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  1. Hello everyone, I own an Acer Nitro 5 AN515-44-R2ZW (model code NH.Q9GER.00G) and am considering connecting an external GPU, ideally an RTX 3060 or better. Since my laptop doesn’t have Thunderbolt, a simple solution is off the table. As far as I understand, it has an NVMe PCIe SSD with PCIe 3.0 x4, which theoretically could be used to connect a GPU via adapters. Based on what I’ve read online, this setup should result in only a 10-15% performance loss. However, theory and practice often differ. What potential issues might arise during this upgrade? For instance, I’ve heard that some BIOS setups have a whitelist that blocks non-standard connected devices. But from what I’ve seen, users have successfully swapped Wi-Fi modules in my laptop model, which suggests this kind of restriction might not apply in my case. That said, other problems could still occur — for example, the laptop might not recognize the GPU, or something else might go wrong. I’d like to hear your opinion on this topic. And if this upgrade is indeed feasible, could you recommend where to find high-quality adapters? Ideally, I’d like something that allows part of the adapter to be fixed into the laptop’s body, with a cover for the slot. This way, I could use my laptop on the go, and when at home, I could connect the bulky GPU setup without having to disassemble the laptop every time.
  2. In this thread you can post your requests for Lenovo Y50-70, Lenovo Y70-70, Lenovo Z50-70, Lenovo Z70-70, Lenovo G50-70, Lenovo G70-70, G40-70. If someone want upgrade Wi-Fi card and remove whitelist, or unlock hidden advanced menu and settings in bios setup menu, or unlock vbios for overclock NVIDIA card, then you can post your request in this thread.
  3. This is continuation of this thread (http://forum.techinferno.com/lenovo-ibm/2690-lenovo-y500-unlocked-bios.html) with all the necessary information in the first post in order to make it easier to find all the stuff. Lenovo Y400 / Y500 - 'unlocked' BIOS / wwan-wlan whitelist removal + modified VBIOS for higher overclocking The Lenovo Y500 comes with a pretty locked down BIOS, and in addition to this with a whitelist which prevents the user from getting 3rd-party wwan/wlan cards to work properly. The modified BIOS versions here will take care of this. Keep in mind that not necessarily all options available in the modified bios will work. Some might not do anything at all, others could possibly leave your system in a state which will prevent it from booting. Use care when changing stuff in the modified bios, don't touch things you're not familiar with. Use all the mods and software posted here on your own risk. Read the instructions carefully. NOTE: This will only flash the bios region. It won't reset the nvars set in the bios. *************** ONLY FLASH A MOD OF THE SAME VERSION AS YOUR CURRENT BIOS VERSION!!! If you're on 2.02 or 2.03 you can safely use the 2.04 update, *************** Attached you'll find modified versions of the Y400 / Y500 BIOS v1.03 and v1.05. Removed as they're outdated. Better updated to v2.02. The bios contains your Windows 8 license, therefore you can't just flash any file, else you'll have issue with your Windows activation. Furthermore the serial numbers, service tags etc. are stored there as well. You don't want to loose them. I wrote a little program that will take care of this issue and personalize the modified bios for you, so that you won't end up with an invalid Windows or no service tags. *************** Preparation to get to BIOS v2.02 (coming from any earlier version): Generally it's a good idea to keep the BIOS up to date. We're luck to have an official BIOS update to v2.02 apparently thanks to a leak on the net. (Lenovo is really bad when it comes to providing firmware updates and fixing issues). The leaked version must be genuine, else it wouldn't flash by using the regular method. If you want to update your system to v2.02 then grab the update here, extract it and flash the bios by executing the included InsydeFlash utility. Once the update is completed you can continue with the instructions below to get a modified version on your system. *************** Instructions for flashing a modified version: As a reminder - the modified BIOS needs to be the same version as you have on your system (2.02 to 2.04 is ok). Prepare an USB stick which can boot DOS. If you don't know how to do this, follow this short guide: Download the flash tool, for flashing you'll need the DOS version, but for creating the backup of your current BIOS the Win64 version will do as well, and it is faster. Get the prr tool as well. Grab the modified BIOS you want to flash, it comes as a tool which will patch the bios for you. Make sure you grab the version that corresponds with your BIOS version. Create a backup of your current BIOS using the flash tool you downloaded (first step) by runing the included backup.bat, or by using the Win or Dos version flash tool with this command: If the .bat doesn't work then open an administrator command prompt in your working directory and run the .bat per command line or type the command written above. In case you get an 'error 104' replace the parts file with the one that can be found in the 'error 104 fix' attachment at the end of the post. And if you still have issues after doing all of the steps above then please leave a reply in the thread and describe your problem. Open the downloaded tool and execute it. Drag and drop your BIOS backup file on it, it will create the mod for you. It will look like this: Put the modified BIOS, the prr.exe tool and the fpt.exe (along with the fparts.txt file) on the root of your prepared DOS bootable USB drive, restart your system and boot from that drive. Execute the prr.exe, if you don't get an error message continue by pressing enter. Then flash the bios by using this command (filename.bin obviously needs to be replaced with the name of the file you want to flash). If you can't remember the name of your file, use the command dir to display all the files on your drive. Flash with this: fpt.exe -f filename.bin -bios NOTE: The name of the BIOS file mustn't exceed eight characters (not counting the extension)! That's a DOS limit, so make sure the name of your file isn't too long. Wait until the process is done. After flashing it will verify the data, in case there's something wrong with the flashed data it will tell you. In that case don't reboot, just flash again. *************** Flashing the ultra bay 650m - only for SLI users with BIOS v2.02: The modified BIOS v2.02 also contains a vbios which will allow you to overclock your 650m past the 135MHz limit. As the ultra bay GPU has it's own vbios module you need to flash it separately. You'll need an USB drive which can boot DOS (just as the one you used for flashing the BIOS). *************** It might look a bit complicated at first, but that's the easiest way I could think of. Let me know if anything is unclear. >> Here's the 'buy me a beer' link in case you like this << Use at your own risk, you are responsible for your system and the changes you make on it. My programs come with absolutely no warranty to the extent permitted by applicable law. Grab file archive here:
  4. In this thread you can post your requests for Lenovo G500 and G400 bios unlock. If someone wants upgrade Wi-Fi card and remove whitelist, or unlock hidden additional menus and settings in bios setup menu, then you can post your request in this thread. For prepare unlocked bios you should post your request here and then send me your file backup of bios via PM or upload it into any fileserver and send me the link. For creating backup of bios use attached utility. Extract attached archive directly on the Desktop and run utility as Administrator (right click mouse, choice "Run as Administrator). Utility will create archive "results" directly on the Desktop. Send me this archive "results" via PM or upload it into any fileserver and send me the link. https://www.sendspace.com/file/mxoavw or http://www120.zippyshare.com/v/NC9WuxRI/file.html
  5. For those who don't like the restrictions Lenovo put on their system, here's a BIOS mod that will get you back at least some of the freedom you should have over your own hardware. Features: WLAN card whitelist removed, any (hardware-wise compatible) card should now work hidden BIOS menus unlocked VBIOS tweaked for more performance and better tuning possibilities Keep in mind that not necessarily all of the BIOS options available with this mod will be fully functional, so use the new available settings with care. If you're unsure about something don't change it and ask here, someone might be able to help. Available for v1.07 / v1.09 / v1.10 and v3.05. v2.04 and v2.07 added (only whitelist removal as for now) If you have a different BIOS (or more specific, a BIOS newer than 3.05) I will need a copy of it in order to make it work for your system. Instructions for flashing the modified BIOS v3.05: You need a USB stick prepared to run DOS, here is a guide you can follow in case you don't know how to do this: Guide by @StamatisX - thanks! >>> Before continuing make sure the AC adapter is connected to your laptop and your battery has at least 20% charge remaining. <<< (0) - NOTE: This step is Only necessary if your system isn't already using BIOS v3.05 Update to the official v3.05 BIOS provided by Lenovo . (1) - Create a backup of your own BIOS (now v3.05) by using Fptw64 tool. Extract the files and run the included .bat file from an admin command prompt. . (2) - Download Lenovo_Y510p-Y410p_[v3.05]_modified.zip and put the files of folder [1] to the root of your prepared USB DOS stick. Let the BiosFixer prepare your BIOS for flashing by drag and dropping your backup file on it. Put the created "v305mod.bin" file to the root of your USB DOS drive as well. . (3) - Now you need to downgrade the firmware back to v2.07 (Y510p-Y410p_v207_[stock].zip) in order to flash the mod. . (4) - Boot from your USB DOS drive, when you see the command prompt type BIOS and hit enter. Wait until the BIOS is flashed (you can safely ignore warnings about non-existing regions). . (5) - Once the BIOS flash completed with no errors, type EC and hit enter. Wait until the EC is flashed. Then reboot. . (6) - Go to the BIOS setup menu, load the default settings, apply and reboot. Done. In case you're using an ultra bay GPU follow the instructions in post #2 and flash the vbios.. NOTE: It's crucial that you flash both, BIOS and EC. Having different EC and BIOS versions can in certain situations lead to issues. IMPORTANT: If you want to go back to stock v3.05 you can do that easily by simply using the official update from Lenovo. That's it, nothing additional required in this case. Old instructions for users with v1.07 / v1.09 / v1.10 or v2.04 / v2.07 who for some reasons don't want to update to v3.05: Video walk-through of bios settings (thanks @allstone): My donation link in case you want to buy me a beer Download link for files referenced in this post:
  6. In this thread you can post your requests for Lenovo G580 (20150) and (2189), G480, G780, N581, Y580, V580, G570, Z570, Z470, Z370. If someone wants upgrade Wi-Fi card and remove whitelist, or unlock hidden additional menus and settings in bios setup menu, then you can post your request in this thread. For prepare unlocked bios you should post your request here and then send me your file backup of bios via PM. For creating backup of bios use attached program. Extract attached archive directly on the Desktop and run the program as administrator (right click mouse). Program will create archive "results" directly on the Desktop. Send me this archive "results" via PM. https://www.sendspace.com/file/mxoavw or http://www120.zippyshare.com/v/NC9WuxRI/file.html
  7. Hello everyone, My new laptop Thunderobot Zero 11800H_RTX3060 have a locked bios. I tried CPU undervolt via ThrottleStop utility and Intel XTU utility, but they didn't work. I heard I need to unlock advanced settings in BIOS to unlock these utilities. So, I need help to unlock hidden advanced settings. Thanks!
  8. In this thread you can post your requests for Lenovo ThinkPad T440p / T440s / T540p / E440 / E540 / S540 / W540. If someone wants upgrade Wi-Fi card and remove whitelist, or unlock hidden additional menus and settings in bios setup menu, and sign unlocked bios with digital RSA signature (to avoid 5 beeps problem), then you can post your request in this thread. Important! For creating bios backup and to flash bios mod, you must use any SPI programmer (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip! Just dump your Bios using any SPI programmer (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip, then post it in this thread or upload it to any fileserver and send me the link.
  9. In this thread you can post your requests for Lenovo ThinkPad X240. If someone wants upgrade Wi-Fi card and remove whitelist, or unlock hidden advanced menus and settings in bios setup menu, or upgrade to new display (and don't lost a brightness control), then you can post your request in this thread. Important! For creating your personal bios dump and to flash your bios mod, you must use any SPI programmer (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip! Just dump your Bios using any SPI programmer (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip, then post it in this thread or upload it to any fileserver and send me the link. CH341A programmer: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2322090.m570.l1313&_nkw=USB+Programmer+Ch341&_sacat=0 https://www.amazon.com/s?k=ch341a&ref=nb_sb_noss_2 SOIC8/SOP8 test clip: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Soic8-Sop8-Flash-Chip-Ic-Test-Clips-Socket-Adpter-Bios-24-25-93-Programmer/201414947737?hash=item2ee5443399:g:up8AAOSw1Fda8qkt https://www.amazon.ca/programming-EEPROM-Programmer-EZP2010-RT809H/dp/B075CGH1X1/ref=sr_1_18?dchild=1&keywords=SOIC8+clip&qid=1631766855&s=electronics&sr=1-18 How to use it: Also, you can search on YouTube a lot of guide for CH341a.
  10. Need help with the whitelist removal on my Y50-70 Link: https://www.sendspace.com/file/oqcx9y
  11. Hi, so, after saerching around for workrounds to disable the igpu on the alienware 15 r3, I found someone who said there was a bios unlock here on tech inferno, after an unsuccessful search I came to create this topic in hopes to find a unlocked bios mod or somerthing for the alienware 15 r3, any help is appreciated
  12. [revised by svl7, 01/22/12] Here are some unlocked versions of the M18x BIOS, this means all the hidden BIOS menus are now available. This allows you to further tweak and overclock your machine, but some settings are very advanced and not meant to be touched by the average user, so use it with care and common sense. Unfortunately quite some of the links which were previously posted here are now invalid due to what happened with megaupload. I will try to recollect all the files and get fresh links, so I can provide the complete collection. Here's what's available for now: [unlocked] M18x BIOS A03 [unlocked] M18x BIOS A04 both modified and provided by Ahmed from BIOS-Mods, a big thanks to his amazing work! Consider buying him a drink for all the effort! [unlocked] M18x BIOS A05 modified by @svl7 After flashing, go to the BIOS menu and load the default settings to prevent possible issues. As always with such mods, you are responsible for what you do to your system, use at your own risk. M18x - A05 unlocked.zip
  13. In this thread you can post your requests for Lenovo ThinkPad L440. If someone wants upgrade Wi-Fi card and remove whitelist, or unlock hidden additional menus and settings in bios setup menu, then you can post your request in this thread. Important! For creating bios backup and to flash bios mod, you must use any SPI programmer (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip! Just dump your Bios using any SPI programmer (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip, then post it in this thread or upload it to any fileserver and send me the link. CH341A programmer: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2322090.m570.l1313&_nkw=USB+Programmer+Ch341&_sacat=0 https://www.amazon.com/s?k=ch341a&ref=nb_sb_noss_2 SOIC8/SOP8 test clip: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Soic8-Sop8-Flash-Chip-Ic-Test-Clips-Socket-Adpter-Bios-24-25-93-Programmer/201414947737?hash=item2ee5443399:g:up8AAOSw1Fda8qkt https://www.amazon.ca/programming-EEPROM-Programmer-EZP2010-RT809H/dp/B075CGH1X1/ref=sr_1_18?dchild=1&keywords=SOIC8+clip&qid=1631766855&s=electronics&sr=1-18 How to use it: Also, you can search on YouTube a lot of guide for CH341a.
  14. I've been scouring the internet in search of anything regarding an updated bios for my Clevo P170SM. I have found many mentions of Prema Bios mods on various websites, but good luck trying to find actual download links. They all seem to vanish or have dead links. Wayback Machine doesn't help either and I was only able to find stock Clevo bios as early as 2015 via the WayBack Machine. If anybody has an updates Prema Bios or some other unlocked bios file for the P170SM, that would be fantastic! Otherwise, I might have to consider paying over $100 to Eurocom for their unlocked bios.
  15. Hey Everyone, First off, YOU TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR FLASHING THIS! YOU WILL NOT HOLD ME RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY PROBLEMS YOU MAY RUN IN TO BY FLASHING MY MOD! YOU WILL NOT HOLD TECHINFERNO RESPONSIBLE, EITHER! THIS IS YOUR CHOICE! Now on to the good stuff... I've officially cracked it - either by luck or persistence (I'm thinking LUCK, lol) - A11 UNLOCKED BIOS FOR m18Xr2 (UNLOCKED BY SVL7 - FULL CREDIT GOES TO HIM FOR UNLOCKING!) Here is what I've added/updated/modded/changed/etc... ADDED LEGACY SUPPORT FOR THE m18XR2 - You can now run Windows 7 with 900 series nVidia GPU's! Changed the Default GPU from PEG to IGFX - No need to tear down laptop anymore. 8-Beeps are a thing of the PAST! Updated the Intel RST Legacy to v12.9.0.2006 (Supports TRIM in RAID0 - CONFIRMED) Updated Intel RST UEFI to v12.9.0.2006 (Supports TRIM in RAID0 - CONFIRMED) Updated the ONBOARD Video Card for the HD3xxx to v2171 - FROM v2132) Updated ONBOARD Video Card for the HD4xxx to v2171 - FROM v2132) Updated the LAN Firmware & PXE Boot from to v2.0.6.6) ADDED NvMe Support for m18xr2 ADDED M.2 support for m18xr2 Updated CPU Microcode to v29 for the 2900 CPU's Updated CPU Microcode to v1c for the 3900 CPU's Updated CPU Microcode for other supported CPU's if available! Sorry, I don't remember what version, but if it could be updated, it was!) Updated GOP Driver for Intel Sandy Bridge Updated GOP Driver for Intel Ivy Bridge Updated GOP Policy for the m18xR2 Raidriar added the "Package C-States Lock" to my bios mod - THANK YOU RAIDRIAR! YOU TAKE FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR FLASHING THIS, AS FLASHING CUSTOM BIOS's HAS SOME RISK!! I AM IN NO WAY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING THAT HAPPENS TO YOUR PC BY FLASHING THIS MOD!! DOWNLOAD INFO: My BIOS MOD should be available in the download section of TechInferno! They have KINDLY offered to host the file, thankfully! You MUST meet the minimum requirements of T|I in order to download files from their download section! PLEASE NOTE: Do not distribute this file. Please tell others that want the file to download it from TechInferno, as the file is GUARANTEED to be clean if you get it from here. If you download it from anywhere else, there is a chance that the code will be changed, and may BRICK your laptop. Therefore, PLEASE make sure you download from here and ONLY here! I'd like to THANK the following people for testing my bios mods to make sure they are safe for the rest of you: Mr. Fox, Raidriar, Rengsey R.H. Jr! Thanks for testing, I'm grateful! RAIDRIAR, from nbr, needs an EXTRA shoutout for testing. He was UTTERLY amazing! He took risks no sane OR INSANE person would! I owe him for testing this! He deserves a LOT of credit for that! Also, I do have an UPDATE to Intel Management Firmware v8.1.64 (I think), but that is a SEPARATE package. If you are interested, you can do that upgrade, too. HOWEVER, PLEASE NOTE, if you plan on doing update you MUST do BIOS update FIRST - AGAIN, BIOS UPDATE MUST BE DONE FIRST! AFTER bios update is done, then you can do IME update. If you update the IME then BIOS, YOU WILL BRICK YOUR SYSTEM! YOU MUST DO BIOS FIRST, THEN THE Intel ME Update! If you like this mod that I've done, please donate a couple KEGS of beer to me, as I put a TON of work into this. I put more hours into this than I should have... LoL I can also confirm that this has been tested by MANY people. Mr. Fox, Raidriar, and a few others, and they had NO issues. EXCEPT that they were finally able to install Windows 7 while in legacy mode (set from within bios), and the GPU works completely. The only ting I am still working on is the throttling issue on ALL GPU's (Some worse than others). IF you use Mr. Fox's modded drivers, 355.20 I believe, the throttling issue is minimal with the 780m GPUs. Anything above those drivers seems to throttle all GPU's at a more extreme rate. I AM working on this throttling issue, but I am not sure it's fixable. But I will TRY! Again, I hope you ALL like this, and that it helps you out. Lastly, IF you flash my MOD and you decide to purchase another 900 series GPU, please make sure you use woodstackz, as he sells them at the best rates. Please let him know you are purchasing the GPU because of this mod, as it will help me out a little! I hope you like this! Swick Link To Donate: EDIT: I forgot to put fparts.txt in the rar file with all the other files. sorry about that. I'm including it here on this post! SORRY! PS. I AM working on porting ALL these mods to the m17xR4, but dont know if I can get LEGACY SUPPORT ported! I AM TRYING, but if I can't, I'll be able to port EVERYTHING else... File download link:
  16. Hello! Please can you help me to remove WiFi white list? -Model : Lenovo B590 -UEFI Bios Revision : H1ET69WW (v1.12) -UEFI Bios Date: 2012-11-15 -Embedded Controller Version: H1EC31WW (v1.11) -Machine Type Model: 62742BG -Bios backup link : BIOSBAKK_64.ROM Actually my problem happens while flashing a modded image, I got Error 104 - The 2 SPI flash devices do not have compatible command sets. "Screenshot": 2014-08-08 23.23.20.jpg Thanks a lot, regards.
  17. In this thread you can post your requests for Lenovo ThinkPad T450s, T460, T470, T480. If someone wants upgrade Wi-Fi card and remove whitelist, or unlock hidden additional menus and settings in bios setup menu, or already upgraded Display and after that can't adjust screen brightness, then you can post your request in this thread. Important! For creating bios backup and to flash bios mod, you must use any SPI programmer (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip! Just dump your Bios using any SPI programmer (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip, then post it in this thread or upload it to any fileserver and send me the link. CH341A programmer: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2322090.m570.l1313&_nkw=USB+Programmer+Ch341&_sacat=0 https://www.amazon.com/s?k=ch341a&ref=nb_sb_noss_2 SOIC8/SOP8 test clip: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Soic8-Sop8-Flash-Chip-Ic-Test-Clips-Socket-Adpter-Bios-24-25-93-Programmer/201414947737?hash=item2ee5443399:g:up8AAOSw1Fda8qkt https://www.amazon.ca/programming-EEPROM-Programmer-EZP2010-RT809H/dp/B075CGH1X1/ref=sr_1_18?dchild=1&keywords=SOIC8+clip&qid=1631766855&s=electronics&sr=1-18 How to use it: Also, you can search on YouTube a lot of guide for CH341a.
  18. In this thread you can post your requests for Lenovo G710. If someone wants upgrade Wi-Fi card and remove whitelist, or unlock hidden additional menus and settings in bios setup menu, then you can post your request in this thread. For prepare unlocked bios you should post your request here and then send me your file backup of bios via PM. For creating backup of bios use attached program. Extract attached archive directly on the Desktop and run the program as administrator (right click mouse). Program will create archive "results" directly on the Desktop. Send me this archive "results" via PM. https://www.sendspace.com/file/mxoavw or http://www120.zippyshare.com/v/NC9WuxRI/file.html
  19. Hi all, After I saw this result: http://hwbot.org/submission/2830783_0.0_cpu_frequency_core_i7_4700mq_4550_mhz , I got interested to replicate it with a similar method and decided to share my steps to score higher than a desktop 4.4ghz 4770k (according to cinebench ;)) Intel Stock microcode has a Turbo multiplier bin glitch that allows unlimited multiplier increase, I used prema's bios and removed a cpu microcode update to let the cpu run the stock glitched microcode. I will share the bios file, use it at your own responsibility and if you know what you are doing. 1) Download or dump your BIOS, if your bios is ami (my case) then use AFUWINx64 2) Get AMI Aptio UEFI MMTool v5.0.0.7 and UEFITool, HxD (or your fav hex editor) 3) Open your BIOS image with UEFITool, then File>Search, in our case Haswell has the following ID: , enter C3 06 03 in Hex pattern dialog click OK 4) You can see the last four Hex pattern result, double click the first result and a structure item in the main dialog will be highlighted, right click>Extract as-is to a folder (be sure to be neat and organized or you will mess things up) 5) Do the same with the third result and save it as a diff name other than the first one 6) Now in the folder you have saved the 2 files from step 4&5, open the first one with HxD(any hex editor) and look for be sure to choose Datatype:Hex-values then hit search 7) Press F3 to find again till you reach this pattern(highlighted): 8) (1) Indicates the microcode version, 17 in this case, we want 00 (cpu stock), (2) the platform ID (the search context we reached at) (3) the microcode length = 5000 (in my case) in reverse (important to know when the microcode ends in order to remove). 9) Adjust the cursor on the beginning of the highlight text/microcode (01) right click>Select Block>Length>5000 or whatever in your case 10) Delete the highlighted blocks (after step 9) then save the file 11) Do the same with the second result from step 3 to 10 then save 12) go back to UEFITool, double click the first result like you did in step 4, right click the highlighted structure in the main dialogue > Replace as-is then choose the FIRST file you edited in HxD 13) Double click the third result and follow step 12 with the SECOND file you edited in HxD 14) You will see "Rebuild" in action row, File>Save image as> P15SM04.PM2 in my case (can be any name as long as your flashing tool recognize it) 15) Open AMI Aptio MMTool > Load Image > your modified rom > CPU Patch Tab and verify there is no 06C3 in CPU ID 16) Be brave and flash your BIOS Windows Mod to remove auto update microcode on boot: Click on Start Type CMD in the Search box Right-click on CMD and choose Run as Administrator In the Command Prompt window and change to the directory where the file is located. To do this, use the CD command. You can follow the example below. to change to the Windows\System32 directory you would enter the following command and Press Enter cd \windows\system32 Now use the DEL command to delete the offending file. Type DEL mcupdate_GenuineIntel (and backup) Done! Overclocking: 1) Check CPU MCID:Download AIDA64 , open AIDA64>Motherboard>CPUID and look at IA Brand ID, it should be 00h 2) Download the latest beta Throttlestop (not stable) in my case 810b2 3) Make sure you don't have XTU installed or running (especially at startup) or it will reset any changes in Throttlestop 4) Open throttlestop, click FIVR and look at "[checkbox] Overclock [DIALOG] Max" and note it down 5) Now here is the magic! close FIVR and open it again, [DIALOG] Max value should increase by 2 (up to 80x max ~ 8ghz) everytime you open and close FIVR aslong as long as you increase one of the cores, LOL 6) Increase "Set multiplier" to maximum after your final changes in FVIR (Iv set mine to 42x all cores, so I increased set multiplier to 42 aswell - note voltage ID is messed up ignore it) 7) Increase voltage in FVIR for stability by using cinebench run 3 times instead of prime95, as it stresses FPU which increases heat and tdp instead... 8) Unlock maximum TDP and turbo wattage in TPL, in my case: 9) Done! Changes should be persistent as long as you dont save and exit from BIOS, here is my result in Cinebench with temp throttling (from 4.3 to 3.9 ghz), room temp 25-27 XD: (no.1 at 4.2ghz, no.7 stock latest microcode) UPDATE: OCed RAM from 1600 to 1866, [email protected], +200mV adaptive vcore: I'm also getting 852 with 4.5ghz with this adaptive voltage-like method: Note: You can maintain maximum turbo multiplier bin with latest microcode after setting it in throttlestop (imp: no crash when testing; make sure its stable) then flash the latest microcode for bug fixes (more stable on my side at x45 with only +230mv, depends on your CPU, i7-4800+ will require less voltage), and you will still be able to set the bin high (up to 80x) as long as you don't crash... Post your results and I'll copy it here. Tips: I highly recommend lapping heatsink and use liquid metal thermal paste or any decent tp ( I used collaboratory liquid ultra) before doing this -If your cpu throttles no matter what, try decreasing dynamic voltage in FVIR and look at maximum value the package power indicate while stressing, decrease the value by 10% in order to avoid rapid throttling (happens with bad TP) -Do not attempt the OC if you are looking after long service life wear&tear (I expect 2 years from now if I stress the cpu everyday for an hour, which i never do :P) Happy overclocking, and don't melt your laptop Thanks to Intel if they leaked this on purpose, kinda futureproofed my machine XD P150SM 1.03.05 modded bios (at your own risk): MOD EDIT: link removed, please use a clean BIOS base because of legal implications with Intel :
  20. Lenovo Y500 - 'unlocked' BIOS / wwan-wlan whitelist removal The Lenovo Y580 / Y480 comes with a pretty locked down BIOS, and in addition to this with a whitelist which prevents the user from getting 3rd-party wwan/wlan cards to work properly. The modified BIOS versions here will take care of this. Keep in mind that not necessarily all options available in the modified bios will work. Some might not do anything at all, others could possibly leave your system in a state which will prevent it from booting. Use care when changing stuff in the modified bios, don't touch things you're not familiar with. Use all the mods and software posted here on your own risk. NOTE: This will only flash the bios region. It won't reset the nvars set in the bios. While it is technically possible to update from v2.0x to v8.01 by using the method described below, I can't really recommend it since the EC of your system won't get updated. While it might work (possibly even without any issues) I can't recommend it. Therefore if you're on v2.0x and want to update, the better option is to wait until Lenovo provides an official 8.xx firmware update with EC and BIOS. You can then still flash the modified version as described below, once you're on a proper v8.xx firmware. Attached you'll find a modified version of the Y580 / Y480 BIOS v8.01 (5DCN90WW). ----------------------------------------- >> For users with a v2.0x BIOS: << Download links Old version: Current 2.0x version: Lenovo Y580 / Y480 BIOS v2.07 (5DCN40WW) -> unlocked, whitelist removed, Nvidia 660m @ 1GHz default 3d clocks Flash with the included InsydeFlash utility. ----------------------------------------- >> Instructions for v8.0x BIOS users: << The attached BIOS ("Lenovo Y580 - Y480 BIOS v8.01 (5DCN90WW) - Mod") is unlocked, whitelist stuff removed and the 660m is tweaked to 1GHz default 3d core clock. The only way I know of which allows you to flash the modified BIOS for v8.01 users does unfortunately also describe certain information which you don't want to loose (serials, Windows licencse etc.). Don't worry, I got it all sorted out, but due to this the flashing procedure is a bit more complicated than usual. Make sure you follow the instructions carefully. Download the flash tool, for flashing you'll need the DOS version, but for creating the backup of your current BIOS the Win64 version will do as well, and it is faster. Get the prr tool as well. Grab the modified BIOS you want to flash and the Y580-Y480_BiosFix tool. Create a backup of your current BIOS using the flash tool you downloaded (first step) by runing the included backup.bat, or by using the Win or Dos version flash tool with this command: -d BackupBiosY500.bin -bios If you get and 'Error 104', grab 'Error 104' fix and replace the original fparts file with it. . Make sure you have the modified bios which you want to flash, the bios backup you just created and the "Y580-Y480_BiosFix" tool in the same folder. Run the Y580-Y480_BiosFix tool, follow the instructions on the screen. Enter the name of the files correctly, else you'll get an error. It will create a new file for you and will be named after the modified bios file you specified, with 'Fix' appended to it. Here's a screenshot of the tool in use (Y580 version looks the same). In the case shown here it will create a file called "modifiedBiosFix.bin" which you can find in the folder where you run the tool. Use that one for flashing. Put the fixed BIOS, the prr.exe tool and the fpt.exe (along with the fparts.txt file) on the root of your prepared DOS bootable USB drive, restart your system and boot from that drive. Execut the prr.exe, if you don't get an error message continue by pressing enter. Then flash the bios by using this command (filename.bin obviously needs to be replaced with the name of the file you want to flash). If you can't remember the name of your file, use the command dir to display all the files on your drive. Flash with this: fpt.exe -f filename.bin -bios NOTE: The name of the BIOS file mustn't exceed eight characters (not counting the extension)! That's a DOS limit, so make sure the name of your file isn't too long. Wait until the process is done. After flashing it will verify the data, in case there's something wrong with the flashed data it will tell you. In that case don't reboot, just flash again. It might look a bit complicated at first, but that's the easiest way I could think of. Let me know if anything is unclear. The attached v8.0x modified versions include: - unlocked menus - whitelist removed (wwan / wlan) - Nvidia 660m 'GHz edition' - 1000MHz default 3d clocks >> Here's the 'buy me a beer' link in case you like this. Modding makes me thirsty << Use at your own risk, you are responsible for your system and the changes you make on it. My programs come with absolutely no warranty to the extend permitted by applicable law. Thanks @X0pas1 for testing, and for some pics - see below: I'd appreciate it if someone could also post some pictures of the more interesting sub-menus, e.g. advanced CPU control, video settings and similar. UPDATE 1/17/16 DOWNLOAD LINK FOR FILES REFERENCED IN THIS POST:
  21. In this thread you can post your requests for Lenovo ThinkPad X250, X260. If someone wants upgrade Wi-Fi card and remove whitelist, or unlock hidden additional menus and settings in bios setup menu, then you can post your request in this thread. Important! For creating your personal bios dump and to flash your bios mod, you must use any SPI programmer (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip! Just dump your Bios using any SPI programmer (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip, then post it in this thread or upload it to any fileserver and send me the link. CH341A programmer: https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2322090.m570.l1313&_nkw=USB+Programmer+Ch341&_sacat=0 https://www.amazon.com/s?k=ch341a&ref=nb_sb_noss_2 SOIC8/SOP8 test clip: https://www.ebay.com/itm/Soic8-Sop8-Flash-Chip-Ic-Test-Clips-Socket-Adpter-Bios-24-25-93-Programmer/201414947737?hash=item2ee5443399:g:up8AAOSw1Fda8qkt https://www.amazon.ca/programming-EEPROM-Programmer-EZP2010-RT809H/dp/B075CGH1X1/ref=sr_1_18?dchild=1&keywords=SOIC8+clip&qid=1631766855&s=electronics&sr=1-18 How to use it: Also, you can search on YouTube a lot of guide for CH341a. Note: Each bios mod prepare personally and based on your personal bios dump which contain your personal data like Serial numbers, UUID, Service TAG, MAC addresses, Windows keys, NVRAM settings, etc. For creating your personal bios dump and to flash bios mod, you need use any SPI programmer (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip! Just dump your Bios (from your laptop) using any SPI programmer (like CH341A programmer) and a SOIC8/SOP8 test clip, then post it in this thread or upload it to any fileserver and send me the link.
  22. Hi, I need remove WIFI whitelist from Lenovo Thinkpad Edge E431 laptop. bios version is HEET52WW Is it possible to remove whitelist on this bios version?
  23. Hey guys, I am Grga and i am new here. I rarely use forums but i am desperate in this case. So, as i have seen many of you have had the issue with obsolete BIOS versions for clevo P7xxZM machines, So i would like to hear your experiences and how you went about it. I have recently bought an ssd Samsung 970 PRO NVMe M.2. From which i would like to boot the windows10. Little did i know that there was no support for that kind of protocol in the BIOS or that there is such thing as UEFI (for which i am still not sure what that is exactly, except some kind of successor of BIOS). So i did a bit of research and updated my Bios and ec to 1.03.15 and 1.03.09 respectively for which i understand is the last available official release. I changed to uefi mode with secure boot disabled etc... in short i did everything that my (limited) knowledge about these things allowed me to do (and the sweat of excitement and fear when i was flashing the bios for the first time in my life). But, alas, it all yielded no success, and now i am lost. I have really no idea what to do, and whom to ask for help except for you guys here. The only thing that i understand worked for some of you is when you mentioned a wizard named @Prema so therefore i will try to do the same....
  24. In this thread you can post your requests for Lenovo G780. If someone wants upgrade Wi-Fi card and remove whitelist, or unlock hidden additional menus and settings in bios setup menu, in this case you can post your request in this thread. For prepare unlocked bios you can post your request in this thread, upload your file bios backup into any fileserver and post the download link. Or you can send me your file backup of bios via PM. For creating backup of bios use attached utility. Extract attached archive directly on the Desktop and run Backup Utility as Administrator (right click mouse, choice "Run as Administrator"). Utility will create archive "results" directly on the Desktop. Send me this archive "results" via PM. https://www.sendspace.com/file/mxoavw or http://www120.zippyshare.com/v/NC9WuxRI/file.html
  25. Version 1.0.0


    Files contained in this archive: ms_gx740.zip MSI 16F1 Unlocked.zip MSI 1762 Unlocked.zip MSI GT60 Unlocked.zip MSI GT70 Unlocked.zip MSI GT683 Unlocked.zip MSI GT783 Unlocked.zip MSI MS-16F2 Unlocked.zip MSI MS-1761 Unlocked.zip SecondGenAMDAPU.zip Should I Flash These BIOS? See thread link below to learn which notebooks these bios files should be used with. Who this does NOT apply to: - If you are afraid to brick your notebook, this is NOT for you. There is always a possibility for errors and accidents to occur. - If you do not understand what any or most of these acronyms mean, this is NOT for you. You will probably find little use for the unlocked features and the potential for risk is much greater than the reward. Who this applies to: - If you have an understanding of most of this thread and are willing to learn, continue reading. - If you are an enthusiast who loves modding and overclocking and have experience with this field, continue reading. Features: So what are these features that MSI had locked out? A short list would include:* - XMP RAM support (Up to 2133Mhz) [Warning: 4 DIMMs at 1866Mhz(+) may not be stable, 2 DIMMs are stable at 2133Mhz]. - BCLK Overclocking (Up to 5%, your mileage may vary, no guarantees). - TPL limits unlocked (With the combination of ThrottleStop, CPU throttling can be overcome). To learn more about how to use the files in this archive, please visit the thread below:
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