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About alextech3110

  • Birthday 01/03/1980

alextech3110's Achievements

Curious Beginner

Curious Beginner (1/7)



  1. "FLASH.zip" not help... "18-error: unable to start a secure flash session"
  2. problem: not work GPU BOOST & OVERCLOCK (GT-650m - always 745mhz) All hope on Prema....
  3. AFUEFIX64 /CAPSULE ? FLASH /CAPSULE ? it does not workit, is not clear.
  4. "/CAPSULE flag" please explain. I dont understand. What is my mistake?
  5. current bios version e16gaims.513 (11.08.2012) First Release: http://www.msi.com/product/nb/GE60-0NC.html#/?div=BIOS&nbos=win8
  6. Prema, Help me, if you try to flash the bios GE60_E16GAIMS.513_WIN8_OC an error
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