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Saucy Simon

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  1. Any UK Alienware users going? Should be a good LAN event and the first with my m18x Multiplay Insomnia Gaming Festival It's got an exhibition hall where companies show off their products and games. Event is in Telford on 22nd to 25th Tournaments for: TF2 CSS Shoot Mania Minecraft SC2 FIFA 13 LoL Be good to see some people
  2. I'm running duel 7970's Game runs better on them until a fix from Nvidia comes out.
  3. People should buy Alienware simply because of Mr Fox
  4. Quick bit of gameplay of the new Tomb Raider, FPS drops at parts but nothing that affects the gameplay everything else runs very smoothly. Posted this on NBR thought u guys might be interested in a discussion about it too.
  5. Tbh the game looks great no matter what settings you run.
  6. Hahaha sorry I had been at work all night prior to flashing... Took me hours to realise... Thank you for the help tho. Lol
  7. when i check the checksum they do not match? even tho i modified it from my original vbios here are the 2 vbios original and modded. Original Unmodded New Modded can anyone help with this? what did i do wrong.
  8. hey guys when i check the checksum they do not match? even tho i modified it from my original vbios [ATTACH=CONFIG]6177[/ATTACH] here are the 2 vbios original and modded. Original Unmodded [ATTACH=CONFIG]6178[/ATTACH] New Modded [ATTACH=CONFIG]6179[/ATTACH] any help appreciated! cheers
  9. Currently using the Steeleries 7H Fnatic Edition and its great! The sound quality is good with nice bass, and the retractable microphone works wonders. Drivers are also good from steelseries.
  10. Not great video but this is a short video of how my game play looks with current settings. Running on hardest difficulty specs in the description. Hope you guys enjoy
  11. I also went with Dellienware because of the warranty, I have peace of mind with my m18x with damage cover for the next 3 years and next day in home repairs.
  12. http://www.3dmark.com/3dm11/6015723 Thats my best bench so far, Looking to unlock my 7970's to get some better benches and performance
  13. Hey guys i've recently came over from Notebookreview and im happy to see so many familiar faces. Is there an M18x Steam Group as it would be great to game with some of you guys. In the next few months ill be looking to upgrade my 3720QM to a 3940XM and will have lots of questions regarding this. Cheers guys. Throbin.
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