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About triggaz

  • Birthday 07/28/1983

triggaz's Achievements

Settling In

Settling In (2/7)



  1. Has anyone managed to have working RAID on Y580??
  2. Yesterday I got mine Y580 from a service center, they replaced a mainboard after my flashing. Right after power on I flashed (this time correctly) Your mod svl7 Runs great now thx.
  3. Ok, I tried everything by now... with no luck recovery reads usb drive and the pen is blinking as it would read the file but nothing more... still black screen. Last what left is Lenovo service...
  4. But wouldn't it be a bad idea to flash Win7 version to win8 version of Y580???
  5. Ok, I failed also with fat format what I think is that name of recovery file is different than from 2.7 bios. I also tried Alex tool to get the name but it gave 8 letters mixed wih strange sings. I also tried QUIWY4 name with no luck. Anyone is willing to post a bios image from hidden recovery partition? Maybe it will help to get a correct name...
  6. I tried with FAT32, all my pen's are above 2gb but today I got one and formatted with FAT, will try after my work and report. Hope it will do the trick coz sending to lenovo will last a week or more ;(
  7. Ok I tried it, but when I put AC it doesn't boot so I push power holding fn+b, it boots and vga cooler starts spinning faster and faster but after a while nothing happens. I suppose that the name is wrong. In stock I saw sth like INSYDEH2O
  8. What You mean by USB recovery method???
  9. I came from v8.0, I made backup of current bios than used biosfix and used backup and v8.01. Flashed the fixed bios and got bricked
  10. Help needed !!!, I updated the bios to 8.01 unlocked but now I have only keyboard leds on and a black screen I would be verry grateful for help. And svl7 sorry for my previous post ;(
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