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Found 6 results

  1. I use Dell M6700, 2GB K3000M graphics card. I see the overclock is hopeless. Computer M6700, Windows 10. I installed the Msi afterburner, but could not unlock the voltage. I flash vbios as per instructions: I open the CMD to the desktop (the folder containing rom and nvflash) nvflash --protectoff nvflash k3000m.rom K3000m rom i downloaded here: https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/forums/topic/1425-nvidia-kepler-vbios-mods-overclocking-editions-modified-clocks-voltage-tweaks/ ---------------------------- I heard a beep when using the nvflash --protectoff command and another beep when using nvflash k3000m.rom However after doing all that. I installed the afterburner msi, everything is the same. I have edited the MSG afterburder CFG file by making changes like: [Startup] Format = 2 CoreVoltageBoost = PowerLimit = ThermalLimit = ThermalPrioritize = CoreClkBoost = MemClkBoost = [Settings] VDDC_Generic_Detection = 1 All have no effect.
  2. The slot on the M6700 is a 26pin 54mmX75mmX22mm Expresscard, which replaced the (quite outdated) 68pin 54mmX85mm CardBus PC Card adapter. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:PCCard-ExpressCard_ZP.svg#/media/File:PCCard-ExpressCard_ZP.svg I am not sure that Dell even makes one of these for the M6700 - actually I am quite sure they don't. What I am hoping to do is find a compatible adapter from an older model / 3rd party adapter that I can switch out. I have disassembled the laptop and had a good look/measurement of the space and I believe there is enough room to fit a 68pin card-cage. I would be happy to do some light modification to any adapter, but I wouldn't like to poke at the mainboard or controller. IDEAS: If the above simply does not exist and is impossible to modify - a is it possible to use the eSata expansion bay? It currently houses a 9.5mm slot load r/w. I know there are adapters that look like S*^T or stick out of the side of the card-slot for a foot of so - that's not too sexy. I would prefer not to use one of the adapters unless I it were a slim-box style that (in theory) I could Velcro to the body or something and have it look proper. Could somebody please help me to find a suitable swap? I have truly looked EVERYWHERE and cannot find a solution that looks like a professional job. Here is some accurate info from Parts-People: https://www.parts-people.com/blog/2017/11/30/dell-precision-m4700-p21f001-express-card-cage-removal-installation/ (I also checked with them and so far, no luck) Also: This is all about an Audigy 2 ZS sound card, my ears cannot substitute a modern product.
  3. Hello! I have joined the forums some time ago to learn about modding drivers for laptops and thanks to the community here I was able to upgrade my Dell M6700 with a GTX880m. This time I am stuck on a couple of GPU issues that seem to be corresponding to each other. Let me go through these things below. I have upgraded the M6700 with a GTX970m - OS is working fine, all everyday tasks going great and by replacing the 880m with a newer card I gained some power and lowered the temperature of the system. In order to install drivers for this 970m (the other card too) I had to modify "nvdmi.inf" file and trick the driver installator to think, that my laptop was an Alienware. I have figured that out by trial and error. However, strange issues happen since the new card arrived: - first of all, no matter which new driver is getting installed, after OS restart and some time, the screen flashes and comes back on - when going to NVIDIA Control Panel it shows that the driver installed is v.353.54 - it just changes the driver version as if it was stored somewhere in the OS. Of course each time I am performing a clean install with DDU - secondly, from time to time when powered on, all I can see is a blurred image of the Windows' welcome screen, as if the resolution was changed to a super-low setting - a reset helps with that - finally, the outcome of all this is that I can't run any game on the laptop for longer than 10-15 minutes. I have recently purchased Divinity 2 and it runs on its "ultra" settings, but the laptop just dies after a quarter and powers itself off, followed by a screen flash Now I know that these might be various things in my system, but I have a feeling that it is GPU related and there might be something wrong with the drivers as previously (on the 880m) I was able to run games for as long as desired. And yes, I have already tried monitoring the temperatures, lowering in-game settings and even underclocking my CPU (i7 3940XM) - the CPU gets a bit hot if you ask me - up to around 90 degrees, but other than that, all seems fine. Help!
  4. Can anyone relate whether the M6600's bottom access panel door (NND2C) fits M6700 (F2YMX)? I am looking for a replacement and found the older ones way cheaper, looking pretty much the same on photos. Cheers!
  5. Hello! I am a new to techinferno - what brought me here is an issue with a Precision M6700 I bought myself lately. The laptop came with no GPU in it, however I have a GTX 880m that fits it's MXM slot. When I plugged the card in I though it was all I needed to do - I'm used to desktop upgrades, so I thought - it fits - why not? Turns out the PC's BIOS can't figure out what card is in it - with Optimus "off" I can see "unknown video card" with 8GBs of RAM. Windows 10 x64 Anniversary Edition works and recognizes the GPU as "Microsoft Universal Video Adapter", but the HWid suggests it's a GTX880 - in fact I can even see it properly detected by GPU-Z. So I browsed through lots of topics on upgrading, modding and customizing drivers but none of the methods worked for me, apart from one - Mr Fox's modded desktop drivers. I managed to install all the nVidia components, yet can't get the card working properly - launched Bioshock Infinite to see if it is on and it wasn't. Apparently my M6700 wants to perform only on Intel HD graphics from the CPU (3940XM). I tried flashing different vbios, updated the Dell bios to the latest one (A15), and tried modding NV drivers - no luck so far. Installing drivers (DSE turned off obviously) sometimes gives a post "no compatible hardware was found" and at other times with different mods and versions I get a message that it was all recognized, yet the driver "migh have been corrupted or smth"... I still believe that it is possible to make it work if it's only a software issue. Question is - how deep do you have to get into modding to make it work? Is the GTX 880m even worth the effort? Maybe I should search for a way to mess with M6700 BIOS? You might wonder why I want it - the answer is simple - I don't want a Quadro card here as I see a potential for some gaming on the workstation which has excellent build quality and great computing power. That's when I come to you asking for help - I've seen people upgrading their laptops with the impossible, so I believe there's still hope. Other useful info: I have a spare Quadro K5100 to try out, but from what I've read, there might be issues with that one as well... edit If anyone reads the thread - I was succesful with the upgrade - everything installed and working. I wish it was more stable, but still it runs great. If you need any tips, just PM me
  6. Hi together :-) As the title says I'm having a little Issue after upgrading my m6700's graphics card from the K3000M to the newer K4100M: Everything seems to work properly, but under load (i.e. 3D applications) it produces crashes / system instability after ~5-20 seconds. When I reduce the chip- and memory-clocks in MSI Afterburner as far as possible, it takes a bit longer until it crashes, but eventually it always does after a minute or so. When running on battery power (and thus even further reduced clocks) everything runs stable for arbitrarily long times. This sounds like a thermal problem to me. However, the reported GPU temperature never exceeded 65°C, which I think is OK. I guess the memory chips are not temperature monitored seperately, are they? So maybe I should replace the memory thermal pads by new ones? What I've already tried/checked/looked at: - Uninstalled previous drivers with "Display Driver Uninstaller" - Latest Nvidia Drivers can be installed properly (and also tried a few older versions) - Notebook BIOS is up to date - Tried three different Video-BIOS versions - Graphics card is not recognized by Notebook BIOS properly ("Unknown video card") - Graphics card is recognized under Windows, though (Device-manager / Nvidia control-panel / GPU-Z and so on) - Sometimes after a crash the system recovers and a pop-up says that the nvidia graphics driver crashed and was restarted - Of course, I'm using the large 240 Watt Power supply Ok, that's about everything I remember to be relevant at the moment. I'd appreciate any kind of help :-) ... If you need further Information, just let me know, and I'll try to deliver it. Thank you, Florian
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