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  1. .nobrtable br{display:none} .tablesmallfonts td{font-size:xx-small} PRE PURCHASE FAQ >>> Macbooks Owners - pls refer to https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/forums/topic/7947-the-basic-egpu-hardware-guide-for-macs/ instead of this document. 1. How does a DIY eGPU differ from a Villagetronic ViDock? 2. How can I check if my notebook is compatible with an eGPU? 3. I don't have an ExpressCard slot. Can I still do use a eGPU? 4. Can I make this work using just my notebook's LCD display? 5. (Performance) What affects the performance of a eGPU? 6. (Performance) Can my system do a PE4H x2 or x4 link as shown in PCIe Scaling Analysis? 7. (Performance) What recommended candidate notebooks should I buy for best performance? 9. (Performance) How could manufacturers make eGPU x2 2.0 notebooks? 10. My system has switchable graphics. Can I still do install a DIY eGPU? 11. My Villagetronic ViDock product isn't working. Can you help? 12. Can I solder my own adapter to host an eGPU instead of buying one from BPlus, Redtrontech, Villagetronic? 13. What do I need to run the fastest x1.2Opt link shown in the implementations? 14. I have no expresscard slot. Can I use my wifi mPCIe slot to host the eGPU and still have internal wifi? FIRST STEPS >>> See Techradar's How to make an external laptop graphics adaptor article for an overview. 1. What parts do I need and where can I buy them? 2. Which video card do you recommend for best performance on my system? This will be determined by your chipset, if additional ports available for x2 linkage and whether you have Intel 4500MHD, HD, HD3000 or HD4000 graphics. The matrix below makes recommendations based on the system chipset with: -LIME recommend NVIDIA Fermi/Keplar (GT430 or better) solution for best performance -RED recommend AMD HD5750 or better solution for best performance -CYAN choose based on preferred performance bias: DX9 (AMD HD5750 or better) or DX10/DX11 (NVIDIA Fermi/Keplar). Though specifically for x1 1.0 I recommend a system upgrade to a better performing candidate as users find uneven & choppy performance. Thunderbolt users may still elect NVidia Optimus solution (if have an iGPU) as then can then render the image to the internal LCD. Refer to Performance: AMD versus NVIDIA benchmark results to help you decide. If not sure then suggest a NVIDIA Fermi/Keplar solution which on balance gives better overall performance and has the option of x1.Opt with the right notebook. Note: if the NVIDIA x1.Opt driver was unlocked to allow primary video cards other than Intel 4500MHD/HD/HD3000/HD4000 plus it engaged with x2 links then I would recommend only NVIDIA solutions. I/O Chipset PCIe 1.0 (2.5GT/s) lanes PCIe 2.0 (5GT/s) lanes PCIe 3.0 (~10GT/s) lanes x1 x1E x1.Opt x2/x4 x2E x2.Opt x1 x1.2Opt x2/x4 (TB) x1 x1.3Opt x2/x4 (TB) AMD RS* Y1 N N ? N N N N N N N N NVIDIA MCP* Y1 N N ? N N N N N N N N Intel ICH7M Y Y3 N Y5 Y4 N N N N N N N Intel ICH8M Y Y3 N Y5 Y4 N N N N N N N Intel ICH9M Y Y3 Y2,8 Y5 Y4 N2 N N N N N N Intel Series-5(1st-gen i-core) Y N Y2,9 Y5 N N2 N N N N N N Intel Series-6(2nd-gen i-core) Y N Y2 N6 N N26 Y Y2 Y6 N N N Intel Series-7(3rd-gen i-core) Y N Y2 N6 N N26 Y Y2 Y6 N7 N7 N7 Left-to-right: slowest-to-fastest with NVIDIA x1.Opt and x2 delivering similiar performance 1 provides full duplex performance equivalent to x1E on Intel chipsets. 2Optimus tweak engages only when Intel 4500MHD/HD/HD3000/HD4000 primary graphics AND x1 link is detected, improving mostly DX9 performance by 20-333% with some DX10 improvements as well. Provides ability for the internal LCD to render games running on the external GPU. 3x1E tweak uses a x2 link on port1, 3 or 5 with a single lane for 15-30% more perf (AMD/non-Fermi|Keplar NVIDIA only). 4x2E tweak use two lanes of a x4 link, [port1+2] as EC+mPCIe or mPCIe+mPCIe for 30-60% more perf (AMD/non-Fermi|Keplar NVIDIA only). 5 x2=combining expresscard+mPCIe or mPCIe+mPCIe slots [p1+2], [p3+4], [p5+6] or [p7+8]; x4=[p1+2+3+4] or [p5+6+7+8]. 6Series-6/7: Only for Thunderbolt-equipped notebooks. Trying to combine mPCIe+expresscard slots no longer possible as Intel now locking the link width in the flash descriptor. Requires advanced bios hacking to configure x2 link, cannot be done using Setup 1.x. 7: would only be possible if the expresscard slot was wired to the northbridge which runs pci-e 3.0. All expresscard slots so far have been using the southbridge which is currently limited to pci-e 2.0. So we can say this is not possible. ? Don't know if non-Intel chipsets can do x2 links. 8: NVidia 306.97WHQL is the last to support Optimus x1-pcie compression and internal LCD mode on 4500MHD iGPUs. REF http://forum.techinferno.com/diy-e-gpu-projects/6253-t500-compat-q-4500mhd-optimus-ends-306-97whql-2.html#post89243 9: can enable phantom iGPU to gain x1.Opt performance on dual-core i3/i5/i7 Series-5 chipsets using Win8.x as demonstrated If going AMD, recommend a HD5xxx+ series card over a HD4xxx series due to their more efficient usage of PCIe bandwidth. Benchmarks would predict a HD5670 to outperform a HD4870. Avoid twin-gpu cards like a HD6970/GTX590 since they require 2x256MB PCIe space windows which might be difficult to accomodate. Examples based on power consumption requirements 12V/75W adapter: HD5670, unplugged HD5750, NVIDIA GT430. 12v/80w: specific HD5750 units. See comment here, implemented here. 12V/120W: GTS450 described here using DC adapter that is shared between notebook and eGPU 12V/203W xbox360 PSU: GTX460 ATX PSU: AMD HD68xx, NVIDIA GTX4xx/GTX5xx See also Suggested NVIDIA Setups. 3. Is it possible to get an enclosure? A good thread to see some professional designed enclosures is at redback79's DIY enclosure project. There are others for sale or examples to build on your own: jacobsson's 3D model, BPlus' $60 DIY Box, Remko78's low profile, surrealix's laser-cut acrylic, fatpolomanjr's cardboard box, celli's IKEA drawer, Elmopol's XB360, Joss27's 5.25" SCSI box, Wolf Tohsaka's Livebox Mini, timohour's floppy holder, fr0z3n's carry-it, Fujian stand/enclosure, airzone (1U), Kallogan (192W AC), hlgr, aodioxp, SimoxTav, #1, sprtnbsblplya, Agent9, Lurifax (mini ITX), kizwan (Aero QX2000, mITX), the endless +XB360 PSU, max_headroom and Oddious (1U), lightnica (JuiceBox), pengy_666's 5.25" drive enclosure, 12V/120W "portable", pimped-up (xb360) which is similar to Building an eGPU (CUDA). 4. What software setup do I need to make this work? 5. I'm using an ATX power supply to power my graphics card. How do I switch it on? 6. What cable connects PE4L/PE4H to EC2C/PM3N and is it replaceable? 7. [mPCIe] What can I do to make it easier to connect the mini hdmi cable to the PM3N? 8. Why does my video card fail with an error 12: cannot allocate resources in Device Manager? See Troubleshooting FAQ - Q3.
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