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  1. İ'm trying to backup my bios but program shows this error: Error 201: [FPTw.exe] cannot be run on the current platform. Please contact your vendor. And my system is x64 but programs shows System = x32 . How can i solve this error ? EDİT: Now shows "Error 285: Fail to load driver (PCİ access for Windows). Tool needs to run with an administrator priviledge account." And at the end the system says it cannot find the specified location, and therefore no results. EDİT 2: Now shows Error 284 but i cant see text. ------------------------ Intel's FPT v. ------------------------ System = x32 Desktop path = C:\Users\Remzi Ince\Desktop program shows its my desktop path but its not my desktop path. My laptop language is turkish and my desktop path is C:\Kullanıcılar\Remzi Ince\Masaüstü
  2. I need help to unlock my BIOS can somebody teach or help me?? I want to unlock the hidden advanced and chipset tab plz help me..... https://drive.google.com/open?id=172WwwQC-IGfGeFA55lr2a5ahe7rIS0Sf
  3. Hello can anyone suggest a mod for bios or alternative bios for Msi GE72 2qc apache gaming laptop to overclock
  4. https://www.sendspace.com/file/0zjk9f please help i can't access my g5070's advanced menu
  5. Has anyone unlocked the final bios release for the M14X R2 yet? I've been searching but can't seem to find anything. If not, would it be possible for someone to unlock it and add the unlocked VBIOS for those of us still enjoying these machines? File link below for simplicity (too large for me to attach). Thanks in advance! M14XR2 A15
  6. Hello everyone, it is 2020 and i've been looking literally EVERYWHERE for a modded vBios for an Asus G751jy (980m 4gb) to unlock voltage control above 25mV, can someone help me? I've seen people have been linking the mod so here's mine, latest 213 GM204.rom
  7. Hello! I have a notebook Asus X550CC. Some weeks ago my screen went black with the brightness working though (black screen but one can see brightness changes) - I couldn't figure out the root of the problem, since it was sudden and it works with an external monitor. Now, I was trying to install an SSD with a caddy. I went to BIOS to change the boot order, but couldn't find my SSD - so, I accidently disabled launch CSM option hoping it would recognize it or something. After that I couldn't access BIOS anymore and I have a very slow startup with dxgkrnl.sys, wdfilter.sys and CAD.sys showing not loaded in the boot log. I tried to: Remove CMOS battery for 8h Short JRST2001 and JRST2002 Access BIOS through windows 10 troubleshooting None of the above worked for me The laptop does not restart or shuts down correctly as it gets stuck somewhere and I have to press ON/OFF button again in order to shut it completly. The only display I can see in the external monitor, during start-up is the windows 10 loading screen (can't see the asus loading screen) and it takes more than 5 minutes to get me there (seems like a bootloop). I hope someone may have the answer cause I'm running out of solutions Thanks in advance, everyone!
  8. Been hunting for a vBIOS for my G750JM for a few weeks now that my warranty has ended. Its time to unleash this GPU as it stands I have it at +135mhz core and +400mhz memory and thats where I am stuck I need more voltage and the core clock slider unlocked. Havent even gotten close to overheating at this point either so I have plenty of room to play still. My bench/stress tests peak GPU temp is 71c literally 1c higher than the stock settings.
  9. I dont know if this is the right forum to post this, (but i need 5 posts for downloading a vbios) so my questions are these, thank you in advance for reading I have bought a laptop with a half melted 880M GPU Im assuming the person did not keep an eye on temps, so i went and replaced the card, it runs fine, (alright) but still, I remember modding my VBIOS for my 680 GTX back in the day, and it was fine, exceptionally faster, and im looking for that 60 fps LOCK, like i got on my 680 after modding the vbios, I did increase the voltage on the card to 1.212 I believe, from 1.114 , anyway I considering modding the cooling system as well for this laptop, because it definitely lacks cooling My plan is to put another laptop fan (where the HDD1 bay is in the Alienware 17) bcause I removed that hdd it was constantly at 57c which is bad even think it suffered some damage as speeds on it for specific games and tasks are pretty long, and it stays at 100% some times, which is weird, but it still works, so im using it.lol , but in the meantime, I turned the laptop upside down, plugged in the HDMI cable, and now im blasting a ROOM fan at it, which is definitely helping with temps before I would try to throttle the gpu speed at 77C, or 73C depending on the game or even saying screw it, I dont want throttling, and putting the throttle point to 83C, I use SPEEDFAN , and it helps keep the laptop relativly cool, except when the gpu is under full load, putting my hand on it is ridiculously hot, so, with the fan on it, its not going above 70, and taking a LONG time to get up there, i am playing metro last light at around 60C at 60+ fps, where as before my temps were shooting upto 80 and it would hit the throttle point, so seeing as how this is a 120 HZ laptop, I rather not push it, since the card is not capable (and if it is, the cooling sure isnt) the plan is to put the fan inside the HDD1 bay, and POSSIBLY daisey chain it to either A) the cpu fan header, or B ) the gpu fan hjeader, QUESTION: not sure which "rails" the power for these comes from, would it be able to handle another fan??? it seems like a legit idea, seeing as how the rear of the heatsink has NO heat dissipation at all. which is the part that melted offcausing the old card to die in the first place. basically the thermal pads look like they gunked the card and it was unfixable, I have a post to it on the Alienware Forum, which i could link later, is it a good idea, and will the VBIOS WORK with my 880M (DELL) from a clevo, (now in an alienware) im assuming they are compatible, as long as they are dell. also would I be able to get a Y adapter for the inside of a laptop fan, that would be AMAZING, i know they sell them for Desktops. Thanks
  10. I have been attempting to change my boost clocks values for the longest time, though I've been unsuccessful. I managed to flash my modded BIOS, though no changes seem to have had happened, along with no errors either. Here's all the stuff I used and was able to get. If someone is able to help me with this, it would be greatly appreciated.
  11. Here are my steps i made: 1. I made a stresstest and my laptop shut down with a blackscreen (i just had 80degrees on one card and the other one had 35) and i wanted to get my Nvidia Cards back. I tried all with FN+F5, reinstalled windows, tried disabling Intel HD etc. etc. I had no chance to getting them back to Windows + BIOS. But it was working, all of it except the Nvidia Graphics Cards with A12 BIOS. 2. My next solution was to check all my cables and positioning from all cards etc. But all was / is okay. SO if all is okay and i cant get it to work, i had just 1 possible solution, that was this unlocked BIOS for enabling GPU Settings. 3. I made all the steps. All was working (got no Error during BIOS Update) and i restarted..... Bang. 1 Beep loop. After several attemps i cant get it to work again. I tried Mr. Fox workaround Turn the system off and disconnect the AC adapter Disconnect CMOS battery and system battery Do a power drain (press and hold power button 30 seconds) Remove all memory modules Reconnect AC adapter and power system on Let laptop beep until it turns itself off VERY QUICKLY, WHILE IT IS OFF, BUT BEFORE IT ATTEMPTS TO BOOT AND LIGHTS COME ON AGAIN, INSERT A MEMORY MODULE System will start to beep 5 times Power system off Reconnect CMOS battery and system battery Replace any panels removed for access to memory modules Done… (CMOS out, all RAM out, Battery off) but it is not working. If i made this i get 5 beeps again. But if i turn it on again i still get my 1 Beep..... CMOS in, all other out. drain it, then start it, i get a 2 beep loop, but it wont restart itself. So i dont know what to do to yet. i tried to put out CPU and put out both 980m. Then try to do the same process again but it wont restart itself. I got no Error or something else while flashing. I think it was Success- or Finished-Message at the end and after that i restarted. Yeah i dont know what to do to yet. i hope it is a easy solution because i dont know what to do without my "little brother".. :/ So... 1. Problem: it wont restart itself the 2 beep loop for nvram Trick. 2. If i replace the bios Chip, it should work again or is there still a problem with nvram? I would buy this Chip. http://www.bios-chip24.com/epages/63730052.mobile/de_DE/?ObjectPath=/Shops/63730052/Products/33265 Thanks in Advance!!!! My System: AW18 (2013), 4910mq, 980m sli
  12. Hey allI, I need help with modding my BIOS. I was wondering if anyone could help me mod my BIOS to unlock the 'Advanced' tab which I don't have on my InsydeH20 F.52 Rev 5.0 Bios? Thanks so much and I look forward to your response! Laptop: HP Pavilion x360 ba109tx Specs: i7-8550U Nvidia Geforce 940MX Intel(R) UHD Graphics 620 12GB DDR4-2400 SODIMM RAM 128GB SSD, 1TB HDD Laptop Product Page: https://support.hp.com/gb-en/document/c05650773 Vanilla BIOS: https://support.hp.com/sg-en/drivers/selfservice/hp-pavilion-14-ba100-x360-convertible-pc/16851098/model/18161600
  13. I found this: https://photonicsguy.ca/projects/t530 It's a nice how to on altering the whitelist on the W530/T530 laptop.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Files contained in this archive: flash.bat READ ME.txt SVS_13-15_seriesFixer.exe To learn more about how to use the files in this archive, please visit the thread below: Donation link In case you want to buy me a beer Thanks and cheers!
  15. Hi all, It has been a while since I did anything to my laptop (Clevo P670RG-G) and since I recently got a VR Headset I wish I could overclock my GPU a little. So far the NVidia software (on windows) doesn't allow me to overclock it (the linux sort of allows, which some custom Xorg options) so I decided to give a try modding the vbios. I read all sorts of issues / guides about it, and it seens that the hardware topology (where the vbios is stored and how things are connected) changes from machine to machine. What I know about my laptop is that it has two VBios, one for Hybrid Mode and one for Discrete Mode. I'm currently running the discrete mode. I dumped my VBios using GPU-z and opened up in Maxwell II Bios Tweaker. Everything seens fine so far. So I have few questions about it: - There is a way to just unlock the VBios to show the overclocking options in NVidia software? (That way I dont need to reflash to change clocks) - I can just flash this GPU-z dump to my VBios? - If I brick my GPU, that GPU-z dumped image is the raw SPI image, so if I managed to physically access the VBios, I can just reflash over it? - I saw some people saying that I might need as well to flash the main laptop bios as well, is that really needed? Thanks! Lucas
  16. Hey guys, I have an Alienware m14x R2, and I have been trying to get access to the BIOS so that I can change the boot options (Everything is locked, I am unsure if someone set a password of if these are locked by default).I've tried updating the BIOS, and resetting the CMOS and nothing has changed this. Would anyone know if there are other options I can explore? Thank you.
  17. Recently obtained myself a bricked Y410P after undervolting my CPU, using svl7's bios mod on TechInferno. If you only take one thing away from this post, it should be the fact that NEVER SHOULD YOU EVER UNDERVOLT A LAPTOP CPU FROM A MODDED BIOS. Hindsight is never 20/20. Anyways, back to topic! I went and purchased my self one of these, in hopes of to re-program my sad bios. So far no good. I am wondering if anyone out there have had any success with this approach. Please share your journey here!
  18. Hi... i would like insert one WWAN Card -> HUAWEI MU736 but my Lenovo Thinkpad L560 say me on start that this card is unauthorized plugged in card... I tried to start Laptop without this card and install it when windows was start... Driver was installed and card was founded... LTE is there... but if i restart pc ... the same error -> unauthorized plugged in card... (wtf.... ) that same is with ssd module M.2 2242, version B & M Key i buyed Bios write USB (CH341A programmer). i wrote my bios and there is my bios *.bin can u please help me to open my bios ??? there is that file https://yadi.sk/d/i8Iqx0_n61N9tg i tried to search much Hex codes there but i dont found enyone there. i tried to found sertificated wwan card from lenovo -> Huawei ME906S 4G LTE -> VID/PID=03F0/4E1D -> Hex; f003:1d4e (i tried all that to: Vendor ID : 12D1 (Huawei)Normal mode PID : 1573Update mode PID : 1568Debug mode PID : 157E ) and -> Sierra Wireless EM7455 4G LTE to but found nothing on BIOS chip... p.s.: sorry for my english..
  19. Version 1.0.0


    Files contained in this archive: Fptw64_(8_series).zip Lenovo_Y510p-Y410p_[v1.07][v1.09][v1.10]_BiosFixer.zip Lenovo_Y510p-Y410p_[v3.05]_modified.zip Y510p-Y410p_[v2.04][v2.07]_BiosFixer_(Whitelist only).zip Y510p-Y410p_v207_[stock].zip For information on how to use the files in this archive, see here: My donation link in case you want to buy me a beer
  20. Hi everyone, I'm looking for the modified bios Prema of the W3x0ET (GTX 660m + i7 3630m) for months, the performance of the notebook is excellent despite its age, but it has already reached its limit and I know that it can deliver even more if someone being able to help me will be very grateful. Thanks!
  21. Flu


    What is up. Emailed Sager about latest bios and they sent me one. Suppose to provide support for Kabby lake 7XXX series processors as well as optimization for crappy WIFI cards that aka (cough cough KILLER) le'ts not point fingers here XD. File is below. Gotta flash through USB... there are plenty tutorials out there how to do but here are instruction from the email I got. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_Ud_l2en4O0MGw0WWJCaXFUS0E Rename the attached file to 9870BV08LS2.7z(Done it for you already) Unzip the 9870BV08LS2.7z to a USB flash drive. Restart Windows. When the screen turns black, keep tapping F7. Select enter setup on the boot menu. Pull down the exit menu in the CMOS setup. Launch EFI shell from filesystem device. The Startup.nsh will flash the BIOS. Note. Sager Computer does not take the responsibility if the computer does not work after you updated the system BIOS & firmware by yourself. ( Neither do I) Enjoy
  22. Hello Thank You for taking time to read this...i got Clevo w550eu i would love if someone give me unlocked/Modded Bios for it ...thanks again
  23. Hi all, I own an Alienware MX17 R4 (from 2012/2013 don't remember well) running with the official A12 bios and I am planning to change the discreet NVIDIA 675M because unfortunately it died. First and as I don't have so much money to spend on this, I am planning to change it by a 680M 4GO. Is this one a "good" choice ? Don't hesitate to propose me another GPU. Is the installation of a 680M 4GO will require a unlocked bios version ? (A11 unlocked ?). Do u know any website on which I can buy a 680M 4GO, I am really not a big fan of ebay... Thank you in advance.
  24. I tried to extract the .bin from the .exe (on Dell's website) using PhoenixTool v.273, and in a way it worked... I want to change the TDP values on my 1060mq but when I tried to open the .bin in Mobile Pascal TDP Tweaker, this is what happened. Can somebody help me? Here's the original .exe and the .bin. Thanks! (note: I wasn't able to extract the bios using AFUWINGUI64 or any other similar tool as I think Dell has some type of guard or protection against that, suspecting that's also the cause of my current issues...)
  25. I'm sure this is a question which has been asked many, many times...……………..I stupidly decided to update my BIOS from it's factory default with a low battery. Guess what...…..I had a powercut Now I'm getting three flashing blue lights followed by three red - also seven beeps. I've tried disconnecting the CMOS and the internal battery with no luck. I've tried formatting a USB with rufus, copying Dells .exe file onto the stick (File Name: Alienware_15_R3_17_R4_1.5.0.EXE) from Dells website with no luck...…….PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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