,  Iwill provide. i simply do not know which infos I need to post. Thanks.


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On 20/11/2016 at 0:56 AM, Darkthor said:

I have a few questions regarding the 1.30...and ...I am a noob atit but I kindly ask someone to have a little patience with me. 

I have purchased a 1050ti, and device manager sees it, however....windows refuses to use it, and use its drivers. but displays the eGPU working properly. (more on my stupid predica






1.How do I know if my port for egpu is g2? 

2. even if i activate my eGPU, when i go to video cards list, it only shows my dGPU.

3. my dGPU when i try to  disable it.....hangs. Or it doesn nothing. Should I get any confirmation it's off? It just says "disabling..." and...does nothing...minutes on end.

4.after all the operations in 1.30....how do I boot to windows with them active?  (it's a really noob question, but it's the first time i hit myself with this problem.Sorry if I am a total n00b at it.

5.should there be a dsdt button in 1.30? it says dsdt=off in 1.30 



Sorry to be annoying and/or boring with my questions but, I really could use someone in the know-how to give me a few minutes of his/hertime. I am clueless.


1. The STATUS window will list say "p1@x1.1 10de:[email protected] (NVidia)" to indicate detecting your eGPU on a mPCIe/EC port. The boldfaced letter indicates if the port is running at Gen1, Gen2 (2nd gen i-core+) or even Gen3 speed (6th gen i-core+)


2. Work through getting your eGPU detected: https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/forums/topic/10811-mpcieec-egpu-troubleshooting-steps/


3. If you have only a dGPU that's wired to run your internal LCD, then yes, trying to disable it will cause a hang. The dGPU can be disabled if it's secondary in a switchable graphics environment with the iGPU as the primary.


4. Set Chainloader->mode=MBR, then chainloader->Test Run.


5. The "dsdt=off" status window item isn't complete so does nothing. To do a DSDT override,  pls work through https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/forums/topic/5874-guide-dsdt-override-to-fix-error-12/

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13 hours ago, RyanKK said:

I have just started and trying to get DIY egpu working. I am using GE60 2pf apach pro
currently, i am stuck on position where whenever i try to do any kind of chainload with any option, it will cause 0xc000000e error whenever i try to load windows 10 or 1.30 ,with or without any kind of other modification such as diabling Dgpu.
for my egpu, psu: 700W ModXstream-pro
gpu: gtx 460 as test model (planning to get eVGA FTW 1060 3gb if it works)
my computer specs are listed on my DxDiag screen.
i have followed all the steps that the setup guide provided by using image in administrator mode. I have noticed that I got no PCI BUS so I deleted section with PCI express inside devcon text file. 
I have 3 hard drives, 2 ssd and 1 hdd. my windows is installed in DISK 2. all of 3 parts are MBR.
If any more information is needed,  Iwill provide. i simply do not know which infos I need to post. Thanks.



Switch your eGPU to Gen1 for stability.  If you need more pls reply email to the instructions you've been given provided requesting assistance. Anybody else affected with BSOD on startup requested to do the same.

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it was the 1050ti.


i plugged a 750ti, ddu-d all drivers, got 750's ancient drivers in,rebooted, installed the dgpu drivers, rebooted....EVERYTHING WORKS !!

from 2660 score in firestrike, i jumped with 750ti to 3750.


nvidia gave me the worst 3 nights I could ever have.....thought i had to mod my bios with 150ti's vbios or some sh*t. 

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  • Brian locked this topic
  • Brian unlocked this topic

hello, can i fix error 35(need update for bios or something) with setup 1.3? i got that error on GTS 250, but on GTX 560 is fine

my laptop is toshiba L645

Edited by Lazka
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On 25.11.2016 at 4:42 PM, Lazka said:

hello, can i fix error 35(need update for bios or something) with setup 1.3? i got that error on GTS 250, but on GTX 560 is fine

my laptop is toshiba L645


Maybe, look up the error messages on the FAQ on the first page.

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  • admin changed the title to PC-Mac External Graphics Utility (PCM-eGPU)
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  • admin changed the title to eGPU Setup 1.30 Discussion

After mounting Setup 1.30, I have this error when attempting to boot into menu-based setup. What should I do? please help me

[ichip] Unknown intel chipset found. Update R:\core\intel.txt including version with your chipset info, run ichip clear to clear variables then run ichip to confirm your chipset is found.
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On 12/22/2016 at 4:43 AM, vrian said:

After mounting Setup 1.30, I have this error when attempting to boot into menu-based setup. What should I do? please help me

[ichip] Unknown intel chipset found. Update R:\core\intel.txt including version with your chipset info, run ichip clear to clear variables then run ichip to confirm your chipset is found.


Try this see if work? intel.zip

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  • Brian featured and pinned this topic
On 12/22/2016 at 6:43 AM, vrian said:

After mounting Setup 1.30, I have this error when attempting to boot into menu-based setup. What should I do? please help me

[ichip] Unknown intel chipset found. Update R:\core\intel.txt including version with your chipset info, run ichip clear to clear variables then run ichip to confirm your chipset is found.


I have the same issue.  I think it might be an issue with how newer intel chipsets (series 100) for Skylake aren't being supported by the list provided in setup 1.30.  


EDIT : I see that you're using an AMD processor.  I'm not sure if setup 1.x for AMD GPUs.  If you are using an intel chipset on another PC, you can find the chipset in device manager under the system devices category.  Let me know what chipset it lists.  


@eGPU Enthusiast Would you mind reuploading the intel.zip file to another location?  It seems to be inaccessible for me.  

Edited by Obamacare
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi I've made another post about this but no one seems to reply so long story short.

my egpu works fine but not on desired results. gtx 960

3d mark 11  7800 score

So I changed my gen speed to 5 gb/sec in the 1.30 pcie setup after that my card performs much better at 8500 3d mark score.


every 20 minutes it gets unstable or something I get black screen + freeze and windows notification shows something about NVLDDMKM

or  that windows blocked access to gpu adaptor. On gen 2 speeds it always on 99% usage which is weird right ? temperatures seems fine.

it is overclocked do 108% I tried returning it to 100% but that's doesn't solve the problem. Temp stays around 70-75 when used.


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On 1/15/2017 at 2:21 AM, Obamacare said:


I have the same issue.  I think it might be an issue with how newer intel chipsets (series 100) for Skylake aren't being supported by the list provided in setup 1.30.  


EDIT : I see that you're using an AMD processor.  I'm not sure if setup 1.x for AMD GPUs.  If you are using an intel chipset on another PC, you can find the chipset in device manager under the system devices category.  Let me know what chipset it lists.  


@eGPU Enthusiast Would you mind reuploading the intel.zip file to another location?  It seems to be inaccessible for me.  


On 12/24/2016 at 10:51 PM, eGPU Enthusiast said:


Try this see if work? intel.zip


I have the same problem, I need an updated intel.zip for my I7 5500u on a Lenovo G40-80. I got my 750ti working and I'm trying to make a 1050ti work.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys! I hope that you're all doing well!


Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but does Setup 1.30 work on Ubuntu? Because I'm sort of getting screwed on some TOLUD issues within the OS (But with Windows 8.1, it works fine.) I have Ubuntu running on a separate HDD if that helps. 

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  • 1 month later...
On 10/1/2016 at 3:20 AM, dooku655 said:

Hi, i tried to run Setup 1.30 on Lenovo Yoga 3 Pro and Dell Latitude 7350. Both with Intel Core M-5Y71. After select "menu baset" in Setup Menu i recive information about not recognize chipset.

The error that you are facing is because of poor versioned drivers. Thus, check the version of drivers if they are old then  uninstall it and replace it with new one. If after updating drivers there is no change in situation then your system needs proper diagnosing and troubleshooting. For this purpose check Dell Latitude 7350 Manual

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi tech-geeks,


i did a DSDT override (endpoint 56.25GB) and have a whitelisted wifi. If i do a undo-whitelisting with DIY eGPU Setup 1.35, successfully. My Nvidia GPU is detected, and i can start Win10 with nandos: PCI compaction 1# - method (endpoint 56.25GB-36b :: eGPU only :: no). 



1. My USB/hdmi-sound not working (found solution: Likely a PCI contention issue. Recommend setting up Setup 1.x, configured with a pci.bat (resulting from PCI compaction on your primary GPU + eGPU) prior to chainloading Win7. That doesn't helped).  I did all nandos PCI compaction 1# - 4# and ** - methods, my Win10 starts only with with 1# (no sound) and 3# (no usb). 

Can i do anything with different with DIY eGPU Setup 1.35?


2. With DIY eGPU Setup 1.35, my notebook runs min. 10fps slower than with the standart-method. 

Is that normal for standart-method?



Note: With standart-method: Poweroff your eGPU. Boot Win7. Standby (not hibernate) your system, poweron your eGPU, resume your system.

My notebook runs a beast and all function (hdmi-sound + usb)





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