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Everything posted by 82280zx

  1. @J95 I found a post in the nvidia forums that I read and tried out and apparently it worked . I was able to install 382.33 without the black screen problem, Microsoft admitted that the Anniversary update had caused corruption on some machines it was distributed to and was later fixed, I re downloaded Windows 10 on a thumb drive with all the latest updates and reloaded my machine to have success with the latest driver from you thank you again for helping us out!
  2. @J95 from what I can tell I never had any issues till I installed the Windows 10 Creator Update, It looks like I'm not alone on the issue ether (official cards and other laptops that aren't modded are being affected as well) and I haven't tested it yet but it sounds like if I removed the update the drivers would probably work. Here is the forum thread on it on Nvidia's site https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/1003027/geforce-drivers/w10-creator-update-and-nvidia-drivers-issues-/6/
  3. When I try install 382.19 I end up with a black screen =/ on my M18XR2 I have to roll back into safe mode and run ddu to get it back, there was a recent big update on windows 10?
  4. I'm running Swicks bios bod and I'm running in Legacy on Windows 10 64 bit, the power throttle trick in the bios will only work if you machine is left plugged in when you do the toggle and I believe you have to have the modded bios. It's worked flawless for me every time, I just monitor my temps when I play heavier games, I also use SLV7's vbios to get the extra cooling, I don't do any overclocking though. You should be able to do Windows 7 as well, I tried it when we was all trying to find the power throttle on the M18xR2. I'm only running one 980m at the moment, eventually I'll probably pick up my second but as far as I've seen I haven't seen anyone complain about throttles since the bios toggle from peg --> igfx --> peg trick (make sure the laptop is plugged in and on ac power before doing the trick or the throttle will remain) . It's a minor annoyance but I'm glad to be able to run a 980 in this system :), I would recomend however getting a cooling pad as the 980m does run a bit hotter and also making sure your running hwinfo to control the fans, I seen a post where someone let their 980m get to hot and it took out their board from the heat, so I don't recomend running these past 80c, I'd try to keep em around 75c if you could. Make sure your system is plugged in when you do the toggle, you need to turn it on when it's plugged in, go into the bios change to igfx, save and exit. Then go right back in and switch it back to peg then save and exit and your throttle will be clear as long as you don't unplug the notebook and move it, the moment you unplug the notebook and move it you need to do the bios toggle again after power is plugged back in otherwise it will always throttle.
  5. Haven't been able to test the newest drivers yet (will do when I get a minute) but the bios toggle still is working flawless, I have tried 3ish drivers so far and after the peg-->igfx-->peg toggle they all work great.
  6. @J95 Just an update, I tried the hibernate thing, it didn't work on the M18XR2 it actually made it throttle sooner on resume. I know that when using Swicks bios we go to the video settings in our bios and switch PEG --> IGFX save and exit, enter bios again, switch IGFX --> PEG, it fixes it for the entire session (even reboots etc) until the notebook is unplugged and moved.
  7. Thats also a good find, I'll give that a try as well just to see what happens, I tried sleeping it and waking it back up later (unplugged while it sleep, plugged back in then woke it up) and my throttle was back.
  8. Will this work on the R2 as well? And if it does will it work on A11? Mines working pretty good, but it looks like your hwinfo64 is configured differently than mine.
  9. Swicks Bios mod and guide can be found here I do remember taking my graphics card out to do it, you have to be in legacy mode to boot off the thumb drive to flash, might can try going to the integrated graphics chipset then legacy? Also an update on the 980m Throttles on the M18XR2. Kudos go to Infinaris over at Notebookreview for this post, I've tested and confirmed this fixes mine as well. The throttle for whatever reason only seems to be occuring from a cold boot. I just turned my laptop on again and checked and it was throttling. Restarted the computer accessed the bios switched to igfx and rebooted and accessed the bios again immediately and reset to peg.... No throttling on reboot. From where I'm sitting it looks like toggling the gfx fixes the issue at least until you switch the machine off and then it throttles again so it looks like whatever causes the throttling is a bad setting somewhere. Might be worth seeing if someone were to shut their machine down and switch to igfx before switching off their machine. Could be possible that the toggle sets the system up to work properly but its a bug from cold boot. Regardless I've rebooted the machine several times and everytime I toggle the gfx to igfx and back to peg it gets rid of the throttling for that session. If I restart the machine there doesnt seem to be any throttling either it seems to be an issue with a cold boot off of peg at least so far as from what i can see. The question here tho is why does it throttle if booted directly on peg on cold boot but a simple gfx toggle seems to fix the issue?
  10. Concerning the throttles, we've been doing some digging and I want to drop this here, we've looking for the cause and this seems to resolve it, Kudos go to Infinaris over at Notebookreview for finding this and of course Swick we couldn't of got this far without ya! The throttle for whatever reason only seems to be occuring from a cold boot. I just turned my laptop on again and checked and it was throttling. Restarted the computer accessed the bios switched to igfx and rebooted and accessed the bios again immediately and reset to peg.... No throttling on reboot. From where I'm sitting it looks like toggling the gfx fixes the issue at least until you switch the machine off and then it throttles again so it looks like whatever causes the throttling is a bad setting somewhere. Might be worth seeing if someone were to shut their machine down and switch to igfx before switching off their machine. Could be possible that the toggle sets the system up to work properly but its a bug from cold boot. Regardless I've rebooted the machine several times and everytime I toggle the gfx to igfx and back to peg it gets rid of the throttling for that session. If I restart the machine there doesnt seem to be any throttling either it seems to be an issue with a cold boot off of peg at least so far as from what i can see. The question here tho is why does it throttle if booted directly on peg on cold boot but a simple gfx toggle seems to fix the issue?
  11. Well all was fine and dandy till I tried it out today... I wonder if its a windows update that is screwing us over? I'm gonna do a bit of digging for a while, I want to know whats doing this to us. I feel we probably shouldn't hijack @J95 's thread, we are looking for the throttle problem over here at notebookreview, http://forum.notebookreview.com/threads/alienware-m18xr2-new-updated-bios-mods-now-with-maxwell-legacy-support-testers-needed.789322/page-47 Apologies on the thread hijack, just been trying to help
  12. With this same driver I'm running, I had throttle problems in Windows 10 64 bit but I was running in UEFI and the previous ones throttled only on certain games but it would throttle, I see a huge change in my benchmarks and gpuz running in Legacy mode vs uefi. I say same driver because I backed it up, and used the same one again, its the one provided here by @J95 on this page :), I'm only running the modified driver.
  13. Did a power drain while it was running for at least 30+ seconds, plugged it back in and am not seeing any throttles. Do you want me to test it while its not plugged in? or pull the power on it while its benching? Not sure if I did what you wanted.
  14. Haven't seen any power throttles whatsoever in about all the games I've played so far, runs smooth been keeping an eye on gpuz as well. I haven't tried any power drains yet? What are you referring to if I may ask?
  15. Happy to report Windows 10 64 bit is working with no throttle issues! I'm using LEGACY mode, so it seems the issue is in UEFI is my best guess, only way to confirm it is to reinstall with UEFI.
  16. If I have time I'll try it and see if that is whats causing us greif, way to go @Swick1981 for fixing legacy for us! When i get some more moneys I'll toss some your way, you deserve a beer!
  17. Sweet glad to hear other people having success as well I still use hwinfo64 and just disable the battery monitoring because it keeps my temps around 70c, so your working good in sli? I might have to pick up a second card if this keeps working. Also are you in Legacy Mode? I wonder if the problem is with UEFI mode... I might try Windows 10 on Legacy Mode just to see it it continues to work.
  18. Wanted to post an update on the M18XR2, I'm currently using the latest graphics driver provided by @J95 and I am using the new bios mod provided by @Swick1981 I changed over to Windows 7 64 bit, am running SVL vbios, and am not using the PEG Mod (nvidia inspector). Zero Throttle on Catzilla and my FFXIV benchmark where as I was seeing alot of it in Windows 10. I am running a 980m I bought from Woodstacks over at Notebookreview.
  19. Scratch that, possible motherboard damage by cpu due to taking it apart, I'm betting this is the cause.
  20. My laptop was working great up untill I seen a new bios released, I was gonna give the new A11 unlocked bios a test so I went into my Bios (was using A12 official) and turned off UEFI then I saved and restarted. Thats when the 7 beeps of death started. I have tried removing my 980m and booting without it, with no luck. I have also tried to do the blind flash to go back to A03 but my esata drive isn't reading the thumb drive (this has worked in the past). Why would a simple change in my bios brick my system? I've tried resetting the bios to, I've pulled the battery, power, and the cmos battery, held the power button for 30+ seconds then reconnected them and still get the same results =/. Did my board just commit suicide?
  21. I just tried out @J95 latest post on my M18XR2 and I'm not getting any throttling with the new driver , I'm also using SVL7's vbios (better temps for me) and its working! Where's a donate button when you wanna mash it? lol
  22. @J95 352.84 works fine without any throttling, but I recently ran into a issue with a game that needs the latest drivers or it crashes, I tried the 364.51 again, the game ran with it but I was getting major throttling again. I couldn't see a vbios for 1.1.1 for a 980m, I used v2 of prema's bios on the 352.84 and it worked fine.
  23. Prema V2, please try installing v364.51 above using the proper nv_dispi.inf. @J95 I used the Windows 10 PEG inf file from your post and I used Prema V2 Vbios --> GTX980M_8GB_MXM_OC_PM_v2 when I tested the driver and I got instant power throttle, this is after rebooting and everything.
  24. I guess I'm not sure whats I'm doing wrong? I've followed your guide, I did the following: Updated my Vbios to PREMA V2 I did a DDU, Rebooted Then I ran this under a admin command prompt bcdedit /set {default} bootmenupolicy legacy I then proceeded to reboot the system and disable driver signing, then I extracted the new drivers using 7 zip, I replaced inf files in the display folder with the modded ones from your post, removed the folders that I didn't need from the driver folder as listed above, I then installed the driver, I then updated my profiles in nvidia inspector with the new PEG Mod Profiles V6, and set them to default, double checked tasks in task scheduler, rebooted after all the changes and then I ran a benchmark, according to GPU Z my gpu's being throttled way back due to power? I'm pretty sure I did everything in your guide, what did I miss? I also have the task in task scheduler imported for the PEG Mod to fire nvidia inspector when I log in, (imported the one you had or followed the PEG guide). Any help would be appreciated.
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