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  1. Before start I have to thanks Tech Inferno Fan and FricoRico for advice, I almost give up and put Rx480 into the box for sales. Here! I better tell you about issue of my current setup as I know some of you planning to get eGPU, so you won't have to headache later on. I will post what I remember first and add up later. This setup are not running with DIY eGPU Setup 1.30 since I have no PayPal account, if you want me to try then please get 1 license from Tech Inferno Fan for me. Issue - Windows side - First avoid running Windows 10 1607 Anniversary update (Continue Below) - Currently can't find a way for iGPU to run (Error 45 - Not Connect) / This can be problem when you try Boot option since eGPU will operate after Windows Load. - New driver not working after 16.8.3 (Series 16) / 10.9-10.10 (Series 21) will show error 43 - Beware of power issue of PCI Express slot draw. For power use 1 Rail per board molex else Rx480 will not operate and keep restart after Login Windows 10 - Riser will not work with high load (Not sure of Themaltake P5 Riser) - Driver still buggy (You may face Error 12, 43, 31 during setup up to what you choose) Issue - Mac side - Only work with macOS Sierra - With 10.12, Every time you boot have to unplug HDMI/DisplayPort else will result in Boot Freeze (But got Metal running) - With 10.12.1 Beta4 Can boot with display on but Metal is not on (In testing) My system Mac mini 2012 with i7 3615QM - 16GB RAM - Thunderbolt 1 Highpoint RocketStor 6361A - TB2 x16 Case XFX GTR Rx480 Black Edition Seasonic X-650 Power Supply Cooler Master Elite 130 Before I start all this I test my system with ATI HD5850 first, everything smooth plug and play experience. Compare with my old desktop (i5-750) I test most system with FF XIV Heavensward Benchmark since I have it on my nas and easy to test. Preset setting 1 720p - Preset 1 Desktop HD5850 Score: 6715 Mac mini eGPU HD5850 Score: 5799 With this I confidence that Rx480 will be working 100%, so I go with AMD... hah nightmare. Start with Rx480 on Windows 10 BOOTCAMP (MBR) About Windows 10 1511 and 1607 As issue said, for RX480 Driver that can be use with eGPU is Windows default 16.6 to 16.8.3 (old series) with new series 16.9+ will result in error 43. AND!! AMD old driver are no go with Windows 10 1607 - This will result in system freeze with gibberish black greenish screen during game play, AFAIK Overwatch is not playable. Anyway benchmark can be fully run on 1607 without problem. But Windows 10 1511 also have some issue with Driver installation and stability, for me I cannot get Compatibility Mode show up in 1511 but 1607 is fine. (When compatibility mode on I seem to get about 3%-5% boost over normal in static benchmark) Ok, let's start. My setup run with Normal Bootcamp with 2nd drive kit of macmini Boot with eGPU off if you have multi monitor connect over HDMI port else Intel HD won't get driver install 1. Install Windows 10 1511 2. Install Bootcamp driver 3. Turn off and power on eGPU then Boot Then this will have 2 option, second one have about 50% chance that it will work. 4a. Install Crimson 16.9+ (It will result in error 43 but don't mention it) go for 5a 4b. Install Crimson 16.8.3 (This is the best one that work during 1st installation, but if it not then Black Screen) go for 5b 5a. If you go for 4a then do DSDT Override now (search for it). 6a. Install driver by extract AMD 10.8.3 and go with Update driver select "Let me choose" browse /Packages/Drivers/Display/WT6A_INF/C0306357.inf and select Rx480 You will have a driver without Vulkan API Install but able to run benchmark and games. or you can try install normal way thru AMD Setup, if lucky and install went smooth you will have fully operate driver with Vulkan and compatibility mode but I mostly end up with GPU fan whirl and freeze. ***Extra*** You can try use AMD Cleaner at this step and don't restart then install Crimson 16.8.3 Setup, if success you will have full driver with compatibility mode. END A. 5b if you able to complete driver installation (XConnect running) then do DSDT Override (or skip but I run in some problem when in games) But if you get black screen go 6c. 6b Just Restart and everything will work fine. You have optimal install experience, but iGPU still no way to work. 6c You can use AMD Cleaner and go retry with 4a. and follow 4a route. Windows Benchmark Score (Ref = RX480 Original base on GURU3d.com) Time Spy 3816 Graphics score 3941 Graphics test 1 26.15 FPS Graphics test 2 22.25 FPS CPU test 3235 CPU test 10.87 FPS Ref 10890 9389 IN Fire Strike (V1.1) Graphics score 12007 Graphics test 1 57.19 FPS Graphics test 2 48.02 FPS Physics score 8013 Physics test 25.44 FPS Combined score 3950 Combined test 18.37 FPS Ref 5316 5132 IN Fire Strike Extreme (V1.1) Graphics score 5618 Graphics test 1 28.99 FPS Graphics test 2 21.11 FPS Physics score 8018 Physics test 25.46 FPS Combined score 2346 Combined test 10.91 FPS Ref 2753 2783 IN Fire Strike Ultra (V1.1) Graphics score 2809 Graphics test 1 14.62 FPS Graphics test 2 10.49 FPS Physics score 7943 Physics test 25.22 FPS Combined score 1362 Combined test 6.34 FPS Unigine H 57.5 1448 8.6 119.4 Extreme FF XIV Benchmark - Preset 1 720p REF Score: 11344 (my card with i5 750) Driver 10.8.3 - Score: 11990 Driver 10.8.3 - Score: 12375 (Compatibility Mode on) LuxMark 3 14325 (I got around 11000 on macOS) SteamVR 6.1 8775 0 0 I got some issue during writing this article, fan spin 100% without doing anything and still spinning. Mac side - macOS Sierra Require monitor connect with iGPU unplug/turn off eGPU 1. Boot into macOS Recovery 2. Disable SIP (search "Rx480 Sierra" and you will get all How-to) 3. Edit AMDRadeonX4000.kext (/System/Library/Extensions) info.plist (copy and edit other place) add 0x67DF1002 after/before 0x67EF1002 4. Run kext Utility to repair permission turn on eGPU 5. Run goalque's automate eGPU script via terminal 6. Set goalque's script in -a mode Anyway I still can't find a way to boot with hdmi/display port plug-in without freeze in 10.12 Hardware Setup CoolerMaster Elite 130 is totally for Highpoint RocketStor 6361A For power use 1 Rail per board molex else Rx480 will not operate and keep restart after Login Windows 10, we are not using GTX. This cause me a few day to find issue and fix since I saw other people use 1 rail to power both molex (This is thanks to Tech Inferno Fan and FricoRico) I can fit anything without drilling any hole. Btw I use 2x120mm Noise Blocker PL-1 fan by mounting 120mm in side HDD bay since we didn't need any extra drive. (I remove CM fan out since it is so loud) For board mount I use upside down 4 female HEX M3, 2x6mm and 2x8mm since the bottom panel is level. (I don't drill just use for support since I will loce GPU card anyway) Mount TB board and GPU, there some trick to bring silver back plate there but it is not hard... just try it. Complete For my setup there is no soldered or drill any hole to case. I feel safer with this. EDIT: 26/10/2016 Add extra picture of 3 pin -> 2 pin FAN Cable Now my fan start stop with system. (it just arrived from China)
  2. Hello, Just finished my eGPU setup but there is a lot of problem prevent it operating normally. Before I get Rx480 I try with ATI HD 5850 everything is easy, no modification at all windows 10 auto find driver and run stable. That's is why I go for Rx480.... here nightmare begin My Current system is Mac mini 2012 -> Connect Monitor B Highpoint RocketStor 6361A XFX Rx480 GTR Black Edition -> Connect Monitor A Let's start with mac side. I setup clean install macOS sierra with Goalque's Auto eGPU, everything fine. Reboot. During boot screen my screen flick (Monitor A eGPU) then eGPU fan whirl up and system freeze. Next try, I unplug Monitor A that connect with eGPU. macOS boot normally show Intel HD 4000 and R9 XXX then plug monitor A. Everything works! But Unigine benchmark seem to crash every time but LuxMark work fine. Problem is next restart it freeze again, I have to un-plug HDMI and re-plug every time it boot. This is not optimal, is there a solution? Windows 10 side is a Horror When I use HD 5850 there is nothing to do at all, works perfectly except HD4000. Now with Rx480 First - I install Crimson 16.10 .... Error 43 = Reinstall driver / Windows not fix this (FAIL) Second - Reinstall Windows BOOTCAMP as UEFI = Black screen / HD4000 not working at all (both screen unusable/no fix possible) (FAIL) Third - I change to Crimson 10.7.1 non WHQL .... Intel HD 4000 Works / Rx480 Error 12 With Error 12, I use DSDT Override - Kaboom! HD4000 Stop working but Rx480 Manage to boot with AMD Xconnect, BUT after few second monitor down system freeze and reboot a short while. Is anyone know what I went wrong? Thank you in advance. ps, I haven't try Setup 1.30 since I don't have Paypal account
  3. Guessing who will be the first company to include the nVidia Pascal 1080 and AMD Polaris GPU's inside their Laptops: 1- 2- 3- 4-
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