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Found 5 results

  1. Is there a reason why an i5, 8GB ram laptop would take 10-20 minutes to boot up? The HDD passed DTS, no SMART errors, and the windows error checking found nothing, RAM has no issues, tested in a separate laptop. The system was restored from a Recovery partition (i.e. the OS partition was overwritten), same results, takes forever to boot up, granted the HDD is a 5400 rpm with barely any cache, but still it should not take that long, it booted just fine in the past... Bios? Some weird corrupt Recovery partition?
  2. I run svl7's unlocked BIOS, version A10, on my M17x R4. I ran it for nearly two years with 240GB Mushkin SSD SATAIII in 1st HDD bay, and stock Dell 750GB HDD SATAII in 2nd bay. It worked without issue. Recently I replaced the 750 with a 1TB HDD with a SATAIII interface and I see the laptop bluescreening when accessing both drives simultaneously (i.e. copying files from one drive to the other.) I remember there was an issue with these mobo's where there was instability when both drives were in SATAIII mode so Dell limited the 2nd bay to SATAII in BIOS A05 or A08 I think. However it looks like that restriction was dropped in the unlocked BIOS I'm using and HwINFO confirms that both drives are operating at SATAIII. Assuming I DO NOT want to drop down to the stock BIOS, is there a way I can limit the 2nd drive to SATAII, or do I have to shell out the $$ for a similar 1TB drive with a SATAII interface? Thanks guys.
  3. Hi all, I'm new to upgrading PCs. Moved from console to PC gaming a year ago, so now need to learn more about upgrading the laptop. I have the ONE version of the GT70 laptop with the RAID 0 2x mSATA 128Gb SSD and a 7200rpm second HDD. Have to upgrade to W8.1 and, considering I am getting low on space on the SSDs (from where I run OS and some games), I am wondering what is a good upgrade path. I would like more SSD storage, and have read around the net that 1 SSD gives enough I/O and that RAID 0 doesn't really give any additional real world benefit. My question is though, that because the GT70 second HDD is only SATA II, would that still be the case versus the SATA III RAID 0? And is the thing about RAID 0 giving no real world benefit versus 1 SSD really true? And just to be sure, if games are mostly GPU-throttled, is there any point to even running games on SSD vs HDD? Thanks!
  4. Just got my new lenovo y510p and i really need an ssd in it.. It has 1 regular 2.5" hd bay, one msata bay and 1 ultra bay.. I got a 120gb samsung 830 ssd (from my old laptop) and the problem is that its too small so thats why i need that + the 1tb harddisk at the same time.. My question is, will the 1tb harddisk work slower in an ultrabay/sata dock that fits in insted of the dvd drive? (in other words, should i go and buy a msata ssd and use that so the 1tb hd can stay in its normal bay) or should i save some money and move my 1tb hd to the ultra bay and install my normal 2.5" ssd inside?? What would you do??
  5. Okay guys, I'm really stuck. My desktop PSU went bad probably about a year ago, (I thought the computer was completely fried) so I took out the HDD and began using it as an external hard drive. I formatted it, and used it however I needed it. I finally got around to repairing my desktop, and it now works. So I formatted the HDD again, and put it back into the desktop. When I attempt to install Windows 7 via a disk, however, I get this error: "No drives were found. Click Load Driver to provide a mass storage driver for installation." I attempted to find drivers and install them onto a USB to allow me to use the HDD, unfortunately none of them worked though. I have absolutely no idea what to do now. Any help would be appreciated! Here are some specs: HP Pavilion a824n PTGD1-LA motherboard Western Digital WD Caviar SE WD2000 One final note: When I click "Load Driver" then click "Browse" it detects the HDD, so I don't believe the HDD is faulty. Thanks again!
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