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  1. Hi All, We can Unlock the last bios and vbios for ovc the gtx950m of Asus N552VX ? would nice! Specification Notebook Backup bios with afuwinx64 Thanks in Advance If i try to get a backup bios of gtx950M i get this error: (c) 2017 Microsoft Corporation. Tutti i diritti sono riservati. C:\WINDOWS\system32>cd C:\Users\Stefano\Desktop\NVFlash_Certs_Bypassed_v5.287_x64 C:\Users\Stefano\Desktop\NVFlash_Certs_Bypassed_v5.287_x64>nvflash -b backupbios.rom NVIDIA Firmware Update Utility (Version 5.287.0) Modified Version By Joe Dirt Adapter: GeForce GTX 950M (10DE,139A,1043,1C9D) H:--:NRM S:00,B:01,D:00,F:00 WARNING: Debug port will be disabled during EEPROM access. The display may go *BLANK* on and off for up to 10 seconds during access to the EEPROM depending on your display adapter and output device. Command failed to complete mailbox0 = FFFFFFFF Command id:000A Command: NV_UCODE_CMD_COMMAND_PREP failed Command Status:NV_UCODE_CMD_STS_NONE Error: NV_UCODE_ERR_CODE_CMD_TIMEOUT Identifying EEPROM... Command failed to complete mailbox0 = FFFFFFFF Command id:0002 Command: NV_UCODE_CMD_COMMAND_EID failed Command Status:NV_UCODE_CMD_STS_NONE Error: NV_UCODE_ERR_CODE_CMD_TIMEOUT ERROR: Error: Display adapter's EEPROM ID process failed C:\Users\Stefano\Desktop\NVFlash_Certs_Bypassed_v5.287_x64>
  2. Game Ready •Provides the optimal gaming experience for Prey, Battlezone, and the Gears of War 4 Multi-GPU Update. Added or updated the following SLI profiles: •Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 •Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III Added or updated the following 3DV profiles: •Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III - Not recommended Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 382.05 •[SLI][No Man’s Sky - with The Foundation Update 1.10 patch]: With SLI enabled, there is texture corruption in the game. [200257478] •[SLI][GeForce GTX 670][World of Tanks]: In SLI mode, blue-screen crash occurs when pressing Alt+Tab during the game. [1895732]] •[GeForce GTX 1080 Ti][Gears of War]: After the bootup movies, blue-screen crash occurs pointing to nvlddmkm.sys. [1914184] •The NVIDIA Control Panel in the Windows desktop context menu, as well as the NVIDIA system tray icon, may be absent. [200298863/1906498] •System may hang at a black screen upon cold boot up. [1913854] •In a multi-display configuration, the extended displays are unable to enter sleep mode. [1902053] Software Module Versions •NView - 148.47 •HD Audio Driver - •NVIDIA PhysX System Software - 9.17.0329 •GeForce Experience - •CUDA - 8.0 Windows 10 64-bit 32-bit Windows 7 & 8.1 64-bit 32-bit
  3. Well, after my ZBook died because of faulty bios (hardware related) and it had a K4100M (OC) with HP vBios, i wanted it to be on my old 8770w, but it just gave me no screen output (laptop screen) only on VGA (didn't test on DP cuz i got no DP Monitor nor cable) and i liked how the K4100M had better performance than the K4000M (Well the oc made the bandwidth go from the original 102 GB/s, to 200 GB/s [Not stable at all in some games like Rust, or Heavy iray rendering] vs the K4000M 89 GB/s [BTW I couldn't find any SAFE way to oc it] So I decided to make some research and testing,, Long ago before I started searching on how to do this change of gpu i found out that people had 980m in their 8770w and also k5100m without any errors, just by modifying the drivers, i tried so and failed. This is my laptop Specs: HP EliteBook 8770w Quadro K4000M Intel i7 3820mq 2x500GB WD Blue (Only ones i had around empty in my inventory) 20GB of ram (I know its not "correct" but i used 3x4GB and 1x8GB RAM sticks) 1080p Screen Non-Dreamcolor Windows 10 Pro 64 Bits - Creators Update (Btw im in Insider Program) Notes: This laptop has no Optimus support as far as i know, I havent tested on more vbios, only on 1 OC Dell Vbios I didnt test video output on DP, Beacuse i have no DP Monitor nor a cable, and i dont need it, at all. The laptop didnt give any video on integrated screen, only on vga with OC HP vbios and aswell Original (Backed up) vbios, only with the Dell vbios made successful output to laptop screen. There was video going on at VGA without nvidia drivers, if i installed the drivers the screen had artifacts like random colors then the laptop freezes and shutdowns with errors, even with dell vbios. GPU temp was higher than usual, even when it wasn't on high load. I was able to run Besiege at 5 fps without a driver (Only with Microsoft Display adapter). So by some hours of testing this were the results: I replaced the K4000M with the K4100M, I used windows recovery thing at startup (since the nVidia drivers from K4000M bugged the hell out the screen output) then I selected the CMD option, did cd to the folder where i had nvflash, flashed my gpu from there, with a OCed DELL vbios, (link), and then restarted my laptop, I was so excited because i made it make video output through the laptop screen, and then i loaded windows normally and the drivers started to bug the screen and then windows crashed after 4m every time i logged to windows (even without logging in), it said Video tcp failure (or something) and Watchdog_DPC_violation, So i used a fresh windows install (from a HDD i had around), it did give 1080p video output to laptop screen and i didnt test anything at all, so then installed Normal Nvidia drivers (from nvidia not hp neither dell) and then it started to bug again, And well, Then i tried using Ubuntu (17) and the screen give 1080p output without problems, i was going to install nvidia drivers but it was too difficult for the short time i had to test, so i didn't finished up testing with Ubuntu, As some dude told me at other forums that it might be an Optimus driver bug or something, so later on ill try testing with modified drivers. Also the GPU temp was high, i didn't check out the temp, but the laptop was too hot for normal use and used too much battery life (i found out when i was playing around with Ubuntu at my couch). And months before, I found out that in Nvidia page it said that the K4100M worked only on Haswell Generation (4th gen), and not Ivy Bridge, now it says that supports Shark Bay, which is kinda new, since that "option" wasn't there before. This is what ill do next time i make another test: I'll use another vbios a not OC one, just a normal one, Modify nVidia Drivers to try removing optimus (if posible) Finish testing up in Ubuntu Try to use older Drivers to see if anything happens. Post the pics of the Artifacts and a video of besiege running with Default video Driver
  4. Hi all, I have a macbook pro 15 inch retina mid-2015. I joined a Aikitio thunder2 with a graphics card GTX 1070 but there are problems with the internal monitor of my macbook. first of all we will list the specific to this topic. my macbook is equipped with two graphics cards, an integrated and a dedicated, integrated is an intel iris pro graphics while one dedicated is an amd radeon r9 m370x 2 GB gddr5, and obviously the eGPU GTX 1070. the problem is that with the external monitor connected via hdmi to egpu doesn't show any problem while using the internal monitor that should take the video signal from the thunderbolt has lagged. Mafia 3 with settings on external monitor turn 54 fps while on internal monitor turn 9 fps!!! There is not much difference and it occurs to me that the problem is the thunderbolt. members of tech inferno please help me!
  5. Hy everone! Is there a unlocked vbios for the GTX 675M for under-, overvolting? Or is there a Programm for Nvidia vbios Editing? I Have only found One for AMD Chips and the newer Kepler Chips but none for Fermi. I`m using a Clevo P150EM if that is important. Thanks halo19fan89
  6. J95

    GeForce 381.89 WHQL

    Game Ready •Provides the optimal gaming experience for Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War III, Heroes of the Storm 2.0, Batman: Arkham VR, Rick and Morty: Virtual Rick-ality, and Wilson's Heart. Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 381.89 •[Sniper Elite 3]: The game crashes. [1880113] •[Notebook][eDP panel]: Blue-screen (code 3B) occurs followed by the Recovery screen during software unbundling process. [1900432] •[GeForce GTX 1060]: Blue-screen crash occurs pointing to driver (Nvlddmkm.sys) after the system reboots from sleep mode. [1814559] •GPU idling voltage has increased. [1904229] Open Issues in Version 381.89 WHQL Windows 10 Issues: •[GeForce Experience]: Driver installation may fail when attempting to perform a driver overinstall. To workaround, perform a clean installation. •[SLI][GeForce GTX 1080][Battlefield 1 XP1]: With SLI enabled, corruption appears in the game when switching between full-screen and windowed mode. [1889162] •[GeForce GTX 1080 Ti][Mass Effect: Andromeda]: Random memory errors may occur when playing the game. [1887520] •[GeForce GTX 1080 Ti][Sid Meirie's Civilization VI][G-Sync/SLI/DirectX 12]: Black corruption appears while entering the in-game menu after skipping the cutscene.[200283322] •[GeForce GTX Titan X][Ansel][Ghost Recon Wild lands]: With FXAA enabled from the NVIDIA Control Panel, the application crashes when enabling the in-game Ansel UI.[200283194] •Error code 43 appears in the Device Manager after installing the driver with HDMI display connected. [200283276] •[Pascal][Notebook]: The display remains blank while over installing the driver, requiring a reboot. [200273603] •[GM204, Tom Clancy's The Division Survival DLC] Game crashes, pointing to ntdll.dll when changed to full-screen and to windowed full-screen. [200252894] •[GM204, ShadowPlay] For Honor silently may crash if the intro video is skipped while instant replay is on. [200247313] •[SLI] [GeForce GTX 970M] Level loading may hang in Gears of War 4. [1826307] •[367.77, WDDM 2.1] Driver install/overinstall requires a reboot. [1757931] •[SLI, GP104] Installer prompts for a reboot during express overinstall of 372.69 driver on 372.54. [200231806] •[GM204] Quantum Break window either remains blank or freezes in game scene in windowed mode. [1804910] •Surround Display icon disappears after rotate mode is set to portrait. [200201040] •[SLI] Street Fighter V performance drop (pause and play) observed when the game is played at 4K resolution with SLI enabled. [200172046] •[Luxmark 3.0] Display driver stopped responding while running benchmark LuxBall HDR (Simple Bechmark:217K triangles). [200153736] •[347.09, GM204] Blank screen observed on an ASUS Tiled display when system resumes from shutdown or hibernation with Fast boot option enabled from BIOS.[1591053] Windows 8.1/Windows 8 Issues: •[3DVision] While a stereoscopic 3D video with stereoscopic 3D enabled is played, the monitor refresh rate switches to 60 Hz after changing the resolution using the Windows control panel. [1314811] •[Video, Notebook] The NVIDIA Control Panel video color settings have no effect on YouTube flash video playback within Internet Explorer 10. [999485] Windows 7 Issues: •[GeForce GTX 1080] Battlefield 1 hangs when campaign loaded with Fast Sync enabled from the NVIDIA Control Panel. [200254350] •[SLI] Street Fighter V performance drop (pause and play) observed when the game is played at 4K resolution with SLI enabled. [200172046] •[3DVision] While a stereoscopic 3D video with stereoscopic 3D enabled is played, the monitor refresh rate switches to 60 Hz after changing the resolution using the Windows control panel. [1314811] Software Module Versions: •NView - 148.47 •HD Audio Driver - •NVIDIA PhysX System Software - 9.17.0329 •GeForce Experience - •CUDA - 8.0 Windows 10 64-bit 32-bit Windows 7 & 8.1 64-bit 32-bit
  7. With NVIDIA having now officially launched their next generation Pascal based GTX 1070 and 1080 GPUs, there are a number of AIB partner boards coming to the market soon. We have a video today by YouTuber Actually Hardcore Overclocking that examines different custom PCBs and helps break down the differences between the various boards and their power delivery designs. If you've read about additional power phases that will be available on AIB cards that are lacking in Founder's Edition but never quite knew what that meant, this video should help. View full article
  8. Game Ready •Provides the optimal gaming experience for Quake Champions Closed Beta. New Product Support •Added support for the NVIDIA TITAN Xp New Features: •Added support for Windows 10 Creators Update. •Added DTS X and Dolby Atmos support for 5.1.2 speaker configuration. •Added Dolby Vision support for games. •Added NVIDIA®Ansel TM support for Snake Pass and Kona. NVIDIA Control Panel: •Display page: Added the option to override the Windows 10 control of desktop color settings. •Manage 3D Settings page: Added option to disable self-refresh power-saving feature for G-Sync.** **Applies to self-refresh capable notebooks using Pascal-based GPUs with G-Sync enabled. Added or updated the following SLI profiles: •Descent: Underground - updated Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 381.65: •[XSplit][DirectX 12 games such as Rise of the Tomb Raider]: Games experience poor performance.[1882697] •[GeForce GTX TITAN X][SLI][Battlefield 1- XP1 Update]: Shimmering occurs on grass and trees with SLI and in-game TAA enabled. [200289721] •[GeForce GTX 1070][Serious Sam HD]: Heavy flickering occurs in the game with V-sync enabled. [1881405] •[GeForce GTX 980 Ti]: The GPU occasionally gets stuck in a low power state after pressing Alt-Tab while playing a game.[1832415] Software Module Versions •NView - 148.47 •HD Audio Driver - •NVIDIA PhysX System Software - 9.17.0329 •GeForce Experience - •CUDA - 8.0 Windows 10 64-bit 32-bit Windows 7 & 8.1 64-bit 32-bit
  9. Title. I'm experiencing a few problems including P-state drops when playing mid game and it really hurts my FPS. Thanks in advance. (Y510P SLI 755m) EDIT: I'm on Windows 10
  10. Hello guys! So my setup works finally, but with on major flaw: whenever I want to get into "gaming mode" - meaning using the eGPU, my only working solution and method is 100% working, however takes ages - Without egpu, boot to windows, uninstall all nVidia drivers Reboot to macOS, turn on egpu, wait around 10 sec, plug it in, run the automate-egpu.sh script, then again in -a mode turn off mac, shutdown egpu, wait until there's no green light, unplug. plug the thunderbolt cable back in, boot to windows without egpu connected, open device manager, turn on egpu, after 10 sec hotplug, see it gets recognized, re-install drivers. turn off mac, shutdown egpu, wait until there's no green light, unplug. plug in the egpu, boot to boot selection, after the cursor is move-able, power on the egpu, boot to windows (if it would freeze w/ black screen or infinite spinning wheel, force shutdown and do step 6. again) after getting to Windows, voila, it's alive. Additional 8th step - whenever I turn off my laptop, I have to re-do everything. +1 : I always use the closest thunderbolt port to the magsafe port. So the question is, did anyone found out a way of booting 100% succesfully without having to reinstall the geforce driver all the time? I mean since my macbook is the most problematic one, even I have a gtx 10x0 series, I should be happy of this method working at least, I'd still love to fasten up the process. ps.: I'm thinking about a solution, what would somehow reset all the caches/temp files of the driver itself when shutting down everything, if there would be a way for doing that, I would try it right away, and post an update. Would it help at all, or should I just keep reinstalling everytime? Thanks, Samu
  11. Hi I'm wondering if it would be possible if i tore out the wifi adapter out of the zenbook flip and then get mpcie to pcie riser and do an egpu setup with a 960. Would this work well? I currently own the psu and gpu. I'm just wondering if it's feasible. Also if there is a better recommendation for a 500-600 ultra book I'm open. I will be taking this for school work and then I come home plug it in do some casual gaming.
  12. J95

    GeForce 378.92 WHQL

    Game Ready •Provides the optimal gaming experience for Mass Effect: Andromeda and Rock Band VR. New Features •Added support for Dolby Vision for games. Application SLI Profiles: •Dead Rising 4 - updated •Deus Ex: Breach - updated •Mass Effect: Andromeda - added SLI profile 3D Vision Profiles: •Halo Wars 2 - Not recommended 3D Compatibility Mode Profiles: •These games must be run in DirectX 10/11 mode to see improvements and are not compatible with 3D Vision Surround mode. Compatibility mode profiles: •Dreadnought - Excellent Open Issues in Version 378.92 WHQL Windows 10 Issues: •[GeForce Experience]: Driver installation fails when attempting to perform a driver overinstall. To workaround, perform a clean installation. •[SLI][GeForce GTX 1080][Battlefield 1 XP1]: With SLI enabled, corruption appears in the game when switching between full-screen and windowed mode.[1889162] •[GeForce GTX 1080 Ti][Mass Effect: Andromeda]: Random memory errors occur when playing the game.[1887520] •[GeForce GTX 1080 Ti][Sid Meirie's Civilization VI][G-Sync/SLI/DirectX 12]: Black corruption appears while entering the in-game menu afte skippingthe cutscene.[200283322] •[GeForce GTX Titan X][Ansel][Ghost Recon Wild lands]: With FXAA enabled from the NVIDIA Control Panel, the application crashes when enabling the in-game Ansel UI.[200283194] •Error code 43 appears in the Device Manager after installing the driver with HDMI display connected. [200283276] •[Pascal][Notebook]: The display remains blank while over installing the driver, requiring a reboot. [200273603] •[GM204, Tom Clancy's The Division Survival DLC] Game crashes pointing to ntdll.dll when changed to full-screen and to windowed full-screen. [200252894] •[GM204, ShadowPlay] For Honor silently crashes if intro video is skipped and instant replay is on. [200247313] •[SLI] [GeForce GTX 970M] Level loading hangs in Gears of War 4. [1826307] •[367.77, WDDM 2.1] Driver install/overinstall requires reboot. [1757931] •[SLI, GP104] Installer prompts for reboot during express overinstall of 372.69 driver on 372.54. [200231806] •[GM204] Quantum Break window either remains blank or freezes in game scene in windowed mode. [1804910] •Surround Display icon disappears after rotate mode set to portrait. [200201040] •[SLI] Street Fighter V performance drop (pause and play) observed when the game is played at 4K resolution with SLI enabled. [200172046] •[Luxmark 3.0] Display driver stopped responding while running benchmark LuxBall HDR (Simple Bechmark:217K triangles). [200153736] •[347.09, GM204] Blank screen observed on an ASUS Tiled display when system resumes from shutdown or hibernation with Fast boot option enabled from BIOS. [1591053] Windows 8.1/Windows 8 Issues: •[3DVision] While a stereoscopic 3D video with stereoscopic 3D enabled is played, the monitor refresh rate switches to 60 Hz after changing the resolution using the Windows control panel. [1314811] •[Video, Notebook] The NVIDIA Control Panel video color settings have no effect on YouTube flash video playback within Internet Explorer 10. [999485] Windows 7 Issues: •[GeForce GTX 1080] Battlefield 1 hangs when campaign loaded with Fast Sync enabled from the NVIDIA Control Panel. [200254350] •[SLI] Street Fighter V performance drop (pause and play) observed when the game is played at 4K resolution with SLI enabled. [200172046] •[3DVision] While a stereoscopic 3D video with stereoscopic 3D enabled is played, the monitor refresh rate switches to 60 Hz after changing the resolution using the Windows control panel. [1314811] Software Module Versions: •NView - 148.47 •HD Audio Driver - •NVIDIA PhysX System Software - 9.16.0318 •GeForce Experience - •CUDA - 8.0 Windows 10 64-bit 32-bit Windows 7 & 8.1 64-bit 32-bit
  13. Hi all, As anyone using nVidia cards with OSX will know, we're limited to the 900 series cards, whether they be in eGPU's, Mac Pro or Hackintosh. Of course there is the AMD option for cards, but they simply don't meet up to any expectation I have of a card comparable to nVidia's hardware. All of my diggings has shown people saying to wait for nVidia to release webdrivers for OSX and that's going back nearly 8 months now. Honestly, I severely dislike Windows as an operating platform, and have miles of trouble getting my eGPU to work with it on my MacBook Pro. But, in lieu of Pascal support for the newer 1000 series cards, I WILL eventually switch over. I know lobbying to Apple is a dead cause, because, well, it's Apple, but I've started a petition to try and gather support for convincing nVidia to write webdrivers for 1000 series cards for OSX. So, sign and share this around, I know it's a long shot but hey, a digital signature costs you nothing. Thanks. http://www.ipetitions.com/petition/pascal-support-for-osx
  14. J95

    GeForce 378.78 WHQL

    Game Ready • Provides the optimal gaming experience for Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildlands. Gaming Technology • Includes DirectX 12 optimizations which provide additional performance increases for a variety of titles. New Features • Added support for the GeForce GTX 1080 Ti Added or updated the following SLI profiles: • Deus Ex: Mankind Divided • Titanfall 2 • Tom Clancy's The Division Added or updated the following 3DV profiles: • Ghost Recon: Wildlands - Good 3D Compatibility Mode Profiles: • No compatibility mode profiles were added with this version. Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 378.78 • [Discord]: The GFE FPS counter appears in the application. [200281089] • [GeForce 1050 Ti][Notebook]: Blue-screen crash occurs on some notebook platforms. [1877803] • [GeForce GTX 980 Ti][PhysX]: PhysX usesthe CPU when Optimize for Compute Performance setting is OFF, resulting in a drop in performance. [1871405] • [GeForce GTX 980][CUDA]: Driver error occurs when trying to compute with GPUGrid CUDA application.[1869402] • [GeForce GTX 980 Ti][OpenCL]: Driver error occurs when trying to compute PrimeGrid Genefer OpenCL tool. [1867576] • [NVENC][Steam]: NvFBC H.264 encode crashes. [1867544] Software Module Versions • NView - 148.47 • HD Audio Driver - • NVIDIA PhysX System Software - 9.16.0318 • GeForce Experience - • CUDA - 8.0 Windows 10 64-bit 32-bit Windows 7 & 8.1 64-bit 32-bit
  15. I am currently using gtx 1060 3gb with mpcie and no hotplug (or something with that name) setup due to locked bios. I am tired of using old graphic driver as it seems to be not giving the best frames for new titles and my windows constantly trying to update my driver via windows update. even if i turn it manually, it constantly brings problem. I heard this isn't the case for AMD, but which one is better for mpcie gpu setup without hotplug capability?
  16. The goal here was to keep my workhorse laptop functional for school, and in the off chance I get free time, require only 5 minutes of setup for high end gaming and virtual reality. Though there were many hurdles to overcome due to issues caused by the manufacturer, I finally have a VR-Ready working solution. Thanks to Nando for DIY eGPU Setup 1.30 and his timely response to my ichip error. Hardware & Software Tools Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E550 (i7) Processor: Intel i7 5500U iGPU: Intel HD Graphics 5500 dGPU: AMD Radeon R7 M265 eGPU: ZOTAC GeForce GTX 1060 AMP! Edition Adapter: EXP GDC Beast V8.0 (NGFF M.2) PSU: EVGA 400w DIY eGPU Setup 1.30 Initial Setup: Begin by downloading the drivers for the GTX 1060, as you'll have to remove the WiFi card later and won't have access to internet. Then attach the GTX 1060 to the PCI port of the GDC Beast. Then attach the power supply connectors (6 pin connector to the top of the 1060, 20 pin and 4 pin connectors to the included connectors from the GDC Beast). Once this is completed, plug in the power supply and shut down the PC. Remove the WiFi card and attach the NGFF M.2 connector in its place. Plug the HDMI end of the connector into the GDC Beast and power on the PC. The graphics card should be recognized in the device manager as a basic display adapter and you should be able to install the drivers. After the drivers install you may have a working setup (as I did), however after rebooting you'll be confronted with a black screen and a code 12 error in device manager. This means that there are not enough resources to accommodate the device. A DSDT Override is needed to compensate. DSDT Override: Nando has a great guide for this process here, but it is important to note that you'll want the Windows 10 Drivers Kit instead of the link provided on that page. Using the Windows 8 Drivers Kit will result in compilation errors when compiling the asl file. Aside from that, follow the instructions and set TESTSIGNING on. Once you reboot, you should notice a large memory address in your device manager in resources-by-type. You now have a 36 bit PCI space that will accommodate the GTX 1060. After rebooting, you'll notice that you still get code 12 error. This is because of improper PCI allocation. Therefore, you'll need to hard allocate the eGPU into the 36 bit PCI space which can be done with Nando's DIY eGPU Setup 1.30. Issues Before PCI Compaction: However, before compaction there are several issues that need to be addressed. One well known issue is that Lenovo BIOS whitelists their WiFi cards, causing the BIOS to not acknowledge other devices attached in their place. This is usually overcome by hotswapping the WiFi card and the eGPU after booting into Setup 1.30, but there are issue to tackle before this. After mounting Setup 1.30, you may have this error when attempting to boot into menu-based setup. [ichip] Unknown intel chipset found. Update R:\core\intel.txt including version with your chipset info, run ichip clear to clear variables then run ichip to confirm your chipset is found. If this is the case you'll need to contact Nando for an updated intel.txt. You'll then replace your intel.txt found in R:\core\ with the new intel.txt. You then will be able to properly boot into the menu-based setup. Theoretically from here you should be able to hotswap the WiFi card and the eGPU and have Setup 1.30 recognize it, but after performing that process the eGPU is remains unrecognized. This means that the adapter is not correctly interfacing with the PC. Specifically the GDC Beast is set to only receive power from the PSU when signal is detected, which makes it unready when the CLKRUN signal should be received. We can overcome this issue by removing the top plate from the GDC Beast. You'll notice 2 small switches on the bottom left. One of them is used to set the PSU to be permanently on, while the other delays the receive of the CLKRUN and PERST# signals in order to avoid ACPI_BIOS_ERROR. Set the PSU switch to on and the CTD/PTD switch to 15. You should now be ready for hotswapping. Reboot into Setup 1.30 (menu-based setup) with the WiFi card attached. Hotswap the WiFi card and the eGPU and your eGPU should now be recognized. PCI Compaction: Since we now have the eGPU recognized by Setup 1.30, we can begin PCI compaction which will eliminate the code 12 error. First, disable the PCI port of the dGPU and any other PCI ports you don't need using iport>disable ports. We also want to set our eGPU's PCI port to Gen2 with iport>Gen2>(whatever port your eGPU is on). Then select PCI compaction and set the endpoint to 36 bit. Run PCI compaction with the scope being iGPU + eGPU and force the iGPU to 32 bit PCI space. Finally, chainload to Windows 10 and you should no longer have any errors. We now have a VR-Ready working solution. Results: Setup and benchmark images coming soon []
  17. Game Ready •Provides the optimal gaming experience for Sniper Elite 4, For Honor, and Halo Wars 2. New Features: Video SDK 8.0 •High-bit-depth (10/12-bit) decoding (VP9/HEVC) •OpenGL input surface support for encoder •Weighted Prediction •H.264 ME-only mode enhancements Application SLI Profiles: •No SLI profiles were added with this version. Added or updated the following 3DV profiles: •Sniper elite 4 - Not recommended 3D Compatibility Mode Profiles: •Sniper Elite 4 - Excellent •For Honor - Excellent Changes and Fixed Issues in Version 378.66: •[Surround]: Surround cannot be enabled on the XGPU. [200236703] •[G-Sync]: With G-Sync and V-Sync both enabled, there is a long delay when switching a game from full-screen mode to windowed mode.[1867557] •[Second Life 64-bit]: World view is tinted blue after disabling Advanced Lighting Model. [200274562] •[The Division]: Shadows flicker after enabling PCSS. [1867573] •[Kepler GPUs][Battlefield 1]: There is flickering in the game when using TAA. [1865681] •[SLI][Battlefield Day28 Patch]: The menu text becomes jittery with SLI is enabled. [1837721] •[SLI][Surround][GeForce GTX 1080]: The system crashes when launching games in SLI Surround using HDMI 2.0 connections. [1834142] •[GeForce GTX 1080][Heroes of Storm]: The game crashes when launched. [200274793] •[GeForce 860M][Notebook]: Direct X games crash. [1868454] •[Minecraft]: Java SE Binary crashes pointing to nvinitx.dll. [200274582] •[GeForce GTX 980 Ti]: The driver is unable to detect multiple TV models. [1788948] Software Module Versions •NView - 148.47 •HD Audio Driver - •PhysX System Software - 9.16.0318 •GeForce Experience - •CUDA - 8.0 Windows 10 64-bit 32-bit Windows 7 & 8.1 64-bit 32-bit
  18. Hi guys, I succesfully flashed v2 vbios from prema and I tried 1v and and oc but I couldnt. I think it was power suply. Mine is 230w. And I tried 0.75 0.50 0.25 and 0 volt. But now I m trying game, benchmark screen goes dark and after beeping at 0 volt. Is this a hardware damage? I used just 1v max.(temperature max 70c) I tried cmos reset DDU Xtu uninstall And come back to stock vbios I think my card is dying Please help me!
  19. J95

    GeForce 378.49 WHQL

    Game Ready •Provides the optimal gaming experience for Resident Evil 7 Biohazard, Conan Exiles early access, and the For Honor closed beta. Added support for the following products: •GeForce GTX 1050 notebook •GeForce GTX 1050 Ti notebook Added or updated the following SLI profiles: •Battlefield 1 •Deus Ex: Breach Standalone - added DirectX 11 profile •Diablo III - added DirectX 11 profile •Dreadnought(2016) - added DirectX 11 profile •LEGO: Minifigures Online - added SLI-Single profile •Sid Meier's Civilization VI •Shooter Game (HDR) - added DirectX 11 profile •Sniper Elite 4 - added DirectX 11 profile •Space Hulk: DeathWing - added SLI-Single profile •Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands •Watch Dogs 2 3D Vision Profiles: •Resident Evil 7 - not recommended •Conan Exiles - not recommended 3D Compatibility Mode Profiles: •Watch Dogs 2 - excellent Windows 10 Fixed Issues: •[GeForce TITAN X][Just Cause 3] Randomflashes occur in the game. [1846802] •[GeForce GTX 1080][Wargames: Red Dragon]: The system reboots after switching to full-screen mode while playing the game. [1838863] •[GeForce GTX1080]: Random TDR/black screens occur when running GPU-intensive Direct X applications after updating to Windows 10 Anniversary Update. [1811614] •[GeForce GTX 1070][Alienware Graphics Amplifier] The graphics card is not detected upon installing the driver. [200236450] •[GeForce GTX 1070][Battlefield 1] Rain puddles appear dark. [1853262] •[GeForce GTX 1060] A superfluous audio end point entry appears in the Windows Sound Devices panel after resuming from hibernate mode. [200253633] •[Assassins Creed - Syndicate shows intermittent flickering black or white patches on game character faces. [200211264] •[SLI][Battlefield 1]: Texture flickering occurs in the game with SLI enabled. [200252872] •[Hitman pro][DirectX 12] Flickering corruption appears in the game if the multi-GPU option is enabled from the in-game settings. [200252498] •[Folding @ Home] Work unit errors occur. [200262613/1831430] •[Diablo 3 DirectX 11] SLI profile needed. [1859126] Software Module Versions •NView - 148.47 •HD Audio Driver - •NVIDIA PhysX System Software - 9.16.0318 •CUDA - 8.0 Windows 10 64-bit 32-bit Windows 7 & 8.1 64-bit 32-bit
  20. Game Ready •Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition, Obduction, Titanfall 2 •Battlefield 1, Civilization VI, Steep: Open Beta, Tom Clancy’s The Division Survival DLC, Watch Dogs 2 Game Ready VR •Eagle Flight, Obduction, Serious Sam VR: The Last Hope, and the Oculus Touch launch titles New Features •Enhanced the performance and quality of the motion vectors provided by the Motion-Estimation-Only mode of the video encoder, specifically in stereo VR use cases. This version adds several security improvements. Added or updated the following SLI profiles: •Titanfall 2 - disabled SLI 3D Vision Profiles •No 3D Vision profiles were added with this version. 3D Compatibility Mode Profiles •No compatibility mode profiles were added with this version. Windows 10 Fixed Issues: Install the Display Container via co-installer. [200228206] •[375.86, GP104] Corruption in YouTube video playback when two or more videos are playing at the same time in Chrome. [1843100] •Clean up the escape calls that use physical addresses. [1626231] Windows 8.1/Windows 8/Windows 7 Fixed Issues: •Install the Display Container via co-installer. [200228206] •NV_ESC_ID_NVAPI_REPORT_WFD_HOTPLUG and NV_ESC_ID_NVAPI_ENUM_DISPLAYIDS_EX don't validate the size of input, causing a KERNEL_SECURITY_CHECK_FAILURE. [1808374] •Clean up the escape calls that use physical addresses. [1626231] •NVL_ESC_ID_COMMON_REGISTRY_ACCESS escalates user privileges when the registry is accessed. [1359976] Software Module Versions •NView - 148.03 •HD Audio Driver - •NVIDIA PhysX System Software - 9.16.0318 •GeForce Experience - 3.2 ( •CUDA - 8.0 Windows 10 64-bit 32-bit Windows 7 & 8.1 64-bit 32-bit
  21. No issue up to now, everything is stable, easy and cheap setup. However, Nvidia Optimus isn't working with latest Nvidia drivers. Hardware: - Mac mini Late 2012 (MD387LL/A) / Macbook Pro Retina Late 2013 (ME293LL/A) - Akitio Thunder2 - Zotac GTX1050Ti - Samsung T3 Portable SSD - 250GB (for Windows To Go) - DC 12V/12.5A from Aliexpress Setup: - Install Windows 10 as Windows To Go with Rufus; - Install Bootcamp; - Reboot to Windows with Akitio connected and install latest Nvidia Driver; System Start: - Connect External SSD with Windows To Go to your Mac; - Power up and hold down ALT keyboard; - Connect Akitio and wait 2-4 minutes; - Choose Windows from boot menu; sorry guys, I can't attach files here, every times it gives me an error. I uploaded images and benchmarks to my google drive here
  22. Hi i have an msi ge 60 2pc and i am trying to install egpu exp v8 the gtx 1060 zotac 3gb, but i have the error 43 . haw i can resolve this ? , with the 650ti no problem , plz need help
  23. Hello, I am planning on building my first computer soon. 800 budget (can go over a little, includes os and monitor, max is 900) I will be using this computer mostly to game, right now I have parts worth 1000, so I would like to decrease that cost if possible without losing too much performance. The Build I have selected comes to just over 1,060$... Some parts may be incompatible, please let me know, and some might not be worth it. As you can see, I went with a red theme. (Would've went with blue but I already have red headphones and such.) CPU- (I would prefer to have a cpu that I can overclock, but with my budget it would be challenging.) https://pcpartpicker.com/product/xwhj4D/intel-cpu-bx80662i56500 Intel Core i5-6500 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor Cooler- If I don't have a cpu that can be overclocked, should I just go with the stock? https://pcpartpicker.com/product/hmtCmG/cooler-master-cpu-cooler-rr212e20pkr2 Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler MOBO- https://pcpartpicker.com/product/rLs8TW/msi-motherboard-h110mgaming MSI H110M Gaming Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard OR https://pcpartpicker.com/product/hMvZxr/gigabyte-motherboard-gah110ma Gigabyte GA-H110M-A Micro ATX LGA1151 Motherboard RAM- https://pcpartpicker.com/product/8hM323/kingston-memory-hx421c14fb8 Kingston HyperX Fury Black 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR4-2133 Memory Storage-https://pcpartpicker.com/product/MwW9TW/western-digital-internal-hard-drive-wd10ezex Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive AND https://pcpartpicker.com/product/ZdNp99/ocz-internal-hard-drive-arc10025sat3120g OCZ ARC 100 120GB 2.5" Solid State Drive GPU- https://pcpartpicker.com/product/JVWrxr/msi-geforce-gtx-1060-6gb-gaming-x-video-card-geforce-gtx-1060-gaming-x-6g MSI GeForce GTX 1060 6GB 6GB GAMING X Video Card Case- https://pcpartpicker.com/product/tD38TW/nzxt-case-cas340wbr1 NZXT S340 (Black/Red) ATX Mid Tower Case PSU- https://pcpartpicker.com/product/zNK7YJ/evga-power-supply-100b10500kr EVGA 500W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply OS- https://pcpartpicker.com/product/wtgPxr/microsoft-os-kw900140 Microsoft Windows 10 Home OEM 64-bit Case Fans- (Might not need, input?) https://pcpartpicker.com/product/XD9KHx/corsair-case-fan-co9050006ww Corsair Air Series SP120 Quiet Edition (2-Pack) 37.9 CFM 120mm Fans Monitor- https://pcpartpicker.com/product/WBw323/asus-monitor-vx228h Asus VX228H 21.5" 60Hz Monitor Keyboard- https://pcpartpicker.com/product/KWGj4D/cooler-master-keyboard-sgb3020kkmf1us Cooler Master OCTANE Wired Gaming Keyboard w/Optical Mouse TC- https://pcpartpicker.com/product/6RrG3C/arctic-silver-thermal-paste-as535g Arctic Silver 5 High-Density Polysynthetic Silver 3.5g Thermal Paste
  24. Hi all, thanks to your posts and knowledge, I was able to get an eGPU rig with a GTX 980 up and running with very few issues! It's been great so far. One of the lingering issues I've had is having to play the lottery whenever I start up the Mac...it seems like only one time out of 5 will the machine actually POST and play the startup chime and continue booting. Most other times, the GPU will initialize (I see the LEDs turn on and the fans spin up and return to idle), but the Mac just sits there at a black screen and never plays the startup chime. No amount of shuffling between thunderbolt ports (on both the Thunder2 and the laptop), or praying to the PC Master Race gods has seemed to have any effect on whether the machine will successfully boot or not. Sometimes it'll boot right on the first try, and do so 10 times in a row, other times I'll have to sit there and hold power to force-shutdown the machine and retry 6 or 7 times before it'll boot. Any ideas? Specs are as follows: 2014 MacBook Pro 15", i7-4980HQ, GT 750m Akitio Thunder2, MSI GTX 980 Gaming 4G, Corsair 650w PSU
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