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  1. alienware 15 r2 970m with i7-6700hq vbios request so i can overclock and mess with voltage. BIOS version backup made with techpowerup GPU-z. GM204.rom or can someone re direct me to one already made that will work? all links i find are dead, thanks.
  2. Hi guys, I'm sorry for making another thread just for this but I really wanted to pick your brains on this! I have an m15x with a 770m running windows 7 and everything works. Rock. Solid. I'm pretty happy with it. Since windows 7 is on it's way out, I would like to upgrade to windows 10. Now I've looked into it before and had a really hard time getting the 770m to behave nicely and had all these issues with green/yellow/pink screens and I remember it being a miracle I got it to work on 7 as good as it does. My question is how well does the 970m install vs the 770m - particularly on windows 10? I would buy it in a heartbeat if it makes the install less tedious with the colored screens and all that. Especially if all the functions work on it! I have been searching the internet and I cannot find nearly as many problems with the 970m as I could with the 770m, or am I just not looking in the right places? Thanks a million!
  3. Hello, I'm on an alienware m17 r4 and am trying mod my vbios for a 970m 3GB msi. I've managed to get the max boost with an increase in voltage, however I believe my voltage settings maybe unstable. When attempting to load programs capable of high gpu usage capabilities, the gpu begins to become pretty unstable. would anyone be able to provide assistance? I have both my edited and original roms as well. *update I'm not sure how to delete this thread but disregard this please. I've figured out the issue.
  4. My laptop doesn't display when I turn discrete mode it work only on mshybrit mode.I plug hdmı cable to pc it display to tv.Gpu z program show no uefi support on 970m(6gb) but ıt show on intel hd 630 there is no problem about screen ıt justy problen on vbios ı thınk ı cant fınd on ınternet stock gpu vbios can anybody help for it or to fix this promblem?
  5. My laptop doesn't display when I turn discrete mode it work only on mshybrit mode.I plug hdmı cable to pc it display to tv.Gpu z program show no uefi support on 970m(6gb) but ıt show on intel hd 630 there is no problem about screen ıt justy problen on vbios ı thınk ı cant fınd on ınternet stock gpu vbios can anybody help for it or to fix this promblem?
  6. Does anyone have experience with this? Some threads I've seen have done it on a 17 inch laptop, I was wondering if it was possible on the 15 inch version as well. What issues will I face? I read about having to have a custom BIOS and vBIOS..but also HDMI/audio issues. I guess I should also upgrade my CPU, which runs really hot (i7 4800MQ), but not sure another Haswell chip will run any cooler. I've used liquid metal and even that hasn't changed temperatures much, it still reaches 93C pretty easily.
  7. Hi have been searching for an unlocked vbios for a while now, does anyone have a link? MSI GE72 2qf 4720hq version
  8. Hi everyone \0/ I have same problem with upgrade my GT70 (880M stock). I buy 970M from MSI vendor, sawed the heatsink for this card, also I have last version of BIOS and Firmware, but when I try flash vbios nvflash shows ERROR: No NVIDIA display adapters found. I tried to write nvflash --protectoff, reinstall BIOS and Firmware, disconnected the battery BIOS, but nothing! And i see some interesting fact, in BIOS my laptop is signed as GT70-2OC, but if i have 880M it signed as GT70-2PE. I don't undestand, what I need doing?
  9. I will be taking apart my laptop soon to clean it up a bit and apply some new thermal paste. Figured while I am trying to get some lower temps on my cpu and what I might give overclocking the GPU a try to squeeze out a little bit more perfomance out of them. Started looking around and found that the clocks have a hard limit on stock vbios. Was looking to unlock that and found these forums. Since I am in no hurry as of yet, the 1 week pre-promotion is a moot point for me at the moment. But honestly part of this post is to get promoted so I can download the files I want. Apart from that do you guys have tips or can you guide me to info on overclocking? I checked out some videos, the files I want to download come with instructions, so I should be good on that. However things like figuring out what the optimal overclocking settings are, what to look out for and what not. If you guys have tips on that please let me know. If anyone else has the same model/gpu as mine; I would appreciate any tips! Thanks, Fatih
  10. Hello! I have joined the forums some time ago to learn about modding drivers for laptops and thanks to the community here I was able to upgrade my Dell M6700 with a GTX880m. This time I am stuck on a couple of GPU issues that seem to be corresponding to each other. Let me go through these things below. I have upgraded the M6700 with a GTX970m - OS is working fine, all everyday tasks going great and by replacing the 880m with a newer card I gained some power and lowered the temperature of the system. In order to install drivers for this 970m (the other card too) I had to modify "nvdmi.inf" file and trick the driver installator to think, that my laptop was an Alienware. I have figured that out by trial and error. However, strange issues happen since the new card arrived: - first of all, no matter which new driver is getting installed, after OS restart and some time, the screen flashes and comes back on - when going to NVIDIA Control Panel it shows that the driver installed is v.353.54 - it just changes the driver version as if it was stored somewhere in the OS. Of course each time I am performing a clean install with DDU - secondly, from time to time when powered on, all I can see is a blurred image of the Windows' welcome screen, as if the resolution was changed to a super-low setting - a reset helps with that - finally, the outcome of all this is that I can't run any game on the laptop for longer than 10-15 minutes. I have recently purchased Divinity 2 and it runs on its "ultra" settings, but the laptop just dies after a quarter and powers itself off, followed by a screen flash Now I know that these might be various things in my system, but I have a feeling that it is GPU related and there might be something wrong with the drivers as previously (on the 880m) I was able to run games for as long as desired. And yes, I have already tried monitoring the temperatures, lowering in-game settings and even underclocking my CPU (i7 3940XM) - the CPU gets a bit hot if you ask me - up to around 90 degrees, but other than that, all seems fine. Help!
  11. Hi All, New forum user here. I've been fighting with a stubborn 970m in my p1775sm-a for the last week and a half, so I figured I'd join and see if you guys could help me out on it. The main issue is that the installed video card (pulled from my deceased P750DM-G does not seem to be supported by any current or past nvidia drivers. Upon modifying several driver versions, the card shows up, however, no programs are able to use the card (It shows up in the nvidia utility with preview, however upon forcing it into use nvidia high performance mode does not trigger the card on. Additionally, looking up the card model on GPUz draws a blank. I've attempted to flash my card with several "recognizable" bio's, however, a adapter board mismatch seems to be stopping me from progressing. my adapter board ID is E922. Can anyone point me to where I've gone wrong here? new.rom
  12. Hi all, After giving up on trying to use the Maxwell Tweaker II, I'd like to request an unlocked vBios for this Laptop's GPU; Laptop: MSI Dominator GT70 2QD GPU: 970M 3GB Attached is the stock vBios dumped by me using NVFlash. Thanks! MSI Dominator GT70 2QD 970M 3GB STOCK vBios.rom
  13. Could a good soul help me with unlocking voltage and power limit bars on my 970M 3GB? I've tried manual tweaks in MaxwellBiosTweaker, but as a first time VBIOS tinkerer I have too many gaps to confidently overclock (managed to get from 1038 MHz to 1329 MHz). Naturally, I am more than willing to donate if all works out successfully. Rom image attached. Laptop: MSI GT72 2QD before_overclocking.rom
  14. Hello. I recently cleaned my laptop and changed thermal paste, so GPU has a lot of headroom for OC. At full load it's at 60c. And throttling only starts at 87c for both CPU and GPU. I searched everywhere, but it seems no one really modded this laptop's VBIOS. I found one person who does it, but he requires a donation for it. Since I don't have a lot of money I didn't even try to donate and see if it's enough. So maybe someone can help me out here? The laptop is with i7-4720HQ downclocked to 3.0 Ghz instead of 3.6 Ghz due to temperatures at full load, 16 GB of DDR3 ram and a GTX 970M 3GB. Added link for original VBIOS file. https://www.msi.com/Laptop/support/GE72-2QF-Apache-Pro-4.html#down-firmware Direct download link from MSI. Driver version for the lazy -
  15. Got a Alienware 17 R3 with GTX 970 M. Trying to overclock the GPU and need to download a VBIOS. Tried to download the file: Nvidia GTX 970m - 'OC edition' rev0.zip 1.0.0 from techinferno site but it would not let me. Can anyone point out a site that can get me going? Thx
  16. Good day gents. I'm looking for a way to overclock my GTX 970m 3Gb pass the +135Mhz limit. After some research (presumably) i need an unlocked vBios. Please help if you can My stock bios is attached. Thanks a lot GM204.rom
  17. Hi, I have upgraded my P170EM with a 970M a couple of years ago. I used the vBIOS from @Prema and his v2 BIOS. Has shown on many thread, the v3 bios is not public and I have to stick with the v2 so I modded my infs for upgrading my nvidia drivers. Upgrading from win7 to win10 was quite difficult and after many tries and fails, I managed to get a v359.13 version working properly. I modded the inf by myseft experiencing methods grabbed from many sources. I must say that this is not as simple as some says... Every version, the infs to be modded changes and sometimes it works, sometime it don't. I then try to work with @J95, posting my difficulties on his inf mod dedicated thread. All his releases are dedicated to "non-optimus" clevo laptop and thus are not working out of the box with my P170EM. He kindly tried many hacks to make his modded drivers work with the P170EM without success. The only thing that work completly today is the v359.13.... And I had to revert back from the win10 anniversary edition to have at least the discrete GPU to be active. All my tries on drivers differents from 359.13 on non-anniversary edition of win10 would have the dx10/11 not working on discrete GPU or the dx9 not working on discrete GPU. I can't count the hours I spent DDU my drivers, modding, trying, failing, retring.... This is a real hassle. Now I don't even want to try the new driver... But sometime I need to upgrade, especially for the optimisation available for the new games I can buy. That's why I'm asking @Prema whether he could think about releasing the v3 BIOS for P170EM public ? I would also be OK with the option to be able to purchase it for a reasonable price. Thanks in advance for your reply !
  18. "Solved" Prema Bios Prema vBios für GTX 970m DM G-Sync Modded nVidia 376.33 driver for the .inf, ive added this: [NVIDIA_Devices.NTamd64.6.1] %NVIDIA_DEV.1618.7102.1558% = Section019, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1618&SUBSYS_71021558 %NVIDIA_DEV.1618.7102.1558% = Section020, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1618&SUBSYS_71021558 %NVIDIA_DEV.1618.7102.1558% = Section021, PCI\VEN_10DE&DEV_1618&SUBSYS_71021558 and this NVIDIA_DEV.1618.7102.1558 = "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970m" is working now .... getting 2 bluscreens per week but i think there is something else wrong with my p170EM ------------------------------------- Hello, ive got nearly the same Problem like this guy: https://www.techinferno.com/index.php?/forums/topic/10100-solved-p170em-premamod-vbios-pci-subsystemboard-mismatch/ My Hardware: P170EM, QWERTZ Keys, no left Windows Button PremaMod Bios V2 I've bought a 970m. ive replaced my old 7970m, then: Uninstalled all Drivers etc, installed intel driver, tryed to install nvidia, failed. Trying to install PremaMod 970m vBios, but it says "error" ( see screens ) GPU-Z sees the GPU but Nvidia Driver couldnt find it. The PremaBios ( in BIOS options ) says: GPU : Empty After reading the other guys prob, ive tested the G Sync DM / ZM vBios and its possible to install the 970m GSYNC DM vBios But i dont have a GSYNC laptop And the GSYNC PremaMod vBios isnt compatible to my P170EM How do i solve the Problem? Is it the "wrong" 970m? And ... prema wasnt online since a month ... will he come back? x_X Greetings
  19. Hello, I have this gaming notebook with a 970m 3gb, I need a custom vbios so I can overclock it, I've been surfing the web but I can't find anything good... Any help? Thanks in advance.
  20. Hi, I have a Clevo P150SM (Not SM-A, just SM) with a GTX 770m, bought over 2 years ago. I wanted to upgrade to a GTX 9xxm series, a GTX 970m or even a 980m to max it out. However I have 2 issues. I don't know if I have to do something on the BIOS for the 9xxm series card to work, I hear a lot that I have to modify the BIOS but it's not clear so I would really appreciate if someone knowledgeable adresses this for me. The 2nd issue, is more to do about the 980m only. My Clevo P150SM has a 180W power brick, I don't intend to overclock anything, be it CPU or GPU and I'll play at 1600x900 with mostly high/some ultra settings(no AA or MSAA) with V-Sync ON. I'm sure a 180W brick can handle a 970m + a 47W processor (i7-4910mq) but I'm no so sure about the 980m, which is the one I have my sights on, so is a 180W brick safe or is it recomended to get a 200W+ power brick? And if so, where can I get one that's capable of connecting to the P150SM(with the Barrel Round Plug Tip).
  21. Will P640RE with 970M work with vr because in NVCP the LCD is connected to iGpu help me
  22. Hi, Long time member and even longer a lurker. I've modded and OC'ed various GPU's using the vbios' shared in the forums, however I'm having problem with the 970M 3gb, which I've gathered recently from ebay. I hope it hasn't been asked a zillion times. I bought a 970M 3gb model which goes by the model name MS-1W0J1, and been trying to get it working on an Alienware M18x r2. I've successfully installed the card and it seemed to work plug and play. The card is recognised by BIOS and I get video output in startup menus, both in EFI and LEGACY modes(I'm using Swick's latest bios for this model). However, there seems to be a problem when installing the Geforce drivers(both 380&390) in Windows 10, as the screen goes black instantly when the driver has been updated. I can't get any video output in Windows, and the only option is to switch to integrated card and remove the drivers. I've seen different mods and modded vbios' for 970M cards, but none seems to be for the 3gb model. I wonder if there is a way to set-up this card on this hardware and flash a compatible CLEVO vbios to get it running without issues. Current vBIOS is attached. Thanks in advance, Wejgomi GM204.rom
  23. Hello guys, Having s bit of a headache with a latest upgrade. Essentially I took my friends Alienware M17X R4 for an upgrade as the 7970M has kicked the bucket. We have decided on the 970M as the best option for an upgrade at that point, so we proceeded hunting one down in Ireland. Eventually we have located one for a decent price, however it was noted that this 970M is a 3GB version and if I remember correctly it was originally listed as compatible with MSI and Clevo laptops. We decided to try our luck. So after removing AMD drivers with the cleaning tool, flashing back from A12 BIOS to an unlocked A11, installing the card and trying to boot I got 8 BEEP error on post. As a result took out the card, tried PEG mode, etc... eventually go the laptop to boot with a card installed under SG mode. Installed a test driver from Eurocom and it worked! The card was running well in a benchmark and also Dead Space 3. However it is not detected properly by either AIDA64 or OCCT. MSI Afterburner on the other hand does see the card and reports values correctly. More important than that is the fact that nVidia Control Panel crashes when I try to grab the hardware information sometimes, and always when I am trying to add a .exe in 3D settings to override the iGPU. If it wasnt for the nVidia control panel I would not even bother figure this issue out. So now I am wondering is it the vBIOS? If yes then is there any available for the 3GB version of 970M that would be compatible with AW R4? PS, the laptop is with a regular non 3D panel, runs at 1080p. MSI & Clevo compatible GTX 970M 3GB Windows 7 64BIT GPU fan works Let me know if you need more details. Any help would be much appreciated as this is going beyond my level of knowledge. Thank you.
  24. Version 1.0.0


    Klem's_vbios_ASUS_G752VT_970M_GS_UNLOCKED. This mod for ASUS_G752VT_970M with G-SYNC! 1. Unlocked Nvidia core limit +135 MHz. 2. Unlocked Power Limit. 3. Unlocked Power adjustment by software (for example with Nvidia Inspector). 4. Increased Power Limit and Power Target. 5. Enabled some additional tweaks. If you liked my mod, you can buy me some beer: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/timqsh
  25. I finally got my 970M card and Flashed Bios and VBios on my NP9150/P150EM, However i have few question: 1. What and where can I get proper Nvidia Driver and steps how to install it? 2. i sow some modify drover file... what is that referring to? 3. I tired to play COD and I am only getting 15 fps so I assume that its not using right GPU. Please assist.
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