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About Lalkamw3

  • Birthday 05/05/1993

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  1. Do you think it would be possible to match 670 or even 680/690m?
  2. what ov do u suggest for me if I can maintain 1280 3000 just fine on stock voltage? but I'm gonna try 1400
  3. well mayby 1 or 3 at least... its gmod and fallout 4 which are my fav
  4. maan when I'm gonna be promoted I'm so gonna flash this and go straight for 1400
  5. Over 100 games, but I do have origin and uplay so around 200
  6. maaan i wish laptop had stuff like this.. i would go 1500 oc for my lenovo
  7. If u are going for mobility and laptop, I woul suggest pure ssd. i had once hdssd and it crashed after 2 weaks due to physical damage. it was bouncing like crazy in my car, but i can play basketball with my ssd and it still performs well
  8. Maaan you are crazy XD Nice work tho, whats about geekbench?
  9. Lalkamw3

    Fury X

    I do think NVidia will beat this but at coast of pricing ( 100 - 200 $ more for same specs )
  10. You should look for new Lenovo laptops, pretty good specs as u wish and good price.
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