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203W X-Box PSU

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For all of you looking for a reliable, cheap (28$) and easy to find PSU, I can only recommend you to look for a X-Box 360 PSU.

You're looking for the bigger one that comes with a FAN in it and can deliver 203W.




Sans titre.png

Just like the Dell DA-2, it comes with:

  • 3 yellow wires (12v)
  • 3 black wires (GND)
  • 1 blue wire (REMOTE)
  • 1 red wire (5V)


Note: Some will come with 1 extre yellow wire and 1 extra black wire. Those are thinner than the others and won't be used here as they're only used for low amp delivery.

Soldering them with thicker wires will result in PSU only delivering ~30W. Ignore them.

Now, you may want to strip the three yellow wires, three black wires and solder them to a 6 pin PCIe connector. Then solder the red and blue wires together (or solder a switch between them so you can switch the PSU between powered (front led = GREEN) to sleep mode (front led = ORANGE)).

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