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  1. Hi, I have been having issues getting the switchable graphics on my R4 to work as expected. It has not worked for a while so I have just been using the discrete card only, but I would like to figure out what is going on. I have the i7 3610QM (HD Graphics 4000) and a GTX 660M discrete card. Everything works fine if I leave the internal disabled and only use the 660. When I enable the switchable graphics, everything is rendered with the internal card and the 660 does not seem to be used at all. The driver is installed and updated and the 660 is selected in the NVIDIA Control Panel, but HWInfo64 shows the card with no other data being reported for it. NvStateViewer shows the state as off. I am unsure as to whether this will help or not, but this is what shows up in the Physx configuration page: Versus when only the 660 is enabled: Dell had replaced my motherboard and the graphics card a couple years ago for issues with graphical artifacts, but I can't recall if the switchable graphics had stopped working at that point or sometime after (I realize I probably should have looked into it and gotten Dell to deal with it back then but it's a bit late for that now). I had been running BIOS A12 but recently flashed A11 unlocked. I also just reinstalled Windows with the factory Alienware image and installed the recommended graphics driver from the Dell site, no change. Any ideas? Any further information that might help? Thanks
  2. (Watchdogs runs very smoothly if you wanted to know) I finally got my eGPU working on my Acer Aspire V3 - 517G. All credits goes to @Tech Inferno Fan for providing the DIY setup and helping me out with some problems. System configuration Acer Aspire V3 - 517G Intel core i7 - 3632QM @ 2.2GHz (with Turboboost up to 3.2GHz) 8GB RAM (I added 4 GB) iGPU : Intel HD 4000 dGPU : Nvidia Geforce 710m (2GB dedicated VRAM) Windows 8.1 / 64 bit eGPU AMD R7 260X ASUS Directcu II OC (1GB) 500w PSU (has a 115W TDP any ATX PSU can drive it) PE4L 2.1b DIY eGPU Setup 1.3 software Setup If you own the exact laptop then you don't have to worry about the TOLUD value (it is 2.5 GB = no "error 12"). But there is a poblem (I had the problem) when you want to install the Setup 1.3 Software (you need it to deactivate the dGPU). Your Hard Drive must be in MBR NOT in UEFI/GPT. You will face the problem right after you installed Setup 1.3 Software and executed it. There are different ways to solve it. I solved the problem by changing my Hard Drive to MBR with a program called "AOMEI Partition Assistant". But after I booted my laptop there was no OS found. If you did it like me just press any F[Number] button (I can't remember which button it was) next to the "Escape" button. It will show you the BIOS and the only thing you have to do is changing from UEFI boot to the normal boot (you can now select Windows 8.1 or Setup 1.3). Like I just said there are many ways to solve the problem. One easy method is (I am not sure if this works) to do a fresh Windows 8 install. After you finished installing Setup 1.3 turn off your System / Laptop. Connect the eGPU (disconnect the WLAN card) which is connected with PE4L 2.1b and with the external monitor. Turn on your ATX PSU which is connected to the PE4L 2.1b AND to the eGPU. Turn on your Laptop and in the booting screen go to the Setup 1.3 (if you installed Setup 1.3 properly there will be a selection between Windows 8.1 and Setup 1.3). In Setup 1.3 select the "menu - based..." and then it will detect your eGPU automatically. Go to Video Cards and select your dGPU (Geforce 710m) and make sure it says in brackets "off" (like this : "dGPU: Nvidia 710m[OFF]"). Go to Chainload selection and select test run. It will take you back to the booting screen where you can choose either to boot in Windows 8.1 or Setup 1.3 . Select Windows 8.1 . When you go to the Device Manager you will notice no "Nvidia Geforce 710m". Instead a new device called "VGA Adapter" or something. Put the CD (the one it was in the box with the GPU) into the Laptop to install the new driver. Wait till the Setup is finished and reboot! (Don't forget to go to Setup 1.3 and deactivate the dGPU every time and boot into chainload!) Questions and Troubleshootings Q: How is the performance with an AMD GPU? The performance is surprisingly better than expected. Q: I got a problem with the AOMEI program you used! Don't forget to click "apply" button left upper corner. Then change your boot mode. Q: The Setup 1.3 can't find my eGPU! (THAT was MY problem) - There are different ways to do it (it is also for those who do not have the exact same Laptop) : - Search in the Forum for "Anti - Whitelisting of the WLAN Card" because it may be possible that the card is whitelisted and it won't detect your eGPU (almost all Acer Laptop have a whitelisted card but mine wasn't whitelisted). - Try "hot plugging" - Try switching or "correcting" the switches on the PE4L 2.1b (there are tiny switches called SW1 (it should be on 1 - 2) and SW2 (this should be in 2 - 3) ). - Check that everything is connected to each other (for example, check if the ATX PSU is connected to the GPU as well) - The fans of the eGPU is working the ATX PSU is powering everything alright, I checked the connection twice, but for some reason my eGPU can still not be detected! - Go and check if your GPU is defect. I checked my GPU at my friends' Desktop PC and it could not be found either. It IS a rare case because the chances are pretty low that you buy a defect GPU or that the GPU dies fast. Tip : Go or contact the person you bought the GPU from. I got a refund and could get a new one. - I checked the GPU and it could be detected on a Desktop PC but it can't still be detected on my PE4L? - Now it can be anything. Your PE4L, or the ATX PSU, or etc... You would have to test everything out till you get the defect hardware. Benchmarks I've forgot to do a benchmark. I will update this post as soon as possible with a benchmark. Acknowledgements Thank you to all the others so I could do researches and solve my problem as soon as possible. And espescially, thank you @Tech Inferno Fan by helping me and keeping in touch by mailing! And also sorry for my bad english / mistakes. I am a Korean who lives in Germany
  3. Aurora-R1Aurora-R2 Aurora-R3 Area-51 M11x-R1 M11x-R2 M11x-R3 M14x M15x M17x-R1 M17x-R2 M17x-R3 M18x http://forum.techinferno.com/alienware/1877-alienware-engineering-troubleshooting-guides.html http://forum.techinferno.com/alienware/1879-how-reduce-shutdown-timeouts.html http://forum.techinferno.com/alienware/1919-how-get-back-alienware-software-after-windows-reinstallation.html http://forum.techinferno.com/alienware/1908-check-status-your-order-part-replacement-depot-status.html http://forum.techinferno.com/alienware/1907-alienware-recommended-diagnostic-tools.html http://forum.techinferno.com/alienware/1900-alienware-no-sound-troubleshooting.html http://forum.techinferno.com/alienware/1890-alienware-no-boot.html http://forum.techinferno.com/alienware/1869-macro-keys-3-keys-combo.html Callouts!! Alienware Gaming Tips for Gaming Looking for drivers and updates for your Alienware System M18x computer with AMD HD6990m Video Cards shutting down or fans not spinning M18x A05 Bios Released. This BIOS solves the issue of AMD Radeon HD6990 GPU2 fan not spinning up after a cold boot. M18x Intel Wireless Card 6300 not connecting at Full Speed M18x AMD Video Card not scaling when using full screen benchmarks and gamesBattlefield 3 crashes when using an overclocked Nvidia Video Card Battlefield 3 & Rage: Textures issues and Low FPS Alienware System displays the error message: “Display driver ATIKMDAG.sys stopped responding and has recovered” How to Set Up Wireless HD in your Alienware computer Nvidia Optimus Technology Summary Dell WWAN Wireless not detected? iTunes & Bigfoot Killer Wireless-N 1102 and 1103 Wireless Card compatibility issues nVidia Notebook BETA Driver (NV) Release Date: 10/31/2011 M14X Webcam Flickering/ Blue Line M11x-R1 & R2 LCD Broken Hinges What is Alienware Respawn? How to restore your computer to factory conditions using Alienware Respawn? What is AlienContact? Youtube Product Support Videos Alienware Arena McAfee Expiration Date Issue Dell/Alienware Enhanced Diagnostics (ePSA)
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