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Found 20 results

  1. .If you're interested why not all modified BIOS versions can be flashed the 'usual' way with the official tools, read this:http://forum.techinferno.com/alienware/2252-information-about-bios-updates-a07-a08-higher-m14xr2-m17xr4-m18xr2.html M18x R2 - 'unlocked' BIOS versions The following BIOS of the Alienware M18x have been modified so that all hidden menus and options are visible. It will allow you to further tweak your system and optimize its peformance. Most of the options are only meant for advanced users. Don’t change anything you’re not sure about. It's possible that you see options which don’t work for your system, so be careful when changing settings. In case you mess up and your system refuses to boot applying new settings, remove the AC adapter, battery and coin cell battery in order to clear the non-volatile ram of the BIOS. This should fix most issues. *UPDATE*Instructions: There are two ways to flash the modified BIOS: Downgrade to stock A03 by using the USB recover procedure. (Thanks @Scott Matusow for summarizing the procedure). Make sure to closely follow the instructions, and wait until the system is done with the flash. Once you're on A03 flash the modified BIOS using the regular way (using the tools provided by Dell)..This method seems to work very well on the M18x R2, at least as long as you do as instructed. It can be a bit scary though since you can't see what's happening. .. Flash the BIOS from DOS with the FPT tool. This will only flash the BIOS part and leave out the EC and so on. It's a really safe option when done properly and less scary since you see the progress and information on the screen. For the USB recovery method follow the instructions in the link above. Second possibility - flashing from DOS: Prepare an USB drive so that it can boot DOS. If you don't know how to do this, check the instructions in the spoiler. . Grab the DOS version of fpt for flashing, and my 'prr tool' to circumvent write protection.. Download a '[FPT]' labeled version of the unlocked BIOS. Put the DOS version of the flash tool on the root of the prepared USB stick (fpt.exe and fparts.txt), along with the prr.exe and the file you want to flash (plus the included flash.bat). . Restart the system and boot from your USB stick. Run prr.exe, then flash the bios by executing the flash.bat file. Wait until the tool completes the flash. If the verification is okay, reboot, else flash again.. Go to the bios, load the default settings and reboot. Done. NOTE: If you want to use an unlocked BIOS newer than A03 I highly recommend to first flash the desired version of the unmodified BIOS (grab it at the Dell download site). Once you're on the version you want to unlock, follow the DOS flashing procedure described above. If you want to go A03 or earlier, the best thing to do is using the USB recovery method. Here two pics of the most interesting options: ********** Thanks @Riri-Fifi for the pics and testing! Thanks @johnksss for testing my prr tool! ********* Flash and use at your own risk. I don't take any responsibility for possible damage on your system. ___ The software which I provide here ('prr tool') comes with absolutely no warranty to the extent permitted by applicable law. Download the bios files referened in this post from here:
  2. Dell updated their support site with a new Command Center version for the more recent Alienware systems. (See here) Download link (direct) Compatibility: Alienware Laptop M11xR3 Alienware Laptop M14x Alienware Laptop M17xR3 Alienware Notebook M14xR2 Alienware Notebook M17xR4 Alienware Notebook M18xR2 Fixes & Enhancements: Installer Added support for Windows 8 X64 Added support for current AWCC 2.7 compatible platforms and M17x-R3, M18x, M14x. AlienFusion FIX BITS DF553175: AWCC effect the P-state and clocks of NV Optimus sku on DC mode AlienFX LFX_GetVersion function added to AlienFX API AlienFX Controller shutdown process was improved
  3. I have installed my 980M on myR2, Got the 8 Beeps, I thought with the A12 BIOS and Windows 10 it should have worked. Oh well, going to tear it back down and put the 675M's back in. Ijust got promoted and am downloading the A11 unlocked BIOS . So, Next teardown I am going to be completely ready. I just want to get this in and see if I can get it working before my return window passes. I have posted a few places here, and on Notebook Review on several threads about this stuff, and have received one response. Is this site still active? Do I need a modified driver still, all that stuff looks really old, 2013-2016 type stuff. I need to know about 2018. I have read that Nvidia added support for the maxwell in m18x r2. Am I wrong? Can someone offer advice? I have read that this thing should have been plug and play with windows 10 on Eurocom, Do I just need their driver? PLEASE HELP!!! Thank You!!!
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Files contained in this archive: FTP-DOS.zip prr2.zip M18x R2 - BIOS A03 'unlocked.zip M18x R2 - BIOS A08 'unlocked.zip M18x_R2_-_BIOS_A08_-_[unlocked]_-_[IRST].zip M18x_R2_BIOS_A03_-_[unlocked] - [IRST].zip M18x_R2_BIOS_A09_-_[unlocked].zip [FPT]-M18x_R2_BIOS_A09_-_[unlocked].zip [FPT]-M18x_R2_BIOS_A10_-_[unlocked]_V2.zip M18x_R2_-_BIOS_A08_-_[unlocked].zip M18x_R2_BIOS_A03_-_[unlocked].zip For information on how to use the files in this archive, see here: My donation link in case you want to buy me a beer
  5. Help me Tech Inferno, you're my only hope. Ok so firstly, apologies for yet another 8 beeps thread. I must have read 100 of them over the last week. I feel like I'm missing something obvious, but I'm totally burned out after days of working on this so would appreciate some outside perspective. I live in the UK, so I've avoided buying a 980m to upgrade my 660 for years to due the price/import tax etc. I finally found a good priced 980m on Ebay a few weeks ago so I thought why not give my trusty 18x r2 a few extra years of life. I ordered the 100w heatsink, x bracket etc from Eurocom at the same time and everything arrived on the same day. Here's what I've done so far in the last 7 days: -Flashed unlocked A11 BIOS (I rolled back to Dell A11 first) -Removed 660m and installed 980m -With BIOS in Legacy, Installed Windows 7 on a new SSD with BIOS set to IGFX -Tried to switch to PEG but got 8 beeps so reset CMOS battery -Switched to SG and booted to Windows. 980m detected as default hardware. Installed 980m Driver from Eurocom and restarted. Device manager shows 980m working normally along with HD Graphics 4000. Tried PEG again but still got 8 beeps -Reset battery, booted to Windows and disabled the 980m in Device Manager -Flashed VBIOS from here (I read that the dell VBIOS doesn't work well so tried Clevo one first, but I've since tried both and a few others) -Re enabled 980m and restarted Laptop still in Legacy SG. -Tried to test a game but they only want to use HD Graphics 4000. When I try to open NVIDIA Control Panel and change some settings I get a blue screen and have to restart. -Tried PEG again, still 8 beeps I've tried many combinations of drivers, VBIOS and BIOS settings over the last week but the result is mostly the same. I get 8 beeps in PEG. I thought perhaps the seller had sent me a G-sync version as I have read these don't play well with PEG, but I checked the hardware ID (PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_13D7&SUBSYS_05501028&REV_A1) and what I've read seems to indicate this is the Non G-Sync card. I got the 980m rather than the 1060 after reading the forums as I saw so many success stories I figured it would be the safer option. I understand this laptop is basically dead to most of you now, but if any techsperts are around and could give me some other things to try I'd greatly appreciate it. Thank you, Max
  6. I decided to buy a 980M for my R2. I have gone down the rabbit hole in these forums (Here and notebook review) but most of it appears to be from 2012-2016. I am not planning on overclocking, and for now am replacing the 2x 675m sli (Alienware Tech support fried one of my 675M's with a thermal pad on the GPU, yes a thermal pad instead of paste, see photo.) with a single 980M solution. I have finally managed to get this site to send a confirmation email, then turns out I wait a week download the unlocked A11 BIOS. Do I even still need it? I will pay if I need it for sure to get it faster. What I'm getting at, is this still a thing? I have read that Nvidia added support for the R2 in their driver, so no modded driver is needed. Did alienware add support for maxwell with the A12 BIOS? I can't find a difinitive answer. Sorry, I have read so much about this the past week, but haven't come up with a cut and dry yes or no.
  7. Download the original Alienware unmodded A03 bios from Dell at Drivers and Downloads | Dell [united States] The file is named "M18R2A03WIN" Extract the contents of M18R2A03WIN to a new folder named "Alienware recovery" anywhere on your useable computer. In there you should have a bunch of files. (9 in total) Look for the one called QBR10EC.fd Rename this file to M18R2.hdr Place the file M18R2.hdr on a formatted fat32 usb stick on its own. Thats it. Blind created Recovery process: To do the recovery process you need to remove your m18x r2 battery. Unplug the back power cord as well Plug the usb stick with the file M18R2.hdr in the M18X's e-sata port Now hold down the END key (located above the numbers key pad) at the same time while your holding the END key plug in the power cord only, you will hear the fans turn on full bolt. Release the end key and wait After a few seconds once the file is read from the USB stick you will hear 20 or 30 beeps (sounds like a garbage truck reversing) After the beeps stop the m18x will shut down and reboot itself. ( 1 or 2 times depending) Once reboot all will be back to normal A03 bios. Connect the battery back if you wish after successful boot.. That's all folks, things should work now unless you bricked the EC controller, which is hard to do.
  8. Is there a way to get a 144 HZ Display for the m18x R2? I was trying to think of a meaningful 5th Post for promotion, so there it is! Haha, but really, is there?
  9. Being an Audiophile i had to get all the functions up and running for my Almost new R4 How to get updated driver.. and Thx control panel to work under windows 10 64 bit (who has 32 installed on an R4 anyways) I have DDU disabled always, Windows 10 in Test mode. Do this after all the other drivers/apps are updated, NVIDIA, Visual C etc. Fix: 1.:ownload the latest driver for the Recon 3Di chip itself. This specific driver package is for a later revision that has another firmware on the effect side so the Control Panel does not work. But we are not after that here, we need the latest driver so it will work optimally in W10. http://www.dell.com/support/home/no/no/nobsdt1/Drivers/DriversDetails?driverId=D6NF4 2.: Thx Control panel: Download the standard Audio driver package M17x R4 / M18x R2 https://downloads.dell.com/FOLDER00384156M/2/Audio_Creative_W74_5NJ7K_A01-Setup_ZPE.exe 3.: Right click the exe file and extract the contects to a random folder. Go to Program files\Creative\Sound Blaster Recon3Di\Sound Blaster Recon3Di Control Panel Copy the contents of this folder over to Program Filesx86\Creative Make a shortcut to the desktop. Run it, and you have control over all settings (optional) Delete the Newer Recon 3Di control panel folder if you installed that with the newer package that does not recognise the older Chip.
  10. Good day, I am the owner of a used m18x r2 struggling to build it back up into a functional machine. The previous user had his system installed in RAID mode which won't suffice for my desired SSD boot speeds. I've ensured that both AHCI and UEFI are active in the A11 BIOS. I have also ensured to clean the main drive via diskpart CMD upon custom installing my copy of Win 7 Ultimate. Oddly enough, when the setup completes, I'll get an error message stating windows can't finish configuring and needs to restart. Heeding this message will only cause it to happen again on the next reboot, so CMD to the rescue and creating and off to making user account I go. Unfortunately, boot speeds are as slow as ever and I've verified that no RAID controllers have been left installed in the device manager. So far, my only potential lead is that I've noticed during each boot, Windows mentions that "Setup Is Updating Registry Settings" after about of minute of Starting Windows. I've been researching this exact string but I can't say I've found a concrete solution to attempt just yet. So here I am, requesting for advice as to what I should check next. Thanks in advance! EDIT: I've tried out a new install accessing the CD through legacy but still keeping the SDD Boot drive on UEFI mode. So far haven't had to mess with CMD anymore to proceed nor has the Setup needed to Update Registry Settings. I also remembered to install the intel rapid storage driver. Alas, I'm still left with 2 minute boot times(particularly on the Starting Windows screen), so the problem still remains. EDIT2: Diagnosing with a Boot Manager, I discovered it takes about a minute before svchost even starts running. So with that, I ruled out it wasn't a software problem. I then decided on the possibility that maybe the other drives could be interfering with booting. Pulling out the other HDDs had no effect, but the actual culprit was the mSATA SSD that was left in from the last user. Now I can enter windows in 3 seconds! Even fishier, this mSATA drive says its 32 GB but Speccy says its a 1GB drive. But that's a problem for another time, at last my 850 EVO is showing off its expecting speeds.
  11. Using Win 7 Ultimate and the stock A11 BIOS. No matter how many times I reinstall the driver with admin privileges, I can seem to get the media keys working. I've used the Windows 7 64bit drivers and the 8.1 drivers, nuttin do it. 'Fraid I don't have many leads to follow on my own just yet. So here I am.
  12. Hello I bought Dell gtx 880m for my m18x r2. I thought there would be fewer problems than with gtx 970m. Installed it and the laptop at the start produces 8 sound signals with black screen. I tried to flash a11 and a12 BIOS and it did not help.
  13. Hi, i'd like to find out if the killer network card can be upgraded? or any other parts for the matter, so one can fully max out his m18x r2 for the best optimal performance, I want to make a list of the best compatible parts to upgrade the M18x R2, like the: - Ram: - SSD: - Graphics card: - CPU: 3940xm - Most compatible OS: <---- i heard windows 10 fries the samsung screen or something? i assume windows 7 is best option? maybe if possible I could include links to guides for all of these aswell for those like myself who dont know what to do. there must be guides out there but for conveniance have it all in one place maybe. thanks
  14. Hello everybody! Will heat sinks from Alienware M18x R2 physically fit in Alienware M18x R1? I have 2 x AMD 6970M. I have read that heat sinks from R2 are better. I do not know which parts will be the best. Right Side Video Card Heatsink For R1: DP/N: 29NC1 029NC1 AT16L0010F0, AT0FM00A0C0 For R2: DP/N: 8J8TM, 08J8TM, AT0MI0040C LEFT Side Video Card Heatsink For R1: DP/N: 0Y8T9Y, AT0FM0070F0 For R2: DP/N: V4NXK, 0V4NXK, AT0MI0010C0 Taking this opportunity, which is better to add to M18x R1: two graphics cards AMD AMD 6970M or one 7970M? Could anyone help me?
  15. Version 1.0.0


    User with any of the M14x R2 / M17x R4 / M18x R2 notebooks with a current BIOS have reported issues when using the Secure Boot / Fast Boot options in combination with the dedicated Nvidia / AMD GPU. Files contained in this archive: GTX 660m - Dell GTX 680m - 80.04.5B.00.02.zip Dell 7970m - Dell Dell 675m - 70.24.4E.00.10.zip To learn more about how to use the files in this archive, please visit the thread below: Donation link In case you want to buy me a beer Thanks and cheers!
  16. Version 1.0.0


    User with any of the M14x R2 / M17x R4 / M18x R2 notebooks with a current BIOS have reported issues when using the Secure Boot / Fast Boot options in combination with the dedicated Nvidia / AMD GPU. Files contained in this archive: GTX 660m - Dell GTX 680m - 80.04.5B.00.02.zip Dell 7970m - Dell Dell 675m - 70.24.4E.00.10.zip To learn more about how to use the files in this archive, please visit the thread below: Donation link In case you want to buy me a beer Thanks and cheers!
  17. Grab it while it's hot New Bios for the M18x R2 on the Dell site, mainly an updated for Win8.1 but it has one additional fix that might be useful. Driver Details | Dell US Changelog:
  18. Hello as u can see from image skype has a problem with laptops camera. but when I test it with Cyberlink you cam mirror it works perfectly nothing like in this screenshot. I tried uninstalling and installing drivers few times and no improvements. I have: M18x R2, 16GB, i7 3610Qm, GTX 660m Win 7 64Bit Fresh install any ideas? anyone had this issue? can anyone with same laptop try latest skype version or if anyone has tried pls report. thanks Update: I had this posted in skype support forum and they helped me with this issue, never would have thought that nvidia video card would have connection with web camera. I just changed in nvidia control panel "adjust image settings with preview" to let the 3D application decide restarted skype and now works.
  19. Another day, another bios update... grab it while it lasts Dell link: Drivers and Downloads | Dell [united States] And of course it is also attached to the post so you can actually download it... lol. Cheers! M17x R2 - BIOS A08 -stock-.zip
  20. I didn't realize this so far, but BIOS A03 for the M18x R2 is up on the Dell support site. According to the date there it got released the same day as the M17x R4 BIOS A05. So this might fix the GPU software overclocking issue as A05 did on the R4... would be interesting to hear! No change log included on the website... really a bad practice Dell started here, back in the early M17x R2 and M15x days they included a highly detailed change log as .txt file, they really should bring this back. [MENTION=4186]Alienware-Frank_L[/MENTION] , [MENTION=4614]Alienware-Luis_Pardo[/MENTION] or any other AW representative here... do you have any insights on the change log? Download links: Dos version Win version
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