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  1. Hi friends, I need um mod bios.bin without whitelist for Lenovo b490, I need change the Wi-fi card from my old notebook please, help me!
  3. I spent all my energy looking for an unlocked version of the bios and did not find the last chance for you BIOS Backup https://www.sendspace.com/file/15trvy Need advanced tab
  4. Hello, I've bought wwan card for my Lenovo thinkpad x280, but after installation I've got an error "1802 unauthorized network card is plugged system halted". How to remove whitelist. My original bios dump is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1GvoHzAd2zlcPdJFieBmsQm97VwYGKDGG/view?usp=drivesdk Thanks in advance!
  5. This is continuation of this thread (http://forum.techinferno.com/lenovo-ibm/2690-lenovo-y500-unlocked-bios.html) with all the necessary information in the first post in order to make it easier to find all the stuff. Lenovo Y400 / Y500 - 'unlocked' BIOS / wwan-wlan whitelist removal + modified VBIOS for higher overclocking The Lenovo Y500 comes with a pretty locked down BIOS, and in addition to this with a whitelist which prevents the user from getting 3rd-party wwan/wlan cards to work properly. The modified BIOS versions here will take care of this. Keep in mind that not necessarily all options available in the modified bios will work. Some might not do anything at all, others could possibly leave your system in a state which will prevent it from booting. Use care when changing stuff in the modified bios, don't touch things you're not familiar with. Use all the mods and software posted here on your own risk. Read the instructions carefully. NOTE: This will only flash the bios region. It won't reset the nvars set in the bios. *************** ONLY FLASH A MOD OF THE SAME VERSION AS YOUR CURRENT BIOS VERSION!!! If you're on 2.02 or 2.03 you can safely use the 2.04 update, *************** Attached you'll find modified versions of the Y400 / Y500 BIOS v1.03 and v1.05. Removed as they're outdated. Better updated to v2.02. The bios contains your Windows 8 license, therefore you can't just flash any file, else you'll have issue with your Windows activation. Furthermore the serial numbers, service tags etc. are stored there as well. You don't want to loose them. I wrote a little program that will take care of this issue and personalize the modified bios for you, so that you won't end up with an invalid Windows or no service tags. *************** Preparation to get to BIOS v2.02 (coming from any earlier version): Generally it's a good idea to keep the BIOS up to date. We're luck to have an official BIOS update to v2.02 apparently thanks to a leak on the net. (Lenovo is really bad when it comes to providing firmware updates and fixing issues). The leaked version must be genuine, else it wouldn't flash by using the regular method. If you want to update your system to v2.02 then grab the update here, extract it and flash the bios by executing the included InsydeFlash utility. Once the update is completed you can continue with the instructions below to get a modified version on your system. *************** Instructions for flashing a modified version: As a reminder - the modified BIOS needs to be the same version as you have on your system (2.02 to 2.04 is ok). Prepare an USB stick which can boot DOS. If you don't know how to do this, follow this short guide: Download the flash tool, for flashing you'll need the DOS version, but for creating the backup of your current BIOS the Win64 version will do as well, and it is faster. Get the prr tool as well. Grab the modified BIOS you want to flash, it comes as a tool which will patch the bios for you. Make sure you grab the version that corresponds with your BIOS version. Create a backup of your current BIOS using the flash tool you downloaded (first step) by runing the included backup.bat, or by using the Win or Dos version flash tool with this command: If the .bat doesn't work then open an administrator command prompt in your working directory and run the .bat per command line or type the command written above. In case you get an 'error 104' replace the parts file with the one that can be found in the 'error 104 fix' attachment at the end of the post. And if you still have issues after doing all of the steps above then please leave a reply in the thread and describe your problem. Open the downloaded tool and execute it. Drag and drop your BIOS backup file on it, it will create the mod for you. It will look like this: Put the modified BIOS, the prr.exe tool and the fpt.exe (along with the fparts.txt file) on the root of your prepared DOS bootable USB drive, restart your system and boot from that drive. Execute the prr.exe, if you don't get an error message continue by pressing enter. Then flash the bios by using this command (filename.bin obviously needs to be replaced with the name of the file you want to flash). If you can't remember the name of your file, use the command dir to display all the files on your drive. Flash with this: fpt.exe -f filename.bin -bios NOTE: The name of the BIOS file mustn't exceed eight characters (not counting the extension)! That's a DOS limit, so make sure the name of your file isn't too long. Wait until the process is done. After flashing it will verify the data, in case there's something wrong with the flashed data it will tell you. In that case don't reboot, just flash again. *************** Flashing the ultra bay 650m - only for SLI users with BIOS v2.02: The modified BIOS v2.02 also contains a vbios which will allow you to overclock your 650m past the 135MHz limit. As the ultra bay GPU has it's own vbios module you need to flash it separately. You'll need an USB drive which can boot DOS (just as the one you used for flashing the BIOS). *************** It might look a bit complicated at first, but that's the easiest way I could think of. Let me know if anything is unclear. >> Here's the 'buy me a beer' link in case you like this << Use at your own risk, you are responsible for your system and the changes you make on it. My programs come with absolutely no warranty to the extent permitted by applicable law. Grab file archive here:
  6. Hi together :-) As the title says I'm having a little Issue after upgrading my m6700's graphics card from the K3000M to the newer K4100M: Everything seems to work properly, but under load (i.e. 3D applications) it produces crashes / system instability after ~5-20 seconds. When I reduce the chip- and memory-clocks in MSI Afterburner as far as possible, it takes a bit longer until it crashes, but eventually it always does after a minute or so. When running on battery power (and thus even further reduced clocks) everything runs stable for arbitrarily long times. This sounds like a thermal problem to me. However, the reported GPU temperature never exceeded 65°C, which I think is OK. I guess the memory chips are not temperature monitored seperately, are they? So maybe I should replace the memory thermal pads by new ones? What I've already tried/checked/looked at: - Uninstalled previous drivers with "Display Driver Uninstaller" - Latest Nvidia Drivers can be installed properly (and also tried a few older versions) - Notebook BIOS is up to date - Tried three different Video-BIOS versions - Graphics card is not recognized by Notebook BIOS properly ("Unknown video card") - Graphics card is recognized under Windows, though (Device-manager / Nvidia control-panel / GPU-Z and so on) - Sometimes after a crash the system recovers and a pop-up says that the nvidia graphics driver crashed and was restarted - Of course, I'm using the large 240 Watt Power supply Ok, that's about everything I remember to be relevant at the moment. I'd appreciate any kind of help :-) ... If you need further Information, just let me know, and I'll try to deliver it. Thank you, Florian
  7. Hello everyone, I would like to be able to unlock all possible bios functions in Acer V3-771G, InsydeH20 Rev. 3.7, Bios ver.2.28, Intel GOP Driver: I read that you need to make a BIOS dump first, but I don't know how to do it. I am kindly asking for help. Best regards, Michael
  8. Hi! Help me please Unlock hidden additional menus Remove whitelist thanks https://s4.dosya.tc/server14/t7mjme/lenovo_B590__LA58_MB_11273-1_48.4TE05.011.rar.html
  9. Hi! I would love to have my BIOS modded to disable the wireless whitelist. I tried to do it myself (dump BIOS from chip, disassemble, locate the reference to the error message "Unauthorized Wireless network card is plugged in..." memory address and modify the condition in the binary file so not to "land" in the infinite loop) but I couldn't dig to anything meaningful I could easily change. Laptop: Lenovo ThinkPad S440 (TYPE 20BB-S00400) BIOS version: 73ET71WW (1.71) Original WiFi/BT card: Intel Wireless-N 7260 (7260HMW BN) (vendor: 0x8086, device: 0x08B2, subdevice: 0x4262) Target WiFi/BT card: Broadcom BCM94352HMB (I haven't received it yet, waiting for delivery) Manufacturer BIOS download: bootable ISO, updater for Windows My BIOS dump (using CH341A SPI Programmer under Linux): http://www.mediafire.com/file/mn0gfr9ext7yqrn/S440_73ET71WW.bin/file Thanks!
  10. It's locked & hidden by default, but I've got an i7 8700k & I'd like to use the intel graphic on my hackintosh mojave. Is there any way to activate or mod this? Thanks!
  11. I recently purchased an aftermarket external battery for my Lenovo X250. However, it appears that Lenovo does not allow me to use it. Can you assist me in modifying my BIOS so that I can utilize it? Btw I just updated my BIOS version via this link: BIOS Update (Utility & Bootable CD) for Windows 10, 8.1, 7 (64-bit), 7 (32-bit) - ThinkPad X250 - Lenovo Support PH and here is the link to the results of my BIOS backup : https://www.sendspace.com/filegroup/UUkBIA1Ch1ytzSEs7NSo8Q here is an image of the exact error : Thank you.
  12. It's locked & hidden by default, but I've got an i7 8700k & I'd like to utilise the intel 'quick sync'/hardware acceleration in Adobe encoding in order to speed up rendering. You don't need to have a display connected to it for it to work (i believe), but it's really fustrating how it is locked out, as it means I'm missing out on quite a useful time saving feature. Is there any way to activate or mod this? Thanks!
  13. Hello guys I've got a pretty weird problem with my M18x R2. I already searched the web but couldn't find an answer. A few days ago I changed some settings in the bios, if I remember correctly DMVT Pre-Allocated. After saving this setting the notebook refuses to even POST. I get no beep errors or anything. If I press the power button the system turns on, the leds turn on and then the system shuts itself off. I already reset the cmos, the IME, tested different configurations and so on. If I remove all the memory sticks I actually get the memory error code. At this point I'm pretty sure that the bios got corrupted for some reason when saving these mentioned settings. Did anyone had a similar problem and got a solution for this? I repaired lot's of notebook but never had an error like this... The Bios installed is the a15 unlocked.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Files contained in this archive: [Y580][Y480]-'unlocked_BIOS'_660mGHzEdition_WhitelistMod.zip 'Error 104' - fix.zip Lenovo Y580 - Y480 BIOS v8.00 (5DCN90WW) - Mod.zip Lenovo Y580 - Y480 BIOS v8.01 (5DCN90WW) - Mod.zip Lenovo_Y480_Y580_-_BIOS_V.206_[unlocked].zip Lenovo_Y480_Y580_-_BIOS_V.206_[unlocked][no whitelist].zip Y580-Y480_BiosFix.zip fpt-dos.zip fptw64.zip prr2.zip For information on how to use the files in this archive, see here: My donation link in case you want to buy me a beer
  15. Is it possible to unlock bios on that model? Please help me with it if somebody can.
  16. Hello All, MY Sager NP8651/Clevo P650SE laptop with a Samsung 850 EVO SSD suddenly takes about 3-5 minutes to boot up to the OS whether it's Windows or Linux. I had never flashed a firmware update and on contacting Sager support, who were helpful, provided me with the latest BIOS and EC firmware. I used the MS-DOS and the windows version of the BIOS updater, but it wouldn't update the BIOS. I would get an error. The error log is below: The EC flash worked and it's currently on v1.05. But my BIOS is at v1.03.06RLS11.03 As per the Sager support, the BIOS chip is corrupted and I'll need to ship it to the factory for getting it fixed, which will cost a lot. I tried to flash with the BIOS from the below thread, but it too didn't work. And before anybody asks, I followed the instructions to a T, especially running Meset.exe first and then flashme. Is there a way I can wipe the BIOS clean and flash the latest BIOS? I'm OK with installing a Modded BIOS as well. @Klem - Please don't mind, I'm tagging you for your help as you recently helped someone with another issue but the same laptop model. Regards, Nuttty
  17. Hello! There can someone unlock me Lenovo Yoga 2 bios 113 be for me to be able to access the hidden option Yoga 2 13 bios? I am willing to donate a coffee or two.
  18. Hi @Klem, I want to unlock my Dell Latitude 5300 2 in 1 Bios, This is the bios https://www.dell.com/support/home/pl-pl/drivers/driversdetails?driverid=6c7yj&oscode=wt64a&productcode=latitude-13-5300-laptop
  19. PROBLEM: Black screen of death on a Lenovo y580 (or probably most of the ideapad Y series since they all use similar bios software) after changing the setting for which video source gets priority (default is "SG"). SOLUTION: Rather than using the vast array of options that rarely work for anyone like heating up your video card by blocking the fan on a pillow for 20 minutes at a time until it "decides" to start working again - after much research I found the solution for setting the modified slv7 lenovo y580 bios back to its defaults in the event that you inadvertently disable your video. First, press power and immediately hold F2 until your laptop starts beeping, then release. If there is no sound hold it about 45 seconds. Second, press the following button sequence for 100 extra lives: left arrow (1x) down arrow (4x) enter (4x) At that point the system should automatically shut down and restart. If it does not, the settings may not have been changed correctly but go ahead and manually restart to find out. If you come back to a black screen again try the process over until you're certain that the cause is something other than your bios settings. This will save you hours upon hours researching CMOS bypass surgeries, blind usb jump drive bios flash procedures, and all those tedious and time consuming processes. I even started questioning whether my keyboard on my laptop worked at one point it got so screwy. I will add this, if you can use an external monitor and get a signal, do that. Use Fn+F4 to switch to an external signal and that will make your life much easier. Barring that, the above is the easiest solution I was able to track down. Best.. wissper [original issue] This has come up fairly often, and I've read every post I can find trying to fix it but with no positive results so far. I've got a lenovo y580, running a modified svl7 bios. I accidentally changed the video setting that was set to "SG" to some other setting, unsure what. Now I can't get a response from the laptop other than from the power button which simply lights up, but no other indications of life show any more. Early on there was a point at which I pressed some button combo and heard loud beeps, but that has not recurred. I've tried the typical blind default reset method (left, 4x down, 4x enter) which didn't help. I cannot access the computer remotely when it's been powered on which makes me believe that it is not moving past the bios to windows. (no ping response or net view access) I have been unsuccessful in getting an external display to work on the HDMI or VGA ports (though I am going to try VGA again to be sure). Most of the advice I've found says to unplug everything from the system (wifi adapter, HDD, SSD, Optical,etc.), insert a usb stick with various ROM/BIN files conforming to a particular name variant depending on your model, and to hold Fn+B continuously just after inserting power cord w/o battery installed and hit the power button. The 1 time I've tried this, I had copies of the bios w/ extentions .bi .bin .rom .fd with prefixes QIWY3207 or just QIWY3 (which was the suggestion from Andy's phoenix tool that was part of the instructions). If anyone sees a mistake I've made along the way, another method to try, or just knows the key pattern to reset the modified svl7 y580 bios to default I would really appreciate the help. I'm looking forward to buying another laptop about as much as choking down a bag of cement. Thanks! Wissper
  20. Two new modified BIOS for M14x R1 users. Both based on A08, but with the same SATA performance as in A05.This allows GF106 users which are still on A05 to benefit from the fixes included in A08 while keeping the SATA performance of A05 and it allows GF116 users to get the benefits of A05 SATA behavior.It's actually the result of trying to bring GF116 support to A05 in order to change the SATA behavior (as requested by he_yincheng), since this didn't work as planned I tried it the other way around - bringing the SATA performance of A05 to A08, which succeeded. Thanks @he_yincheng for testing! Check here to see some screenshots he posted to verify that it is working as intended.There are two versions of this mod available, one is the standard A08 with only the SATA tweak and the other is the unlocked version of it.In the M14x R1 voltage mod thread you can also find both versions with an increased GPU voltage, GF106 and GF116 supported.As always with such mods, use at your own risk, I don't take any responsibility for possible issues. You are responsible for the changes you make on your system.Feedback is welcome!Donate link - feel free to buy me a beer if you like this mod M14xR1_A08_[unlocked]_incl_SATA_fix.zip M14xR1_A08_SATA_fix.zip
  21. Hello, as the title states, I would be very happy if someone could give me the link to the mod, apart from that, what version should I install?, as I've seen that some models have v1 and v2. My other questions are: what do I have to do to install a new GPU?, (9xx series) And what mods do I have to use to have a 10x0 series (and which are compatible). I have the Clevo P150SM(model)/P150SM-A(product code) (2 models on the sticker) with stock bios (it says copyright 2012, so I guess it's the 1st version) with a 4710MQ and 870M. I would be very pleased if someone could hand me the link. Many thanks in advance.
  22. I recently purchased an NVMe ssd to use as a boot drive but I found out that the bios on my Sager NP8651 does not support booting from an NVMe drive. I've seen many mentions of the prema bios that used to be able to unlock this feature but it is no longer available. Does anyone know of any alternate solutions? Any help is much appreciated.
  23. UEFI BIOS Version: GJETA4WW (2.54) UEFI BIOS Date (Year-Month-Day): 2020-03-37 ME Firmware Version: Embedded Controller Version: GJHT30WW (1.14) I need Battery Authentication whitelist Removal because my laptop showing "the battery installed is not supported." Result.rar & .rom file: https://www.mediafire.com/file/byxsoqpg4j3od25/result_rar_and_rom_file.zip/file
  24. Hello. Bios in my Thunderobot GTR is very poor. I want to unlock all hidden options like undervolt (and battery control calibration?). Can someone unlock my bios?
  25. I have a Dell M6600 with an Intel i7-2760QM that seemed to have a failing GPU. Everything else works fine. A user on a different forum posted that he was able to install a K3100m onto his M6600 with no issues. I purchased a K3100m on eBay. It was listed as a Dell card: eBay Link When trying to boot to my original miniSSD, the Windows 10 boot logo would show, but it wouldn't go anywhere from there. When I used a bootable USB drive with a Windows 7 installer loaded on it, it was also not progress from the boot logo. I learned that I could possibly install the Dell vBIOS on it to allow it to operate, so I used Rufus to create a bootable Windows 98 USB drive. This wasn't able to load. I tried booting into Ubuntu from but received a notification that there was a problem with "acpi_tb_load_namespace" I don't remember the exact message. I tried booting directly to OpenSUSE. This warned me that there is an issue with my PnP-BIOS. Is it possible that flashing a new vBIOS could resolve this issue, and can that even be done? I'm trying to begin a major CAD project, which is why I purchased the laptop in the first place. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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