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  1. Hello ive seen a few people asking about heat and i thought i would chime in and say a few ways to keep down the heat! there are a few ways you go about this with out opening the computer, for those who arent to sure about taking a screwdriver to their laptop it may help you. in saying that, if your fans are dirty then this will not help you at all. I TAKE NO RESPOSIBILITY TO ANY DAMAGE HARDWARE! ANY CHANGES YOU MAKE ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK! INCREASING THE FAN SPEED to control your fans use this http://www.hwinfo.com/download64.html this is a free program that alot of people use on various computers. it work on alienwares well but im yet to test ROG and MSI with it. its pretty simple to use install it and get to this page and click on the sensors button then on the next screen click the small fan icon at the bottom unless you want to manually adjust your fan between each time you play click customer auto and you can edit it from there UNDERCLOCKING download and install NV tools it can manage fan speeds too but its not always 100% in laptops http://www.nvidia.com/object/nvidia-system-tools-6.08-driver.html on the left hand side, under the performance tab, select device settings now just slide it back in small steps until you are comfortable with the temps. remember that if your computer blue screens it DOES NOT mean your computer has been damaged. it is simply a way for the computer to avoid damage. adjust the slider in intervals of about 15mhz to be safe and click apply each time. start on the core clock and finish on the memory. Every now and again it is good to check on your progress to see how far you need to go. (more on this later) MSI after burner is a good one too http://www.guru3d.com/files-details/msi-afterburner-beta-download.html again the fan control is a bit hit and miss with it but it can control your clock speed. ass per the program above keep going untill you hit a STABLE setting you want. TESTING here we will look at the new GPU temps after the tune. MSI Kombustor is a great way to test your heat. http://www.geeks3d.com/20150710/msi-kombustor-v3-5-2-64-bit-v2-6-0-32-bit-download-gpu-stress-test-benchmark/ click on stability and watch the temps. if you see any artefacts stop the test and increase the mhz by 15mhz each fur mark is the one that i use to test the heat of my alienware http://www.ozone3d.net/benchmarks/fur/ aim for about 70-75*C. hope this helps you a bit. PS avoid EVGA's tuning tool on alienware i have heard it can brick your LCD! CLEANING THE FANS Just for the sake of it ill give you a few tips on cleaning your laptops fans out. assuming you already know the basics of using a screwdriver to open a laptop ill cover a few things to help you. REMEMBER, IF YOU REMOVE THE HEATSINK YOU WILL NEED NEW THERMAL PASTE! compressed air is a great way to remove dust and id recommend having a can of it over a compressor. The reason being is that some compressors can fill with a bit of water and can spray it directly into the computer. you can spray the air into the vents and while it wont really "clean" it it may open enough room for air to pass out. i DO NOT recomend this however. after opening up the computer and removing the fan take a paint brush and clean the entire fan, get as much of the dust out as you physically can. you can use toothbrushes too if you dont have anything else. make sure you clean the grill behind the fan too as that is where the dust usually builds up. removing this dust and hair is the most important part of this clean up. now on to thermal paste. remove all the old thermal paste from the heat sink and the CPU with a dry cloth then, use isopropyl alcohol to clean the rest. some people seem to think that more is better but this is completely not true! if you put a large amount of thermal paste on the heatsink you will actuall have hotter temps. this is due to either: A ) the heatsink is not geting enough connectivity to the GPU as the layer of thermal paste is too thick B ) too much of it creates small pockets of air, these air pockets become super hot and that causes more heat on the GPU the correct amount is roughly the size of a pea even that is boarderline too much. Dont spread it around instead place your heat sink over it as even as possible and screw it down in a X pattern for an even spread. really hope this helps you and good luck!
  2. Hey guys! Earlier this week I upgrade my laptop with a new network card. I bought a Intel WiFi AC 7260 for my Lenovo Y510p. So most of you probably know, Lenovo's BIOS has a whitelist. So I flashed the BIOS so that I could use the new network card. This happened without any problems, I installed the network card and booted my laptop. Drivers worked the moment I logged in and connecting to a network was easy and fast. Checked speedtest.net for the up and down speeds, perfect! There is a problem I encounterd though, it has nothing to do with my BIOS (I think) or my new network card. It has something to do with my GPU's. I run an SLI configuration of 2 x Nvidia GeForce GT755m. (one main, one ultrabay) I was following a guide made by @svl7 about flashing the BIOS. After the part of flashing the BIOS there was something about flashing the vBIOS too, because if you are running 2 GPU's it was not going to work properly. When flashing the vBIOS I encountered the problem. As explained by the guide, I used NVflash to flash vBIOS, when using the command "nvflash -a" to view adapters and their "index" they were on "0" and "1". I tried to flash both of them, "1" flashed easily without any problems, "0" did not flash at all. Now the error displayed was: "ERROR: GPU NOT DETECTED." Has anyone got an idea of how to fix this? I'm not able to flash one of the GPU's. If I play a videogame on my laptop, every now and then (intervals of 1-5 minutes) my screen goes black, audio stutters and comes back to normal after a few seconds. Hope you guys can help me out! If there's any info you need let me know and I'll edit the post!
  3. Version 1.0.0


    Files contained in this archive: [Y580][Y480]-'unlocked_BIOS'_660mGHzEdition_WhitelistMod.zip 'Error 104' - fix.zip Lenovo Y580 - Y480 BIOS v8.00 (5DCN90WW) - Mod.zip Lenovo Y580 - Y480 BIOS v8.01 (5DCN90WW) - Mod.zip Lenovo_Y480_Y580_-_BIOS_V.206_[unlocked].zip Lenovo_Y480_Y580_-_BIOS_V.206_[unlocked][no whitelist].zip Y580-Y480_BiosFix.zip fpt-dos.zip fptw64.zip prr2.zip For information on how to use the files in this archive, see here: My donation link in case you want to buy me a beer
  4. Version 1.0.0


    Files contained in this archive: Fptw64_(8_series).zip Lenovo_Y510p-Y410p_[v1.07][v1.09][v1.10]_BiosFixer.zip Lenovo_Y510p-Y410p_[v3.05]_modified.zip Y510p-Y410p_[v2.04][v2.07]_BiosFixer_(Whitelist only).zip Y510p-Y410p_v207_[stock].zip For information on how to use the files in this archive, see here: My donation link in case you want to buy me a beer
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Files contained in this archive: 'Error 104' Fix - v01.zip Lenovo Y500 - Y400 - BIOS [v2.02] - stock .zip Lenovo_Y500-Y400_-_Mod_[v2.04] (including update for 2.02 & 2.03 users).zip Lenovo-y500-y400-bios-[v2.02]-stock-.zip Y500 -Y400 - SLI 650m - - OC.rom.zip Y500 - Y400 - SLI 750m - 80.07.9D.00.11 - OC.zip For instructions on how to use these files, see this thread: Donation Link: Here's the 'buy me a beer' link in case you like this <<
  6. Do you plan to purchase a new gaming notebook in the next few months? If so, which brands are you considering and why? Additionally, with the release of Thunderbolt 3 and external enclosures like Razer Core coming to market, is this a contender for you vs a dedicated gaming notebook that is thicker and weighs more?
  7. Hello All, I have been experimenting with EGPUs over the last six months or so, but it seems possible that EGPUs and the x220 do not agree on something, despite that I have seen many success stories online. First I bought a PE4C-EC100C base to use with a hd6900 and a regular ATX power supply. This worked great: I was quickly able to install drivers and use the video card as I wanted. However, in the following weeks, after connecting and disconnecting this device a few times. I started getting an issue where the laptop would not power on. I would press the power button, all of the leds would come on for about two seconds, then turn off for three seconds, and this would cycle forever. Sometimes I managed to fix it by removing the battery or using a different power adapter, but the problem normally came back a day after using the EGPU setup, so I stopped using it. A little after that the problem happened and I could not end up fixing it, so I had to purchase another mainboard from ebay, which is what I am using now. Because I had read and seen so many other success stories using the x220 and no mention of this issue, I thought that the EGPU adapter could be at fault, so I bought an updated model which was recommended to me over IRC: The PE4L-EC060A. Again, when I started using it, it functioned great and gave no obvious crashes or issues, but now today again I have symptoms of the power issue. The power would not fully come on as described before, and I had to remove the battery to get it to turn on again. I am, of course, afraid to use the egpu again, when through it is serviceable to me. (It allows me to use more than two monitors, which is not possible using the intel GPU) When using the EGPU, I always shut down the computer, then plugged or unplugged the expresscard connector, then turned it back on. When I did this, it would often power on for a second, shut down again, and then power on correctly. This is unlike the error I have where it just keeps cycling. So now I want to have this thread documented incase anyone else has the same issue, to know they are not alone. I am also awaiting any suggestions that the community may have to allow safe operation of the EGPU, which provides great benefits to me. bluefruit from thinkpad forums has some additional information to add, but suggests that I ask my question here where there may be more EGPU users: Setup information: Lemovo X220 Bios version 1.4 Bios setting > 'pci express speed' : 'generation 1' i7 16gb ram (I have not had any '100% cpu' issues described elsewhere using 16gb) PE4L-EC060A with 300W ATX power supply and AMD hd6900 ; using the expresscard connector Please let me know any other required information. Thank you for reading.
  8. Hi All, i have lenovo y50-70 with latest bios v3.03 nvidia gtx 860m intel hd graphics 4600 but m suffering from system hang/freeze due to graphics it happens only when system is used for normal purpose like browsing listen songs n watching movies it doesn't freeze for hour while gaming it is bcz of gpu getting undervolted so i need unlocked bios so that i can manually increae voltage can anyone help me ?
  9. Hi, @Prema First of all I'd like to thank you for all your effort in your moddings. I've been following you for a long time and your work is so appreciated. So it is that I made a donation to support your activity. It is not much, sadly, what I could offer but I hope it helps. On the other hand, I would like to know a few things about my new laptop (Lenovo Y50-70 & GTX 960M) and I hope you will be able to help me to understand. I've been reading a lot about the lock Nvidia put to its drivers recently. Fortunately, it seems now the problem is gone and we can oc'ing our video cards just by flashing a modded vBios. Well, what should I do? I mean, I read there's sometimes problems with the bioses and I remember I've seen something, in particular related to my laptop and Lenovo Bioses. Am I correct? Should I take anything else into consideration before applying your mod? Finally, I'd like to know if an OC+Underclock is feasible with this card? Thanks in advance, Prema.
  10. Hello all, I am new in this area (eGPU) and have some issues. When I Google my problems, this forum pops out to me. After review some posts, I still cannot figure out my problems, so I decide to register on the site and ask my questions here. Those are my parts: Lenovo Thinkpad x230 with i7-3520M, 16GB RAM, Intel(R) HD Graphics 4000 EXP GDC BEAST, Expresscard EVGA 500 W1 80+, 500W Continuous Power, Power Supply Gigabyte GTX 960 Overclocked 4 GB GDDR5 Graphics Card GV-N960WF2OC-4GD My problems are: When I pluged in the Expresscard, the computer can catch the graphics card, and it told me to restart the computer if I want to use it. After I restarted the computer, it worked! The fans on the graphics card spun, and I can see the screen in the external monitor, and it showed me that I was using GTX 960 now. I tried to watch the movie, and it worked well. But the fans on the graphics card stopped spinning. I am not sure it is normal or not, but my computer still worked fine. HOWEVER, when I tried to play the video game, it worked at first. But after about half hour, it would suddenly shut down, then restart the computer. At this time the graphics card did not work, so I have to use the internal LCD. I was trying to re-start the graphics card, but it still did not work and it was a little warm. I have to wait for some time to use the graphics card and the whole kit again. Does anyone know how this happen? It worked for a long time for movie(at least 1.5hrs), but it only worked for 30min for game. I also tried to change in BIOS. Inside "POWER" I think there is "PCI Express Power management", and the default is "enable". I tried to change it into "disable", but the result is still the same. I tried this change because I thought this is referred to "Disable PCIe Power Saving", but I am not sure. Or does anyone know where should I change? I would very much appreciate your help in this case. Thank you in advance! Sammael
  11. Hello techinferno-team, I decided to finally register on the site and in this forums as I have read a lot about eGPU implementations and actually tried to accomplish one by my self. Those are my parts: Lenovo Thinkpad t430 with i5 3320M, 8GB DC RAM, 160GB SSD, Intel HD4000 EXP GDC BEAST, Expresscard bequiet! 450 Watt PSU Windows 10 64bit. So far, so good - but it just won't work. Everytime I boot my Laptop up with eGPU connected, it loads the Windows 10 screen with the blue logo on it. After app. 2 minutes a little circle spins around, suggesting the PC is loading the OS. I waited to hours, the screen remained the same. Then I tried booting Windows up, then instering the eGPU. That does not work either, as the card is not recognized. I tried putting laptop to sleep, plugging eGPU in, then waking it from sleep. It just turns off. I also tried powering the PSU of the eGPU on when the windows logo appears, but the card is not recognized and the fan of the GTX670 spins like crazy. First time this appeared I almost thought I bricked the card. Then I tried another thing: I used the egpu with my old Thinkpad t500 on windows 7. I plugged it in, booted up, installed drivers, done. It works. So the eGPU components should work fine., I I am absolutely at loss here. What can I do to get this thing working? I have read like every article about eGPUs on T430 and on Windows10... But it just won't work. I would very much appreciate your help in this case; furthermore I hope this is the right place to post this in. If not, I apologize - this is my first post. I am not a native speaker, so if you do not understand something in my text feel free to ask, I will do my best. Thank you so much! daku I tried every setting advised in the existing troubleshooting guides at least twice, none of them worked.
  12. So I have this interesting problem involving my laptop, Logitech USB wireless mouse and ASUS USB wifi stick. On my Lenovo Y500, I have 3 USB ports. One on the right side and two on the left. My internet will only work at a high quality if the wifi stick inserted into the right port. Otherwise the internet is slow and clunky. The mouse works fine in the left. However, if I play a game on Steam, my mouse will sometimes skip and freeze when it's plugged into a left port. So I have to switch the mouse and wifi stick so that the mouse is on the right side and the wifi is on the left. When I'm in the game they will then both work fine, including for internet gaming. But browsing websites in this state makes it slow as per usual with the wifi stick being on the left side. I know that was a lot to take in. May take more then one read to make sense. Any idea what's going on? It seems bizarre that these things happen, and is quite inconvenient. Thanks.
  13. Hi guys I soldered m.2 slot as my y510p didn't have one. I installed ssd drive but my bios and system does not see it. Is it only bios (I have stock rev. 3.07 locked) related issue, or could it by something else I need to do to get my ssd to work?
  14. Hello, I own a Lenovo X130e with an Intel Celeron 857 CPU and Intel HD Graphics. Is it possible to overclock these by modding my BIOS? If so, would anyone be willing to assist me to mod by BIOS? Thanks.
  15. Hey members! I bought my Lenovo y510p in the summer. I tought it is excellent but after some time i realized how bad this laptop is. I paid 1300euros for this thing and now I have many problems. First is overheating. I tried to change my thermal paste with (Arctic MX-2) It's not reduceing my temps at all. Only solution what reduced my temps were fan control. Second problem is that I can't play my favourite game NBA 2k15. I can't play it even on lowest settings. No matter what i do I can only get about 53fps. What do you guys think, what I should do? I have a headache because of this Lenovo machine. Any help is appreciated. cheers!
  16. Hi, I have a y510p laptop, with i5 cpu and a single 755m gt gpu. I am wondering - why some games have so poor performance even on lowest settings? I have done a clean install of GPU drivers today but it didn't help at all. I tried playing Battlefield 4, but I get about 20FPS on LOWEST POSSIBLE SETTINGS. Meanwhile, on Battlefield 3, or Max Payne 3, I can max out the game and have about 40-60FPS without a problem. I also had this problem with GTA 4, it's just weird that gta barely works, meanwhile a game on an updated engine works flawlessly on MAX settings with about 60FPS. I am playing while on high performance mode, and I tried to change nvidia settings to my NVIDIA GPU only, and changing power plan to MAX performance. Am I the only one who has this problem?
  17. Hello everyone I bought my y510p a year ago and finally decided to replace the DVD drive with a second GT750M. The first thing I did once I got the laptop was installing windows 7 as I just can't stand 8. Now that I got the second GPU I looked for drivers and only found this NVIDIA GeForce GT750M Second VGA BIOS Update for Windows 8.1 (64-bit) - IdeaPad Y410p, Y510p - Lenovo Support (US) So I suck it up and install windows 8.1. After following the installing instructions I keep getting the "no nvidia display adapters found" error message. Meanwhile Windows 8.1 just doesnt click with me so I go back to windows 7 and square one... Is there a way to manually flash the BIOS into recognizing my second GT750M? Forgive my lack of technical terms as I am quite the layman. Thank you in advance, have a nice day
  18. Does anyone here using lenovo y400/y500 kept getting "Display driver stopped responding and has recovered" error message often? The screen goes to black for 2-3sec and then recovered back. This is so irritating as I am trying to play games while it occur like once every few minutes, making the gaming experience bad.. Is this hardware faulty or is it my display driver is not stable and is there a setting in bios could help me fix it? I am currently using 337.88 on the display driver, tried newest drivers but the issue still occur so I decided to rollback to older version and still the issue is not gone yet. I am waiting for my 5th post to be approved and looking forward to unlock my bios with svl7's guide. If anyone have a solution please share with me I really needed a help. Specs: Intel Core 3rd Gen i7-3630QM RAM DDR3 8gb 100gb ssd+500gb hd(ultrabay) Nvidia GT 750m 2gb memory If needed any further information, just reply here to me Appreciate everyone's attentions and helps
  19. hi guys, my lenovo y410p recently having " Event ID 13 from source nvlddmkm cannot be found" when playing new games (i tried tomb raider, sniper elite 3, shadow of mordor, watch dogs which receive same errors). i already ask to nvidia tech support they ask me to reinstall driver but it aint work. my friend has y400 which didnt have optimus activated he playing games all fine never received this error. And if i unlock the bios can i disable the optimus? so i wondering if you guys having same problem like me.. please help i really appreciate your supports:)
  20. There is an existing petition to have Lenovo release an unemcombered version of their BIOS located on Change.org h t t p s : //www.change.org/p/lenovo-release-an-unencumbered-version-of-the-bios.
  21. I bought a bluetooth mouse on sale about a year ago. It died a little over a month... so I called support and told them my situation. They sent me postage through my email and sent it back. I waited about 2 months and wanted to find out if I'm getting a replacement or not so I chatted with the CS rep. He was nice and said he'll find the status and let me know through email. Well I don't like to pressure anyone or push anyone so I waited like a month for another status update. I chatted with a lady and she found out that nothing was really done besides a ticket was open and she said she'll send a status update to me through email. So.... waited another 2 weeks this time... got another lady on chat and well... she wasn't helpful. Another month past (got caught up on some stuff) and started to get irritated. So I got another guy on chat and explained the situations, show him some of my past chats (I save most my chats) and he said can't give me a replacement but reimburse me.... So got busy with life and never seen anything reimbursed or anything. Those CS reps just keep making you go in circles over and over until eventually you give up. Lesson, most are nice but you'll get no results. Anyone else have better results?
  22. (First thread on the forum! I recently purchased the Zalman ZM MIC1 for recording videos, instead of an external condenser attachment for my ipod. I read the reviews and listened to numerous audio samples from this microphone. All of them seem pretty clear and noise-free. The only problem is that with my computer, the microphone has a HUGE background humm, along with a very large amount of static. I would like to know if this is a problem with the Y500's sound card, a problem with the microphone, or just a software setting I missed. Here are some links: The Micriophone with a good audio test: Amazon.com:*Customer Reviews: Zalman Zm-Mic1 High Sensitivity Headphone Microphone My test Microphone test.mp3 with the following settings in control panel: 100% volume, +20dB microphone boost, and DC offset cancellation. My Realtek Settings and information (Note some of the missing options): EDIT: I tested this microphone on some crappy Toshiba, and there is pretty much no static. It had a 24dB gain on it, and it sounded very good. So what I'm thinking is that the soundcard in the Y500 either doesn't have good specs, or that the "noise removal" feature on the toshiba (which was enabled) is non-existent on the lenovo. Other discovery: After installing different versions for the type of sound card I have, I still have yet to find any options for enabling a noise suppression effect. Realtek says that my card supports it, but it never appears in any option, in windows nor in Realtek. I really want to get this mic working, because I could use it for so much. I have also tested it with another microphone, and it does the exact same thing, and the static sounds identical.
  23. Among other things. What's the purpose of stopping someone who has already bought the machine from upgrading the components? It just seems like a massive, unnecessary restriction. I've heard that this is on a number of laptops, not just Lenovo. My guess is that you're supposed to buy a whole new laptop when you want a new feature. That way more money is leeched from you. Any other thoughts about why this is?
  24. hi I have lenovo y580 bought in 2012 December. I did a battery gauge reset 2 days back. When the procees of discharging battery, at 2% reamaning suddenly lap turn off. after then, if i want to charge the battery. first i need to remove the battery. then i need to plug ac adapter to lap, after that only i can insert battery again. otherwise it won't charge. i check the charger it works fine. i also tried out holding power button for 30 sec. it also din't work for me. if some one comeup with a issue and solved or some one know a way to solve, please let me know. thanks
  25. HI, i have a problem with my lenovo y510p gt755m sli. On win 8.1 some of the windows are blurry, but there's no such problem when i installed windows 7. Does any one else have such a problem and has a solution for it?
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