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  1. This will hopefully be a somewhat useful guide to getting your eGPU working. I will try my best to extend the guide to system configurations outside of my own (that I cannot test). This is only for Windows based systems. I will cover Windows 7 and Windows 8/8.1. I have my system (Fujitsu T901) running with an eGPU with Windows 7, Windows 8, and currently Windows 8.1. I will try to be as general as possible, but bear in mind that it is based on getting my system running with an eGPU. So if you have a Fujitsu T901, this will help you get your eGPU setup. Before you continue, make sure you read, re-read, read read read till you get sick of it - the official page: http://forum.techinferno.com/diy-e-gpu-projects/2109-diy-egpu-experiences-%5Bversion-2-0%5D.html This guide is more to show the steps for a single application. Mine just so happens to require all of the troubleshooting steps to get working correctly. Pain to setup, but good for a guide. ---------- For the T901 you will need to have Setup 1.x and will require the following steps (covered in this guide): If you do not want the dGPU active: 32bit compaction with Setup 1.x. If you do want the dGPU active: 36bit compaction of the eGPU with Setup 1.x and a DSDT override is required (whether it is loaded into the registry if you are using Windows 7 or loaded into memory during boot if you are using Windows 8/8.1). This is my system (Fujitsu T901): i7-2620M 16GB RAM NVS 4200M GTX 660 Ti From this: I have a 6-series chipset. 6-series and later (guessing probably all that come later) support PCIe 2.0 ports for use for an eGPU. Essentially - the ExpressCard or mPCIe ports can run at Gen2 speeds. My iGPU in this case would be Intel HD 3000. My dGPU is the Nvidia NVS 4200M. My eGPU is a Nvidia GTX 660 Ti. The RAM amount (since it is over 3.25GB) means that I might run into memory allocation issues (which I do). There are some exceptions to this. ---------- Seeing my laptop has ExpressCard, I got the PE4L-EC060A adapter for use with my eGPU. If you don't have express card, but have a mPCIe slot free (or can be made free by removing your WiFi card), you can get teh PE4L-PM060A. With some testing (MikjoA, naturbo2000, and myself) we determined that getting the 100cm cable doens't hurt performance, longer cables might however. See here: http://forum.techinferno.com/diy-e-gpu-projects/2109-diy-egpu-experiences-%5Bversion-2-0%5D-38.html#post67617 You will need a separate power supply (PSU) to power the eGPU. I use a modular (to cut cable clutter) 550W PSU. Certainly a bit overkill since it is only powering my eGPU. Some people have used the XBOX 360 power supply as well. If you haven't decided on what card you want for your eGPU, you get to read the main post that you are now probably muttering in your sleep. Tech Inferno Fan explains here: http://forum.techinferno.com/diy-e-gpu-projects/2109-diy-egpu-experiences-%5Bversion-2-0%5D.html#whichcard You may need Setup 1.x here (usually a pretty good idea to get this - needed in most situations): http://forum.techinferno.com/diy-e-gpu-projects/2123-diy-egpu-setup-1-x.html I have two videos of me using Setup 1.x here to hopefully help walk through the process: http://forum.techinferno.com/diy-e-gpu-projects/2123-diy-egpu-setup-1-x.html#post78919 ---------- Hardware wise, this it is a fairly simple procedure - especially for ExpressCard applications, mPCIe applications will require an extra few steps not covered here but you can see MikjoA's procedure here: http://forum.techinferno.com/diy-e-gpu-projects/2158-diy-egpu-guide-sony-vaio-vpc-z2-svz13.html Plug power from your external PSU into your eGPU and adapter (floppy connector). And that's about it really. Plug in your PSU and plug your adapter into your computer. Harder part is making your own enclosure. I use a stripped mini-ITX case. Once you have it all plugged in and whatnot. Turn on your laptop and see if it works! Once you get to your desktop, go to device manager. If you don't see any flags on your video card you should be good to go (lucky you ). But..... if you are like me, you will have a whole series of errors. In a nutshell: Error 12 - Memory allocation issue. You might get by with using Setup 1.x to perform PCI compaction to get it working. I perform a DSDT override to get mine working correctly (which I'll cover later). Error 43 - Yay you don't have error 12 (my reaction). Means you need to install the video card driver. ...but if you are like me, it won't go easy. I'll cover this later. ---------- If you see nothing in device manager, check your connections. If that all checks out, make sure your ExpressCard / mPCIe port is active in BIOS. If it is, you either have something going wrong, or an extreme case of error 12. How to (probably) fix error 12: How to (probably) fix error 43: ---------- DSDT override info: Readup here first please: http://forum.techinferno.com/diy-e-gpu-projects/2109-diy-egpu-experiences-%5Bversion-2-0%5D.html#dsdtoverride Link to my guide showing how I performed my DSDT override and how it allowed iGPU+dGPU+eGPU: http://forum.techinferno.com/diy-e-gpu-projects/3539-guide-dsdt-override-simultaneous-igpu-dgpu-egpu.html If you are running Windows 8 or 8.1 you will want to take a look here too: http://forum.techinferno.com/diy-e-gpu-projects/2109-diy-egpu-experiences-%5Bversion-2-0%5D-6.html#post31421 ---------- Upgrading video drivers. --- This pretty much ends this guide. Since you have it all up and running, you are pretty much set. Hope this helped you! ---------- My setup: The pictures were all too big for the forum to handle so just see this imgur album instead: eGPU setup - Imgur 1. eGPU case 2. side pic 3. top view showing awful dremel skills and custom IO shield 4. internal pic. PSU mounted with steel pipe hanger. GPU on modified rubber stoppers and held in place with more steel pipe hanger 5. case is just a smidge too small, so the PCIe power cables poke out a little bit, not much though 6. custom PSU power plug thing 7. shows adapter and ATX switch board, plus my GPU with a little dirty fan... 8. showing it all hooked up, I can reach my finger inside and flip the switch directly on the PSU to turn the eGPU on/off 9. full setup, no laptop 10. full setup, up and running!
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