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Found 10 results

  1. Hello, as the title states, I would be very happy if someone could give me the link to the mod, apart from that, what version should I install?, as I've seen that some models have v1 and v2. My other questions are: what do I have to do to install a new GPU?, (9xx series) And what mods do I have to use to have a 10x0 series (and which are compatible). I have the Clevo P150SM(model)/P150SM-A(product code) (2 models on the sticker) with stock bios (it says copyright 2012, so I guess it's the 1st version) with a 4710MQ and 870M. I would be very pleased if someone could hand me the link. Many thanks in advance.
  2. I have a p150sm which has a seemingly dead 780m due to a perpetual error 43 which came after a big BSOD about 6 months ago. I upgraded the laptop to a 980m and modded the inf files. The upgrade was perfectly fine for a week. One day, i left the laptop and something related to sleep or power may have caused the laptop to shut off. Since then, the laptop with the 980m won't boot. I tried many things like resetting cmos, taking out the hardware and putting it back in, and resetting bios, and buying a 230W adapter. Nothing worked. The laptop works fine with the old dead 780m in there, but now when the 980m is in there, holding the power button generates a green light flash and then the power LED goes back to orange. No sounds, maybe one tick, and that's it. What is left to try?
  3. Привет. Помогите, мне грустно. Существует clevo p150em, недавно обновленный с 7970 до 8970 м (от 150 см) Bios, R.2.0 / 1.02.17EC v3b / 1.02.11EC. Когда он был установлен 7970 м, в BIOS на линии gpu это было 7970 м. После установки 8970m, NVIDIA пишет вместо 8970m. Драйверы на 8970m не установлены, либо синий экран, либо ноутбук замерзает. Windows 10 1713. Я пробовал разные версии драйверов, все равно. Что вы посоветуете? 8970m vbios VER015. BR44964.009 it s DELL? ps. when I bought 7970m for a place of 670m. At 7970m there was also a problem with the drivers, but I somehow skipped it.
  4. Hello Everyone! I am lucky owner of best! Clevo P150sm model. I buy them witchout gpu and mount my Nvidia GTX 880m 8gb mxm card, but I have a little problem :-( My spec: P150sm - Win 10 64-bit I7-4710mq 8gb ddr3 1866mhz Prema Bios (v2 for P150sm) ssd m-sata I am flashed GPU to unlocked vBios - 80.04.F8.001D In BIOS gpu detect at ,,NV GTX880m,, but in system (Device Manager) says: Microsoft Basic Display Adapter (witch yellow warning triangle) I'm downloaded new drivers for Nvidia website (376.33 - win10 64-bit) but I have these message: Nvidia Installer cannot continue ........ I'm reading about DEVICE ID, so I am apply these instruction: http://null-bin.blogspot.com/2015/08/how-to-modify-nvidia-notebook-driver.html My device ID show: PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1198&SUBSYS_51061558&REV_A1 So, In nvciv.inf i have: %NVIDIA_DEV.1198.0377.1558% = Section030, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1198&SUBSYS_03771558 %NVIDIA_DEV.1198.5281.1558% = Section032, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1198&SUBSYS_52811558 so, I add these lines: %NVIDIA_DEV.1198.0377.1558% = Section030, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1198&SUBSYS_03771558 %NVIDIA_DEV.1198.5106.1558% = Section031, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1198&SUBSYS_51061558 %NVIDIA_DEV.1198.5281.1558% = Section032, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1198&SUBSYS_52811558 and NVIDIA_DEV.1198.5106.1558 = "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 880M" But I still has a error message and can't instal any drivers :-( Please, someone, help me! (sorry for my English)
  5. Hi, I have a Clevo P150SM (Not SM-A, just SM) with a GTX 770m, bought over 2 years ago. I wanted to upgrade to a GTX 9xxm series, a GTX 970m or even a 980m to max it out. However I have 2 issues. I don't know if I have to do something on the BIOS for the 9xxm series card to work, I hear a lot that I have to modify the BIOS but it's not clear so I would really appreciate if someone knowledgeable adresses this for me. The 2nd issue, is more to do about the 980m only. My Clevo P150SM has a 180W power brick, I don't intend to overclock anything, be it CPU or GPU and I'll play at 1600x900 with mostly high/some ultra settings(no AA or MSAA) with V-Sync ON. I'm sure a 180W brick can handle a 970m + a 47W processor (i7-4910mq) but I'm no so sure about the 980m, which is the one I have my sights on, so is a 180W brick safe or is it recomended to get a 200W+ power brick? And if so, where can I get one that's capable of connecting to the P150SM(with the Barrel Round Plug Tip).
  6. So I just successfully flashed my bios using Prema Mod's P15xSM_34_31_PM_v2. Would anyone be able to explain how to overclock an AMD GPU after doing this, specifically the 8970m (R M290X)? I am using Sapphire Trixx and the core and memory clocks are adjustable however GPU Voltage and VRM Temperature are N/A. increasing the memory clock causes crashing. I have ULPS disabled.
  7. Hi all, I had pretty good success with my GPU upgrade a few months back, although at the same time I realised my battery was on it's last legs. I bought a replacement that I had to send back as it was faulty, but now I have got a working one and it's running very close to the edge in terms of power draw. If I run any heavy GPU benchmarks, or even max out the CPU for any length of time on battery it will just power off in an instant. It's doing this both on Windows and Linux (the latter with the nvidia card completely disabled). I'm running Prema's Mods for both Bios and vBios. Is this something that other people have experienced? Shouldn't the power consumption be scaled back when running on battery just for this reason? Perhaps this is something the prema BIOS turns on/off, but I can't seem to find any other references to this. Any ideas how to manage this? Thanks in advance, Pete
  8. Hello earth, WARNING: although this is a semi-guide, what you're about to read isn't for the faint hearted XD, I'm not responsible for any damage, fire, death to your pet etcetera if you attempt to do it... As you may already know, you cannot force custom timings on intel igps, unlike dGPU system only, since Intel IGP cannot do EDID overrides. More about EDID: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extended_Display_Identification_Data The solution was to dump the EDID which can be done using modeline in windows registry, linux modeline, or dumping directly from the EEPROM (electrically erasable read only memory found physically in most screen logic) which should be straightforward as we need to actually reflash it with our modification simply over i2c interface using arduino (simple 328 with serial-to-usb, can be from 8$ to 25$ max) you can also buy an EEPROM programmer which can be slightly expensive. The screen I have is a CMN1B, Chi . Should also work with AOU 95% gamut screen, any screen with i2c interface to eeprom, you can actually trace it along the 18th and 19th pin from the LVDS cable, however it should be pretty visible. So I ended up (easily), disassembling the screen as per this guide: [GUIDE] How to replace an LCD panel on a Clevo shell (pictures included) | NotebookReview I've then cut the film from both sides then taped for making it easier to work (i.e: instead of cutting EEPROM's pin location): There are 2 EEPROMS in my case, identified it simply by looking at the test point tagging, EE_SC SD etc, should be similar in any other displays: Tip size reference, basically any 15 to 30 watts soldering iron should work, unless the testpoints are tiny on other displays like AUO, though it is least likely you will ever have to desolder the EEPROM chip: Sold'er! Roger that(You can see the EE_* tags, SC for clock, and D for data etc): Connect to my Duino(wire it as you normal i2c): My EDID dumped in Linux before proceding to flash: EDID: 00ffffffffffff000daeb11500000000 01160104902213780231d59f56589527 15505400000001010101010101010101 010101010101963b803271383e405a3c 690058c21000001a9b2580ee70382340 3523350058c21000001a000000fe0056 434d3858024e31353648470a00000000 000041319e0000000002010a20200005 BACKLIGHT: 133 range: (0, 976) Backlight: 133 range: (0, 976) scaling mode: Full aspect supported: None, Full, Center, Full aspect Broadcast RGB: Automatic supported: Automatic, Full, Limited 16:235 audio: auto supported: force-dvi, off, auto, on 1920x1080 (0x4c) 152.5MHz +HSync -VSync *current +preferred h: width 1920 start 2010 end 2070 total 2226 skew 0 clock 68.5KHz v: height 1080 start 1086 end 1095 total 1142 clock 60.0Hz Pasted in Deltacast EDID editor then modified Pixel clock from 152 mhz (60hz calculated in DTD calculator) to 209 mhz, you have to calculate by entering these from the upper code repecitevly from top to bottom 920x1080 (0x4c) 152.5MHz +HSync -VSync *current +preferred h: width 1920 start 2010 end 2070 total 2226 skew 0 clock 68.5KHz v: height 1080 start 1086 end 1095 total 1142 Export the modifications in EDID editor as hex, make sure you add 60hz(original mod) in block 3 so you can switch between 40 60 120, then using find&replace method modify the format according to the next step Then modify the array in the code (acc to format, 0x and ,) upload to arduino: https://learn.adafruit.com/adafruit-tfp401-hdmi-slash-dvi-decoder-to-40-pin-ttl-display/editing-the-edid I'v managed to go up to 120hz stable, yours may be different although the same model number... xrandr output at 85hz: Had to reboot twice on Windows under UEFI boot manager in order to recognize the 120hz option, weird Again, this is not a thorough guide, just sharing my experience. It went pretty straightforward, and simple as a typical EDID modding over VGA cable or DVI.
  9. Still patiently wait for my NP8268-S to come in the mail, should only be a couple days away now. As ive been waiting, ive been thinking about all the mods im going to be completing on it. Then I had noticed I have alot of laptop RAM laying around the house, and just wanted to get a idea from everyone on the boards here, on which way I should go. 1- Stick with the stock ram thats coming with it, (2x4) 8gb ddr3 1333, Dont know what manufacture. 2- Swap in (2x8) 16gb ddr3 1333 Crucial ram? 3- Swap in (2x4) 8gb ddr3 1600 Ramaxel ram? Im tempted to swap in the faster Ramaxel ram.... but then again dont know if thats going to be of any benefit to going with slightly slower, double the ram 16gb? Also Ive never even heard of Ramaxel, I dont know if there a good manufacture, or "re branding" of ram units. Please bare with me in this probably simple question. Ive built many desktops, laptops, for myself / friends / work, but stopped about 8 years ago. So in that 8 years some things have changed, and are new to me, and im still trying to get a handle on whats in the market today. Primarily the naming nightmare, lol i7 this, i3 that, gtx 780m is a re branded what?.... lol so on, and so on. Thank you for any help of insight.
  10. Hi! From my point of view P151SM suits my needs better than P150SM or P157SM, because is cheaper and right now I don't need a powerful MXM graphics. The only issue I have with this model would be related with the missing backlit keyboard. Would be possible to swap the non lit original keyboard and install an illuminated keyboard from the P150SM model? Also, as a last question, I see the powerbrick for P151SM can provide up to 120W. Is this swapable with the one from P150SM which should provide 180W? Thanks!
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