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  1. i want to ask two favours and a question from this community .. 1.) Can someone mod my 940 mx to increase the target temperature and allow higher overclocking than 135hzband voltage control 2.) Allowing my i5 7200U to be undervolted to reduce overall heat The question : I repasted my gpu and cpu cleaned it thoroughly, made sure twice everything is connected properly, use a cooling pad and yet the upper portion of my chasis above f1-f12 keys is so hot that i can roast peanuts on it. (if i left out any info or missed something please reply i would really love to have a page that has everything for people who have this laptop specifically for light gaming.)
  2. Hello, I have this gaming notebook with a 970m 3gb, I need a custom vbios so I can overclock it, I've been surfing the web but I can't find anything good... Any help? Thanks in advance.
  3. Please could you check if it is possible to unlock my A17 BIOS? I have Alienware 17 R5(2013). 120 Ghz 3D. gtx 980 m. I want upgrade to 1070 but I have dark picture. Turns on but does not start with 1070. 980m-All good. What could it be?
  4. I am trying to find unlocked bios for overclocking but i cannot find it from a few days please someone help in me. its for my alienware 17 r3 with 970m and i7 6700hq. my dumped gpu bios i would really appreciate your help! and btw rn i OCed thru msi after burner core clock +135 and memory clock +250. cpu gpuz pic gpu pic
  5. I have a Clevo P170EM with a GTX680m from 2012 and it's starting to show weight of the years I would like to squeeze little more performance out this "outdated" GPU. Can someone help me ?
  6. Hello everyone! I am looking for an answer to a problem I cannot find a solution to ... I purchased an Amd wx 4150 MXM GPU module su e bay to upgrade my HP 8570W Mobile Workstation which is currently equipped with a Fire Pro M4000. Once the new GPU has been installed, the PC screen no longer turns on but works only with external monitors connected via the docking station. The same happens once the drivers are updated! If I put the old card back on, the integrated monitor starts working again ... How can I fix it?
  7. Hello, does anyone know, which is the chip holding the VBIOS-ROM on an AMD Pro-WX 7100? I've two AMD Pro WX 7100 which doesn't work. One has maybe a wrong VBIOS and gets deativated in BIOS before any system boots. The other one is not recognized by the MB so I suspect this one to be defective and un-soldered two chips, which I suspect to be the VBIOS-ROM: On earlier GPUs, the VBIOS was the chip closer to the GPU. But here, this chip has a bottom SMD contact which looks more like some power electronics... So before I start soldering on the probably working GPU - can you tell me, which actually is the VBIOS? Thanks.
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Files contained in this archive: FTP-DOS.zip prr2.zip M18x R2 - BIOS A03 'unlocked.zip M18x R2 - BIOS A08 'unlocked.zip M18x_R2_-_BIOS_A08_-_[unlocked]_-_[IRST].zip M18x_R2_BIOS_A03_-_[unlocked] - [IRST].zip M18x_R2_BIOS_A09_-_[unlocked].zip [FPT]-M18x_R2_BIOS_A09_-_[unlocked].zip [FPT]-M18x_R2_BIOS_A10_-_[unlocked]_V2.zip M18x_R2_-_BIOS_A08_-_[unlocked].zip M18x_R2_BIOS_A03_-_[unlocked].zip For information on how to use the files in this archive, see here: My donation link in case you want to buy me a beer
  9. ADMIN EDIT 12/15/15: The original referenced zip pack is now restored. Did some tests with the VBIOS of the AMD 7970m, here's what I've got so far: - Overvolting: So far no success, when I increase the 3d voltage the card simply stays at the 2d profile. Fixed that Be aware that overvolting should only be done by experienced users and can seriously harm your GPU, shorten the life of its components and lead to unsuspected effects and / or system instability. I take no responsibility for any possible damages. Overvolting has been tested by me and @widezu69 (thanks!). It works, but can lead to instability, you need to find your limit. The M15x doesn't handle it well. I noticed similar behaviour as with my overvolted 6970m, drops in clocks, instability etc. At 1.15V even immediate crash at GPU load. The M17x R3 seems to handle it a bit better, there's probably more headroom in the voltage supply circuits which are providing the voltage for the GPU. I was able to run some vantage tests at 1Ghz with a 0.05V overvolt, my previous core clock limit was at about 950Mhz... so it definitely works. Different systems will behave in different ways, only way to find it out is to test it. Don't do it if you lack overclock experience. - Undervolting: Only did some quick tests, but it seems to work. The driver crashed all the time at clocks which normally worked fine. And at more sane clocks the card worked as expected. - Update: Yes, works very well - Core / memory clocks: Works fine so far, I only tested the 3d settings, but I assume it also works for the other clock profiles. In the GPU-Z screenshot you can see the changed clocks: A package with a selection of modified VBIOS files can be found here: AMD 7970M vbios pack There's quite a bit of work behind this, so just in case you want to buy me a beer... Here's a list of what the package contains. The names are pretty self-explanatory. "uv" for undervolt, "ov" for overvolt, clocks are "core-memory" Keep in mind that you need to rename the files before flashing due to the 8 character file name limit in DOS. Modified clocks: Dell7970m-900-1250.ROM Dell7970m-925-1300.ROM Dell7970m-940-1350.ROM Dell7970m-940-1400.ROM Dell7970m-950-1350.ROM Dell7970m-950-1400.ROM Undervolted: Dell7970m-uv-0950v.ROM Dell7970m-uv-0975v.ROM Dell7970m-uv-1000v.ROM Overvolted: Dell7970m-ov-1125v.ROM Dell7970m-ov-1150v.ROM Overvolted & modified clocks: Dell7970m-900-1300-ov1075v.ROM Dell7970m-900-1300-ov1100v.ROM Dell7970m-950-1400-ov1100v.ROM All files are based on the OEM Dell 7970m VBIOS. Instructions: For flashing refer to this guide: There's a list with the checksums of all files included in the VBIOS package, I highly recommend to check the integrity of the file before flashing it. This can easily be done with ATIflash, if you don't know how please check the guide linked above. And as always, flash on your own risk, you are responsible for your system and the changes you make on it. Feel free to ask questions, feedback is welcome as well!
  10. My laptop is Monster Tulpar T7 v2.6. i7 4710MQ, 16 GB DDR3 1600 mHZ, GTX 970M 3GB.
  11. Hi all, After giving up on trying to use the Maxwell Tweaker II, I'd like to request an unlocked vBios for this Laptop's GPU; Laptop: MSI Dominator GT70 2QD GPU: 970M 3GB Attached is the stock vBios dumped by me using NVFlash. Thanks! MSI Dominator GT70 2QD 970M 3GB STOCK vBios.rom
  12. Hello, I've got a Quadro M2200 (GPU: GM206GL-A Revision A1, and MxM 3.0a Maxwell card) with the following bios: I've read that this card is very similar to the GTX 965m, but that it has been underclocked considerably. It seems to be a good candidate for unlocking since I hardly see the temperature exceed 70C as-is. I'm requesting help with this - I'm not sure if it's possible to simply flash the vbios from a Dell GTX 965m (MxM 3.0a) or if some type of edit of the card's current vbios would do the trick. I'm hoping someone could help me out with the specifics of doing such an edit if that's the case. Thanks!
  13. Hello all! I have been researching upgrade paths for my M17x R4 and I have decided on the GTX 1060. Now, I was given this laptop with a dead GPU, and I had an M17x R3 already. So I moved the GTX 560m into the R4 which has worked fine. Now as I understand it a few things are needed for this upgrade including the 120hz panel and the ability to disable the legacy ROM for a pure UEFI boot. I have the 120hz screen, but the 560m uses the GF116 architecture which does not have a vBIOS which supports GOP. So I am thinking the only solution is to buy a cheaper "in-between" card which supports both boot modes, which will allow me to disable the legacy option in setup. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what cheap card to buy as a transitional part? I have been considering a 765m but I am also wondering if there are any other good choices.
  14. alienware 15 r2 970m with i7-6700hq vbios request so i can overclock and mess with voltage. BIOS version backup made with techpowerup GPU-z. GM204.rom or can someone re direct me to one already made that will work? all links i find are dead, thanks.
  15. Hello, I've got a Dell Precision M4700 with a 3940xm. I've read that in this particular CPU and laptop model, the bios is locked because the stock settings are considered an overclock. As-is, the core temps on the CPU do reach up to 90-100. They seem to spike up and down a bit when benchmarked with Intel's Extreme Tuning Utility, but they certainly do reach over 90C. Is there no way to unlock this bios (version a18, though a19 is released - I haven't updated yet, should I?) and even if there were, would my only option be a heatsink mod on top of that? edit: I've mistakenly posted this under Desktop & General Hardware, perhaps a mod could move or delete the thread? Apologies!
  16. Hello Everyone, I am an owner of MSI GT70-20C and my GTX770m gpu i now dead. I have a question and i hope someone will help. I have ordered GTX 970m 6GB DDR5 and i cannot find the exact vBios for that graphic card. My current bios version is: E1763IMS.51B Thanks in advance,
  17. Hello everyone, it is 2020 and i've been looking literally EVERYWHERE for a modded vBios for an Asus G751jy (980m 4gb) to unlock voltage control above 25mV, can someone help me? I've seen people have been linking the mod so here's mine, latest 213 GM204.rom
  18. I own an Asus Fx504-gm laptop with an 8th gen i7 and nvidia gtx 1060. I ve been having issues with random hard freezes and I later found out that absolutely anyone with this exact model has the same issue and not even Asus service can fix it as they just replace every component and the problem persists so my guess is that this is software related. I ve been noticing that I Always hit power limit(I monitorised it with afterburner) and so I have power limit throttling. The thing is, for this laptop the power limit is locked and I cannot modify it. My last resort is to try a modified bios that can unlock the power limit slider. My question is: Is this possible? Are there any modified bioses that can unlock the power limit or the only way is to unlock it via the motherboard? If so, where can I get a reliable modified bios for my laptop and how can I check compatibility? Thx.
  19. Been hunting for a vBIOS for my G750JM for a few weeks now that my warranty has ended. Its time to unleash this GPU as it stands I have it at +135mhz core and +400mhz memory and thats where I am stuck I need more voltage and the core clock slider unlocked. Havent even gotten close to overheating at this point either so I have plenty of room to play still. My bench/stress tests peak GPU temp is 71c literally 1c higher than the stock settings.
  20. There are several reasons for flashing the VBIOS of a mobile GPU, for example if a newer version is available, or if you modify it for higher clocks or voltage, or maybe undervolt it for less heat… It’s a common procedure when trying to optimize your system according to your needs. However, flashing always involves a certain risk of rendering your card useless, “bricking” it, especially when experimenting with modded VBIOS versions. That’s also how I managed to brick my 6970m in my Alienware M15x. I tried to flash it with a modded version of a VBIOS which (apparently) wasn’t suited for my card. Sometimes it’s possible to do a so called “blind flash” to recover the card (flashing it without having any picture on the screen), however since my system didn’t even POST after flashing the experimental VBIOS I didn’t have this option. Fortunately a card isn’t dead after flashing a VBIOS which isn’t suited for it or after a bad flash, even if the system can’t boot anymore. The problem is only caused by the firmware of the card (VBIOS) and not by hardware faults. This means to get the card working again, it simply needs to be reprogrammed with the proper VBIOS. There are professional services which are capable of doing this for a little fee, but I decided to see whether I can fix the card myself. The VBIOS is stored somewhere on the card in a flash memory chip. It should be a serial flash memory chip with 8 pins. Here’s the location of this chip, for the Nvidia GTX 260m, AMD 6970m and ATI 5850m (from left to right) The memory chips are “single operating voltage serial flash memory” which use anSPI – bus. There’s no cheap programmer available which officially supports the chip which stores the VBIOS of the 6970m, but a couple of affordable programmers that can handle very similar chips (same SPI modes, memory organization, size, etc.). After comparing some datasheets of different flash memory chips and discussing it on the forum, I came to the conclusion that it should work with a cheap programmer, even though the specific IC wasn’t supported by it. Before and after desoldering the eeprom chip. (after image lost) Desoldering the chip is the most difficult part. You don’t want to accidentally remove one of those tiny SMD parts or kill something with too much heat. Also the card, and especially these little ICs, are ESD-sensitive, this means an ESD mat and wristband are highly recommendable for this job. I desoldered the flash chip with my hot air station, that’s much more comfortable than using a soldering iron (which of course is an option as well). Since most companies have to use lead-free solder, removing the chip needs more heat than for all the usual DIY soldering (which is mostly done with solder containing lead, at least in my case. It’s easier to handle in my opinion). As it’s a surface mounted device, it needs to be in a socket in order to be programmed, it can’t be put in the ZIF socket of the programmer. I don’t have an SOIC socket for this size, but the programmer came with an improvised PCB – socket for 8 pin SOIC chips. This means turning on the soldering iron and solder the chip to the “socket” (see the picture on the left side). Then I programmed the chip, it wasn’t recognized by the programmer, but choosing a chip from the list which was technically identical (same block size, interface, etc.) allowed me to erase the flash memory and write and verify the original VBIOS data. After doing the whole soldering procedure in reverse order I was finally able to boot the system again with the card. Tech|Inferno member AssimilatorX also suggests to reflash the VBIOS again per DOS and ATIflash, just to make sure that there’s definitely no error in the stored VBIOS. So operation “GPU reviving” was successful. This should work for most mobile GPUs I guess, since all cards I’ve seen so far use similar flash memory chips. Though it can still depend on the programmer. What’s needed is a steady hand, proper soldering equipment, ESD-protection and a programmer. Here’s a pic of my soldering workplace:
  21. I have been attempting to change my boost clocks values for the longest time, though I've been unsuccessful. I managed to flash my modded BIOS, though no changes seem to have had happened, along with no errors either. Here's all the stuff I used and was able to get. If someone is able to help me with this, it would be greatly appreciated.
  22. Would really like some help with this. I Have a HP 8770W Elitebook Workstation. its powered by an Intel Core i7-3630QM, 32GB RAM and an Nvidia Quadro K4000M. the Quadro's stock clock is 600 MHz- Core/ 700 MHz- Memory. its currently overclocked 736 MHz (+135 MHz)- Core/ 1050 MHz (+750 MHz)/ 1100 MHz (+800 MHz)- Memory. The GPU temps stay fairly decent in summer ( between 70-75 Degrees Celsius) while loaded and CPU around 5 degrees higher. In winter the drop to the mid/high 60's so i believe there is still some space there to push it a bit harder. The problem is nor Nvidia Inspector nor MSI Afterburner allow me to overclock the core over 135 MHz, the memory i know is maxed out because anything over just bugs out. Is there anything i can do that would allow me to go over that threshold of 135 MHz.
  23. The new leak of NVFlash version 5.513.0 with their new RTX GPU (Turing) support is now available in our download section. This includes support for NVIDIA's new RTX 2080 Ti, 2080 and 2070 desktop GPUs. As always, use caution when reading/writing vbios files as you can potentially brick your card and void your warranty. View full article
  24. Hello guys,I have a GT72VR 6RE with G-sync MSI Laptop. Sadly the GPU is partially dead (artefacts all over the screen, crashes, windows detecting a damaged hardware etc...).So I bought an other GTX1070 MXM on ebay, which was used in a Vortex G65 6RE before.Sadly, when I plug the new GPU in the laptop, the laptop screen stays completly off, but i can use the HDMI port. So i though that I would just have to flash the vbios to the one I was using on the GPU that died, but I couldn't because of a mismatch betwen the PCI Device ID.The new GPU ID is : 10DE 1BA1 - 1462 11AF and the previous GPU ID was :10DE 1BE1 - 1462 11AFPretty close right? but the A1 and E1 variation are fcking everything up. I've read that 1BA1 is for non G-sync and 1BE1 is for G-sync. I've also read that the G-sync variation is not part of the card but is an external part no on the GPU board.So now I'm wondering what can I do : is there a way to force the vbios flash or to change the PCI ID ? I really need some help here. I'm no expert and I've try as much as I could. Maybe I need to do some vbios editing but I don't really know how to do it and what to do exactly to make this work.Thank you very much for your help guys
  25. Hi, new in the forum, trying to find some help, someone points me in the right direction. Long story short: Clevo p170hm3 from 2011, gtx485m card dead, new card from ebay, it doesn't works correctly. I've read about Clevo brand signature, Prema posts about 3dvision license between hardware from ir emitter, gpu and motherboard, Prema modified bios to get gtx580 working too with 3dvision, svl7 (now retired) vbios, and more, but basically, I'm still confused enough to know what should I do and what are the right steps to get my p170hm3 back to life. Last card I could buy was a gtx675m, but I couldn't find vbios (original, not-moded from Clevo), the Clevo vbios list "jumps" from gtx670m to gtx680m with no mention to gtx675m , and I read some posts about convert a 675 to a 580 and viceversa, I think it was changing some physical resistances, and some number in vbios, but I'm not modder, no idea really about. So, What I should do?. Sell 675m and try to get a gtx580m, and use original clevo vbios on it?, it will work, or my computer won't be able to use it?. I bought my computer before gtx580m was released... I would need to update bios to get it working? Or unlock graphic card restrictions with the latest prema bios mod (if that is possible). There is some chance get 675m working? Are all mods and files I need in this forum? (ask this because I can't see/access the files, because I'm new in the community) What options I really have?. I hope someone can clarify me a little bit this situation. Thanks in advance.
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