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Found 5 results

  1. Hello to all dear visitors, I have been using Lenovo y510p notebook for two years but in games I think my graphic card is inadequate. After that I've bought Mini PCI-e EXP GDC and attached it to where the wireless card socket is. However because it has x1 speed its performance is too low. Even though on tests rx460's ranks is low than rx480, it has more performance. In x1 PCI-e port, the performance is too low and inefficient. On GPUz programme, use of memory controller is 20% but use of GPU is 100%. I mean, I've been hooked to the x1 speed. Components : EXP GDC version 8.0 +450w PSU + rx480 I've read all pages about ultrabay, I want to buy and to share in forum. If anyone has ultrabay to PCI-e port, I want to buy. Please help. Thanks for everything.
  2. The computer I used was '' Lenovo Y510P ''. There is a '' Nvidia GT755M [SLI] '' as a display card. I have tried both ways of downloading the video card driver from both GeForce Experience and Nvidia driver site. Both kinds of graphics cards are starting to update. Later, the 'graphic driver is installed' part of the screen goes and never comes again. I can not enter Windows when I turn off the computer. I have to take format from scratch. After formatting, Windows automatically loads a graphics card driver in 2017, trying to update the driver again, it stays black on the screen again. I have to format again. With DDU (Display Driver Uninstaller) program, I deleted the old video card driver and updated it again. But I met the same problem. I communicated with Nvidia and stated that I had such a problem. They asked me not to install the 388.13 video card driver. That graphics card driver has been loaded without any problems. But I have the same problem with all the video card drivers out there. NOTE: This problem only happens on Windows 10. I can update the display board without any problems in operating systems like Windows 8,8.1. NOTE: I have been having this problem for about 2 months, before I could update my display card in Windows 10 without a problem. The driver I am currently using is: 388.13
  3. Hey members! I bought my Lenovo y510p in the summer. I tought it is excellent but after some time i realized how bad this laptop is. I paid 1300euros for this thing and now I have many problems. First is overheating. I tried to change my thermal paste with (Arctic MX-2) It's not reduceing my temps at all. Only solution what reduced my temps were fan control. Second problem is that I can't play my favourite game NBA 2k15. I can't play it even on lowest settings. No matter what i do I can only get about 53fps. What do you guys think, what I should do? I have a headache because of this Lenovo machine. Any help is appreciated. cheers!
  4. After being annoyingly frustrated for several weeks after purchasing a Y510p laptop and realizing the Wi-Fi card is far from what it should be I figured I would flash the modded bios and install a new card. Seeing how it's likely many people ended up here for the same reason I figured it would be a good idea to ask for recommendations as to what card I should buy as a replacement. Any recommendations would be most welcome but I'd rather to have a card capable of 5Ghz support, from what I've seen it does make a difference.
  5. Hi guys! I really wanted 5ghz on my Lenovo Y510p, so I took my Intel Advanced-N 6205 from my desktop and put it into my Lenovo Y510p. I did modify/unlock the BIOS according to the AWESOME tutorial on here. The thing is....using this Intel Advanced-N 6205 wireless card doesn't allow me to use the 2.5ghz band, only the 5ghz. I know that this wireless chip/card is designed for desktop use only...but why isn't it working on dual channel for my laptop? It seems weird that it works on 5ghz, considering that the Lenovo Y510p came with a 2.4ghz card. Is there a way to switch or turn of the 5ghz band on my card so I can choose to use which band? (It seems like it can only support one band at a time, or 5ghz only...) Thanks!
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