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Setup 1.30 Discussion

eGPU Enthusiast

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I own a HP ProBook 4530s (i5 2430m,6GB ram) with expresscard 34 slot.I want to play GTA 5(coming in march :tears_of_joy:) on my lapotp,so wich egpu adapter should i buy?Wich is better - Pe4l 2.1(62$+10$ shipping) or EXP GDC Beast (53$ and free shipping).I know that with the Pe4l i can use my internal display using nvidia optimus driver,but can i use my internal display with the EXP GDC Beast adapter?I am going to use Nvidia 560 ti.

Got the very same specs (except for 8 G RAM) still can't setup my AMD HD5850 on PE4C (expresscard), although suspect power issues or broken GPU.

Got past error 12, but getting BSOD every time i try anything hardware-acceleration related (which is anything other than showing desktop)

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Ok, so I got my setup working now:

HP 4530s

i5 2430m

8 Gb RAM

iGPU + eGPU (no dGPU to start with)

Intel HD 3000 (for laptop screen)

AMD HD 5850 Extreme Ed. (for external screen)

PE4C 2.1 (bplus)

Power supply: 200 W xbox power adaptor

Encountered error 12, DSDT override was done, but Win7 fails to assign eGPU to a correct bus.

Got the thing working with setup 1.x (both 32a and 36 bit compactions seem to work well)

(most of my problems with BSOD came from a faulty molex connector for the power supply - ouch!)

This reply did help a lot:

Connect up an ATX PSU and re-test. Suspect power issues. Also test mPCIe connection by booting with wifi card and hotswapping in PM3N.
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Whomever edited the thread title, please note my OS is Win8.1, not Win7. I can change my post title but thread title isn't changing.

Also - does anyone know how to confirm that PCI-e compression is enabled? I'd like to test it somehow but I haven't seen anything in the FAQ on how to identify that it's working.

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Hello, I have been here before but apparently my account got deleted since I signed up during a period that was deleted when some servers went down. Anyway, I have achieved a DSDT override and 36 bit compaction, however since my system is a old ICH9M based notebook without a iGPU instead and an Nvidia dGPU it is having trouble creating resources for the HD 260X I am trying to install via expresscard Ares 7.0.

Currently I have it setup where there is a code 35 error on the pci express root port that the eGPU is located. This is in spite of the fact that the card is detected in device manager and the drivers installed but won't run.

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I purchased all the components from a user on Notebookreview but I am having extreme difficulties getting this to work, however I think I am on the precipice of success. My setup is a ICH9M board with expresscard and an integrated Nvidia dGPU, I am trying to get this to work in X1E with an AMD HD 7770.

1: DSDT override

2: hotplug expresscard while in Setup 1.X

3: F5 to detect it then engage X1E

4:Run PCI compaction 36 bit selecting both EGPU and DGPU or just EGPU then only DGPU for 32 bit restriction

5: There are no errors by windows as long as I have my DGPU nvidia drivers unistalled however I cannot get it to connect to an external monitor or get detected by catalyst

This setup is useless as it is now and I am at my wits end.

Additional information:

I have tried hotplugging at other times for example during the windows load screen, during sleep, during hibernate.

I have also tried to completely disable the DGPU from Setup 1.X but that didn't work at all. I read somewhere about a hijack method, i think if I can somehow get windows to switch from my DGPU output to my EGPU it will work.

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Since my new 970 and ThunderTek PX are stable I decided to start playing around with my customization TOLUD. Below are my options and how stable they might be; I explain after each option.

1) Dymanic (super stable, no weird issues, just works)

2) .5GB (not stable, initializing an eGPU in Setup 1.x causes windows not to load and or setup 1.x to lock up and will not boot afterwards unless eGPU is unplugged. Windows has no idea an eGPU has been plugged in)

3) 1GB (stable, only when rebooting 3 times after disabling the dGPU in Setup 1.x. Windows sees the eGPU but without setup 1.x, always claims drivers are not installed or Code 12 and optimus will NOT function)

4) 1.5GB (same as above)

5) 2GB (Stable)

6) 2.5GB (Stable)

7) 3GB (stable)

8) 3.5GB (stable)

Other than an eGPU the system functions fine no matter what setting I choose.

just thought I'd share my small findings.

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Get your stuff from Germany ;)

ja versuch mal n akitio thunder 2 in die schweiz zu bestellen xD keine chance haha. musste es jetzt aus NY bestellen wo es gerade wegen dem schneesturm feststeckt xD

kannst du mir n bischen detailiertere bilder von der verkabelung machen? brauch ich für die power auf der aktitio platine einen adapter oder ist das n direkter stecker von dem netzgerät?



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OK so this is what I have so far, two graphics card reporting no errors to windows. The only problem is that neither one has working drivers. If I only install the drivers for my nvidia card it works normally but the AMD card shows an error. If I install the drivers for the AMD card and not the Nvidia card it is still not detected by Catalyst instead the AMD drivers report the Nvidia card in everything but hardware information which shows an incomplete list of the AMD card.

This is what I have done so far:

1. Uninstall all drivers with DDU

2. DSDT override

3. Then I hotplug the expresscard after post

4. Set it to X1E mode

5. 36 bit compaction on both DGPU and EGPU with a 32 bit restriction on the DGPU

6. Boot windows which shows two cards running normally but the AMD doesn't output to the external display.

Please help, thanks in advance.

My specs are a ICH9M Chipset with a T9600, 4GB RAM, an integrated GT 240M 1GB DDR3 and Expresscard HD 7770 GHZ 2GB GDDR5

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Can't see the photos :(

Sorry, I have no idea why, I used the insert image button and can see them on my phone but for some reason I only get links too here but you can click on them and see the pictures

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At this moment I want to buy a second Laptop because sometimes two machines are necessary to try stuff out. I found a good offer for the HP 2570P with the minimum specs… 4GB RAM 1 Dimm, i5-3210M (2,5 Ghz), 250 GB HDD.

I saw you prefer the E6440 somehow. The Dell is sold for 400-550 Bucks… would you suggest to spend more money for the new machine? I want to run my EGPU at this machine and use it as a Desktop replacement. For mobility I have my x230T fully upgraded with 16GB Ram, 1.5 TB HDD etc.

Would be nice to hear a suggestion before I go for the new machine. I didn’t get your point “EC retrofit parts are C7XN3 H2C8D <- What do you mean with that major missing feature? I plan to upgrade the 2570P with a SSD, 4GB extra RAM and maybe a new quad core I7. Around 200 bucks for upgrade I think... so which deal is better? :)

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Whenever you restart your computer must be setup and compacted in the DIY 1.2 setup? I did the installation on the diskC:(windows installation)

I ask because the direct restart Windows not returned to load the eGPU jejejeje, sorry for this question :(

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Is this possible also with HD2000? if i can enable intel HD 2000 maybe i can run eGPU (GTX970) in imac's internal monitor/

All i need is to disable amd 6750m and enable intel HD 2000 for optimus .



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Is this possible also with HD2000? if i can enable intel HD 2000 maybe i can run eGPU (GTX970) in imac's internal monitor/

All i need is to disable amd 6750m and enable intel HD 2000 for optimus .



The OP has a 15" Macbook Pro with GT750M. You have a imac so you are in a better position to answer your question : can you try his steps and tell us if it works to enable your system's iGPU?

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